Another year's worth of items concerning Rochester's 54th Regiment of the NY National Guard. The year started with news of the new Armory to be built in Rochester. There were troops sent to Charlotte fearing becoming involved in the Fenian Brotherhood raids on Canada. This was interested because the Union & Advertiser printed a 'thank you' letter from the Fenian Brotherhood thaanking some members of the 54th Regiment (including my great-grandfather, Capt. Maloney) on the 25th of July. Here are the news items:
Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: January 10, 1866, p. 2
SELECTION OF SITE FOR THE STATE ARMORY—The Common Council last night directed the Mayor to exchange the southern portion of Center Market lot with Mr. John Sheridan for his lot at the corner of State and Platt streets, now occupied as a lumber yard by the Messrs. Coleman, and to execute a deed of the lot to the State of New York for an armory.
The new site is, we understand, one highly acceptable to the commissioners appointed to erect the building, and as it is quite central and eligible in all respects, it will probably prove as acceptable to the military and the public as any other. The purchase involves no taxation or new expenditure for a site. The old market has been for many years a source of expense to the city.
There has been considerable feeling in the Board in respect to the selection of a site for an armory, which finally settled down squarely to a question between the two sides of the River. The east side, having four Aldermen more than the west, took the matter in hand and sought to dispose of it, and would have done so but for want of funds to make the purchase. The west side Aldermen hit upon a plan to accure [sic] a site without taxation or any cash expenditure, and last night took the action above stated. When the east side Aldermen had their way, their brethren of the west side threatened the law. Now that the west siders are ahead, their brethren of the other side return the threats. The impartial spectator will say that so far the thing is about even, with the latest returns favorable to the west side.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: January 12, 1866, p. 2STATE ARSENAL SITE—The site for a State Armory and Arsenal on State st., chosen by the Common Council, has been examined by many citizens since and all concur in saying that it is a most eligible location in all respects. The lot has a front of 162 feet upon State street and the same rear of Otsego street, and runs 200 feet or thereabouts along Platt street, thus having streets on three sides. It is only four minutes walk from the Arcade, on the broadest avenue leading to the country and one of the great business streets of the city; it is within forty rods of the Central Railroad Depot and freight houses and not much farther from the Canal, making the transportation of arms and heavy ordnance [easy?], and there is no objection that can possibly be thought to the site. This may all be truly said and must be conceded without respect to the manner of its selection or what issues may have arisen in the Common Council. We allude to the site without respect to its merits solely. An elegant stone building costing sixty or seventy thousand dollars upon this site will be [ ] by citizens and strangers with approbation [ ] admiration.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: January 13, 1866, p. 2
ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR CO. G, 54TH REGIMENT—FLOUR CITY CADETS—At an election held last night at the Armory, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Orderly Sergeant, John O'Kane; 2nd Sergeant, Michael Dolan; 3rd Sergt. John H. Wilson; 4th Sergt. George A. Begy; 1st Corporal, A. M. Howland; 2nd Corporal, Geo. A. Thompson; 3rd Corporal, Wm. Farrell; 4th Corporal, Jerry Sullivan.
