
Friday, September 28, 2012

Eagan Residences in Rochester, NY

A Google map with Eagan locations in Rochester from about 1863 until 1970.

View Rochester Residences of the Eagans in a larger map

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Patrick M. Eagan - Probate Record

Below is the probate record for Patrick M. Eagan's Will. Note that he died June 1, 1903 and the petition for probate was filed on June 11 and the executor was Patrick's son-in-law, John C. King, husband of Catherine Eagan King. There are notes of actions and objections up until 1918 but most are difficult to read. As noted in the previous post, conflicts in what to do with Patrick's property went on until 1920. One item that is readable is the amount of his taxable estate was $29,795.54. I'm not sure how that would relate to today's dollars.
Probate Record for Patrick M. Eagan

Monday, September 24, 2012

Patrick M. Eagan's Will - An Extended Journey

A couple of years back I posted an opinion of the NY State Supreme Court, Appellate Division having to do with my great-grandfather's will. In that instance my Grand-aunt Sarah Eagan, and others, had challenged my great-grandfather's will in that some stock had not been included in his estate. The court affirmed the Monroe County Probate Court that had ruled that my great-grandfather had donated the stock to his daughter, Catherine, before his death so it was not a part of his estate. As an aside, Catherine's husband, John King, was the executor of my great-grandfather's will.

I have found a number of items in the Rochester Daily Record over the period from 1903 (when my great-grandfather had died) until about 1920. One was an action brought be my great-grandmother, Mary, to replace John King as executor. I don't know whether he was,

In 1920 there was an action brought by James W. Eagan (son of Stephen Eagan, my grandfather) and Anne Eagan Hamilton [daughter of Stephen and my Aunt Nana] to sell property that my great-grandfather had in the 3rd Ward in the Prospect and Atkinson St. area.  The defendants in this action were Mary Eagan O'Brien [daughter of Stephen and my Aunt Mae], Austin Eagan [my father], and Elizabeth Eagan [Stephen's wife and my grandmother]. The notice in the Rochester Daily Record of March 18, 1920.

The following is from Plat Book of the City of Rochester and shows the two pieces of property that I believe were to be sold. They are noted as three black dots below the two properties. The Plot Book is dated 1935 and I know that Sarah Eagan got one of the properties, That one at the corner of Atkinson and Prospect Streets. In 1935 it was the Venice Hall restaurant. The other at the corner of Prospect aand Adams Sts. which is I believe Patrick Eagan had his grocery store.

Here is essentially the same area in a current Google Map.


1925 NY State Census - Eagans and Maloneys

Here is the 1925 NY State Census showing my father, Austin Eagan, living at 191 Raeburn Ave. with my Uncle Eddie and Aunt Mae, the O'Briens. Also there are my cousins, Eileen and Jack,
1925 NY State Census - Eagan and O'Brien

And here is the 1925 NY State Census for the Maloney family living at 54 Greig Street.
1925 NY State Census - Maloney

Monday, September 10, 2012

Obituary for Patrick M. Eagan

In searching the Fulton NY Post Card site (which has old newspapers in addition to old post cards) I came across the obituary in the June 2, 1903 Rochester, NY Democrat & Chronicle for my great-grandfather, Patrick M. Eagan. Here is the obit:

Obituary for Patrick M. Eagan

A couple of things noted in the obituary are new to me. 
  • It notes that he was born in  Cork, Ireland. Whether this means Co. Cork or Cork City remains to be seen. Up to this point I had no idea where in Ireland my great-grandfather came from. When I was young I asked my father where his family came from and he told me that he thought it was Co. Kerry but he was not sure.
  • It also notes that he left Ireland at the age 12 meaning he came here about 1840. I wonder if he came by himself or with other members of his family?
  • It notes that before he came to Rochester he was in Albion, NY. Albion is in Orleans County as is Medina, the baptismal site for Patrick and Mary Eagan's first child, Catherine Jane Eagan.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Obituary for Ellen Kearney Maloney

This is the obituary for my 2nd great-grandmother, Ellen Kearney Maloney, printed in the Rochester, NY Democrat & Chronicle of Tuesday, July 4, 1899.

Mrs. Ellen Maloney died yesterday morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. [Margaret Mary] Mahon, on the Charlotte boulevard, aged 75 years. The deceased had been a resident of the city for the past forty years, and had a wide circle of friends. She is survived bt three sons and one daughter: M. J. [Michael], T. O'K. [Thomas O'Kearney] and Mrs J. J. [Margaret Mary] Mahon.

Ellen Maloney is buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in a plot with these two sons and a number of her Gallery relatives. (Her mother was a Gallery.)

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Obituary for Elizabeth Clarke Eagan

This is the obituary of my paternal grandmother, Eizabeth Clarke Eagan, from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle of Wednesday, March 10, 1937.

Because it is a bit difficult to read, this is what it says:

EAGAN - Entered into rest on Tuesday, Mar. 9, 1937, Mrs. Elizabeth Eagan, wwidow of the late Steven Eagan.  She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Edward J. O'Brien, Rochester; Mrs. Ann Murphy of Chicago, Ill.; one son, Austin Eagan; three sisters, Mrs. George Stoffel, Cincinnati, O., Mrs. Anton Baler of Dayton, O., Mrs. Ann Denny of Chicago, Ill.; two grandchildren.
- Funeral from the home, 2360 Clinton Ave. North, Friday morning at 8.30 and St. Margaret Mary Church at 9 o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

A couple of notes. The two grandchildren were Eileen and Jack O'Brien. The Clinton Ave. N. address is probably the home of the O'Briens.