Civil Officers—President, John C. Smith; Vice-President, George A. Begy; Secretary, J. H. Wilson; Treasurer, John C. Smith.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: January 17, 1866, p. 2THE ARSENAL BILL—The Senate has passed a bill to enable the city of Rochester to purchase a site for an arsenal and tax the people.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: January 20, 1866, p. 2
LECTURE FOR THE GRAYS—Gen. Geo. Ward Nichols, Aide-de-camp, and a member of Gen. Sherman's personal military family, is to deliver the lecture for the benefit of the Rochester Union Grays, on Tuesday evening next. His subject is "The Romance of the War," which is said by those who have heard it, to be a very fine production. As an author Gen. Nichols has proved very successful. His "Story of Sherman's Campaigns" has already reached its 23rd edition and it has been on sale only a short time. There is no doubt but that this lecture will prove one of the most interesting and truthful which has been delivered during the lecture course this season. We advise all who wish to hear him to go early. The Grays will attend the lecture in full uniform accompanied by Capt. Newman's splendid Band.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: February 6, 1866, p. 2FIRST ANNUAL ASSEMBLY OF CO. E, 54TH REGIMENT, N. G.—The first annual assembly of Co. E, Capt. Henderson, 54th Regiment, N. G., is announced for Monday evening next, at the Regimental Armory. The affair promises to be a fine one, and no pains have been spared by the members of the Company to make everything pleasant for those who may be their guests on the occasion. The company is composed of young men of good standing in society, and in a military sense stands unequal by any similar organization. It was one of the last companies to attach itself to the regiment, but they have by strict attention to their duties enable themselves to take high rank as militiamen. The lovers of dancing will not forget the appointed time for a party, but be on hand to give the boys a rousing benefit. The tickets are placed at the low rate of one dollars each.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: February 7, 1866, p. 2THE STATE ARSENAL—The Commissioners appointed to locate the State Arsenal in this city, concluded their deliberations yesterday and decided that a lot south of Washington Square was the most eligible for the purpose. Their decision was no doubt a correct one, and would have been acquiesced in by all had it been distinctly understood for what purposes the building is to be used. It will be in considerable part used for the storage of ammunition—in fact a great powder magazine. Such a building should not only be located upon an elevation, to ensure dryness, but it should be as far as possible from the manufactories and all that may endanger it by fire. But for the fact that the cartage of powder and arms would be inconvenient, and because in time of domestic troubles such a building must be easy of access—this Arsenal would probably have been placed on the Pinnacle range of hills. Arsenals are usually located in the outskirts of cities and in retired spots. They are held to be very prejudicial to neighboring property, and this is said to be the first instance in which an effort has been made to bring an Arsenal into a thickly populated locality. The foolish quarrel has all grown out a misapprehension as to the character and use of the building. Our citizens had somehow obtained the impression that it was to be an elegant military hall and little else. It will be as unlike the thing painted as possible. It will be a magazine and under the charge of sentries or keepers who will see that no improper person enters its doors or that no fire is used within to the danger of an explosion that might desolate half of the city.
The lot selected by the Board on State street was not suitable as it was in too populous a part of the city, and the basement, which will be filled with powder and fixed ammunition, cartridges, shells, etc., might be inundated if a breach should occur in the canal.—The owners of the property in the Second Ward, at once changed their views when they understood the facts. They wanted a military hall and armory, but they did not want a mammoth powder house or magazine in their midst. The only claimants being in the region of Washington Square, and no objection being urged, the Arsenal will be located there. The Common Council last night ordered the purchase of land to enlarge the lot previously purchased. It is desirable to have the building cover with its grounds an entire block, that it may be as remote as possible from buildings adjacent.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: February 12, 1866, p. 2
CO. E ASSEMBLY—To-night Co. E, 54th Regiment, will give its annual assembly at the Regimental Armory, Exchange street. It will be a good party.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: March 15, 1866, p. 2THE DRAGOONS DISBANDED—The Rochester City Dragoons has ceased to exist as a military organization. The company has been many years in existence and has had a brilliant career. It was always an expensive organization to its members, and it is indeed remarkable that it was sustained for so many years. The war took away many of its active members, and the organization has been abandoned.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: March 31, 1866, p. 2
NEWMAN'S GRAND BALL—The members of the 54th Regiment and others friendly to that excellent musical organization, Newman's Band, should not forget that on Monday evening a grand ball will be given at Military Hall, the proceeds of which goes to the Treasury of the Band. The music will be excellent and the company good. Let all fond of such pastime be there.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: April 25, 1866, p. 2
MILITARY FESTIVAL—The 26th anniversary of the German Grenadiers is to be celebrated to-night at Military Hall by a party given to invited guests of the corps. The gathering will be of a social character and pleasant to all who are so fortunate as to be present.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: May 4, 1866, p. 2
ELECTION OF OFFICERS—At their annual meeting, held on the evening of May 3d, the Union Blues elected for their officers for the ensuing year:
Military—C. Waydell, Captain; L. F. Ward, 1st Lieut.; Willard Abbott, 2nd Lieut.; J. F. Pool, 1st Sergeant; D. Hoyt, 2nd do; S. W. Updike, 3rd do; D. E. Sackett, 4th do; H. S. Dean, Color Serg't; C. A. Philips, 1st Corporal; J. F. Hawley, 2nd do; W. N. Octhout, 3rd do; Geo. S. Baker, 4th do.
Civil—L. A. Pratt, President; J. W. Martin, Vice do; D. E. Sackett, Secretary; C. F. Paine, Treasurer.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: May 29, 1866, p. 2
MILITARY CONCERT—To-night the concert for the benefit of the 54th Regiment will take place at Corinthian Hall. The occasion—a call from our own regiment, of which we are all so proud—should ensure a full house, but the musical attractions will repay those who have no pride in our soldiery. Mad. Abbott, Miss Benson, and other distinguished vocalists will appear, together with the Philharmonic Orchestra. The arrangements are complete for a grand concert, and it is expected that the hall will be crowded.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: May 30, 1866, p. 2THE REGIMENTAL CONCERT—The entertainment given last night for the 54th Regiment was one of the best musical efforts of the season. We do not remember a concert where the whole audience appeared to enter into its enjoyment with more zest than they did last night. To say that in point of pleasing, it was a success, will not express the idea—it was a complete triumph, and mostly won by home talent. The audience was large considering the state of the weather, which precluded even some who had tickets from attending. Mad. Abbott appeared for the second time, we believe, in this city, and more than answered the expectations of her friends. She was encored every time she appeared, and with each return won new favor. Miss Benson excelled herself on this occasion and certainly has never before appeared to such advantage in this city. She, too, was encored, and the audience could not restrain from enthusiasm when she returned.— If Miss B. was not an established favorite before, she certainly obtained that position last night. Mrs. Carey of Brockport, came to the piano last night, as did her lady associates of the vocal class, in the best possible humor for success. She certainly played better than ever before in public here, and she won the heartiest applause of the audience. She has gained plenty of admirers among those who have listened before, but last night she must have increased the number largely, for all were delighted. The Philharmonic Orchestra acquitted itself proudly, and did its full part to make this concert just what it was—a brilliant musical entertainment.
We congratulate all concerned, and especially the gallant 54th, for whose benefit the concert was given. It occurs to us that it would well bear repetition. Many would be eager to purchase tickets who before took them as a compliment to the Regiment.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: June 2, 1866, p. 2THE UNION BLUES—This fine corps are preparing to go to Albany next week. The Blues will be in fine condition. The corps had a prize drill last night at their room. A gold medal, the first prize was awarded to Sergt. David Hoyt. The second to W. S. Updike. Both prizes were gold medals.
An elegant badge is on exhibition at the jewelry store of John T. Fox, which will be given to the best shot in the corps, by the honorary members. The trial will probably take place in Albany.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: June 9, 1866, p. 2
Troops at Charlotte—————
The reports of the intention of certain parties to violate the neutrality laws by seizing the Canadian steamers running to this port, has induced Gen. Barry, commanding the frontier, to order troops to Charlotte for the protection of property and the preservation of the peace. The General made a request upon Brig. Gen. Williams for a company of State soldiers. Gen. W. therefore made an order upon Col. Clark, of the 54th Regiment, to detail a company for this duty. Col. Clark therefore ordered into the service Capt. Schoen's Company, of fifty men, who were taken by special train to Charlotte this morning. The order required that each man should have forty rounds of ball cartridge, and requisite equipments. The company are under orders to report to Collector Crenell.
Capt. Schoen's company are now quartered at the American Hotel, where they will receive their rations. They will be speedily provided with tents. This will be a sufficient force to prevent any difficulty. The Canadian steamers can now run without danger of interference from any quarter.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: June 12, 1866, p. 2MATTERS AT CHARLOTTE—Company B, Capt. Schoen, stationed at Charlotte to keep the Fenians from seizing the Canadian steamers, were enjoying themselves this forenoon by a target shoot. This evening the company will return to the city, all fears of the Fenians committing any acts of violence having subsided.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: June 13, 1866, p. 2RETURN OF CO. B, 54TH N. Y. N. G. FROM CHARLOTTE—Co. B, Capt. Schoen, 54th Regiment, N. Y. N. G., returned from Charlotte last evening, having been mustered out of service. The target shoot of the company yesterday passed off very pleasantly. Wm. Zimmer won the prize, a photograph album, for the best shot. Orderly Sergeant Baner, won the second prize, a sett [sic] of knives and forks. Christopher C. Meyer won the third prize, sett [sic] of silver tea spoons. Sergeant Stull for making the poorest shot, received the prize offered, a pair of tin spectacles.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: June 28, 1866, p. 2
TARGET EXCURSION—Co. D, Capt Boetzel, of the 54th Regiment, went to the Sea Breeze on Tuesday, for recreation and target practice. The excursion was a very pleasant one in all respects. There were three prizes set apart for the three best shots, they were distributed as follows: First prize to Jacob Herberger—a mirror; second prize, to Geo. Glasser—a silver caster; third prize to Jacob Vogt—a set of knives and forks. The shooting was very good.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 2, 1866, p. 2LIGHT GUARD AND BLUES—FOURTH OF JULY PARADE—At a meeting of the Light Guards, held Wednesday evening, June 28, the following correspondence was ordered published in the daily papers of the city:
ROCHESTER, N. Y., June 19
D. E. Sackett, Esq., Secretary Rochester Union Blues.—Dear Sir: At a regular meeting of the Rochester Light Guard, held at their armory Monday evening, June 18th, it was unanimously
Resolved, That the Rochester Union Blues be invited to parade with the corps on the morning of July 4th, at half-past eight o'clock, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to their Secretary.
Awaiting your reply acknowledging the receipt of this and stating action taken by your corps on the same, I have the honor to remain,
Very respectfully yours,
W. Louis Angevine
Secretary Rochester Light Guard
Rochester, June 23
W. L. Angevine, Esq., Secretary Rochester Light Guard—Dear Sir:—Yours of the 19th instant, embodying resolution passed by your organization, inviting the Blues to turn out with you for parade, July 4th, was duly received, and I presented the same to the company at a regular meeting held 21st inst. The invitation was accepted unanimously, and the company was ordered to fall in at 7:30 A.M., July 4th, for street parade with the Rochester Light Guard, by invitation. With kind good feeling to the men who compose your corps,
I remain yours, &c.,
D. E. Sackett
Secretary Union Blues
The Light Guard have lately procured a splendid French Zouave uniform, in which they will make their first public appearance on the 4th. Having been for years past drilling as Zouaves, they are now well skilled in these tactics.
The Blues, we all know, is one of the finest drilled companies in the State. They can make a good military show at any time. The two companies will give our citizens something handsome in the way of military parade on the 4th.
The parade will take place at 8 A.M., instead of 7:30 as stated above.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 3, 1866, p. 2
ATTENTION—The members of the Light Guard, will report at the Armory on Wednesday, July 4th, at 7 o'clock A.M., in full dress Zouave uniform, for parade, accompanied by Perkins' Band. The Company will move at 7:45, and proceed to the Armory of the Union Blues, where the line will be formed for a joint parade of the Blues and Light Guard, at 8 o'clock.
By Order,
C. L. Fredenburg, Capt. Com.
C. B. Campbell, Orderly.
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THE "GRAYS" AND THE FOURTH—The Rochester Union Grays will fire the customary Federal salute to-morrow morning at sunrise, and the National salute at sunset. They will also parade in the morning from 7 to 9 o'clock, with side arms, accompanied by Hines' Martial Band—"old style."
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 5, 1866, p. 2
The Fourth in Rochester—————
The anniversary of American independence was celebrated in this city yesterday, but with no marked or distinguishing peculiarity. There was no formal public celebration. Associations, families and individuals celebrated, each on "its own hook."
The sun rose handsomely and gave promise of a splendid day. The boys were up first, however, and began to blow away powder by all the usual processes before it was light. This they continued to do until late into the night.
At sunrise a federal salute was fired by the Grays, and the bells were rung. This was repeated at sunset. The railroad men also fired a salute with their own gun in Browns Square.
About eight o'clock rain began to fall, the heavens were darkened, and many had reasons to fear that the sport of the day was at an end. How many young people were depressed by this circumstance! But what then appeared to be so unfortunate for their expectations of pleasure, proved to be the best, and actually enhanced their comfort. Before noon the sky cleared up, the sun came put, and a fine breeze prevailed all the rest of the day. No weather could have been more favorable for whatever was to be done, indoors or out.
The Grays paraded first with a Martial Band, and made a good appearance. After the clouds began to break the Light Guard and the Union Blues appeared, and made the finest street parade we ever saw in Rochester. The Guard had a beautiful new Zouave uniform, and turned out in large numbers. The Blues were in good trim and fair numbers. The parade attracted much attention, and the companies elicited the hearty approbation of citizens and strangers who thronged the streets through which they passed. Newman's Band appeared on this occasion with a new and becoming uniform. The gentlemen of the Light Guard and Union Blues are entitled to the thanks of the public for appearing on this occasion when something of this kind was required to show that we had not ceased to be a military people.
The various public Fairs and places of amusement were largely patronized during the day and evening. The steamers making excursions on the Lake did a moderate business—less however than last year.
In the evening fireworks were displayed more or less on private account. George J. Whitney, Esq., mad a grand display, as is his custom, at his elegant grounds on State st. Thousands of people witnessed this exhibition and are largely indebted to Mr. Whitney for a show that would have done credit to the corporation as a public display. The grounds of Mr. W. were handsomely decorated with Chinese lanterns making a display that was beautiful, but the show of rockets, candles, ornamented pieces, fire balloons, colored lights, music, etc., made the affair complete. The public have become so accustomed to these annual displays at Mr. Whitney's grounds that thousands flock there on the night of the Fourth without any notice being given of the intended display. Mr. W. may very well be called a showman who can draw a large audience without advertising.
The anniversary passed off in an orderly manner so far as we are advised, and with less than the usual number of accidents.
The influx of strangers was considerable. The steamers Rochester and Corinthian brought over six or eight hundred Canadians on the night of the 3d, and they passed away the time as best they could, many were perhaps disappointed that there was no public celebration.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 6, 1866, p. 2REGIMENTAL PARADE—The 54th regiment is out for parade this afternoon. If the weather is not too warm the regiment will go to Jones' Square.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 7, 1866, p. 2PARADE OF THE 54TH—The regimental parade yesterday was a creditable affair to the 54th Regiment and to the city where the officers and soldiers dwell. The weather was warm—hot, we may say, and marching in heavy uniforms was hard work. The Regiment marched from the Armory to Jones Square, considerably more than a mile, and there went through the programme laid down by Colonel Clark. At the close of the parade the Regiment returned to the Armory and all passed off well. A large number of citizens gathered at the Square to witness the parade. The 54th appears to be full and prosperous.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 11, 1866, p. 2THE UNION GRAYS—The First Battalion Light Artillery are now putting on a new uniform of the French pattern, procured in New York, independent of the State regulation uniform. It is said to a nice thing in its way. The battalion will soon receive two six pound bronze guns, with all attachments, making the Battery complete in all respects.
In a few days there will be an annual target shoot for the Grays, to which State and other military men will be invited. A good time may be expected.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 11, 1866, p. 2ELECTION OF OFFICERS—At an election of Williams' corps, 54th Regiment N. Y. S. N. G., held last evening, Col. Clark presiding, the following commissioned officers were elected: C. F. Sabin, 1st Lieutenant, vice E. H. C. Griffin, resigned. M. J. Maloneo [sic], 2nd Lieut., promoted.
J. Hogan, Sec.
Rochester, July 10, 1866.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 21, 1866, p. 2ATTENTION CO. "K," 54TH—All members of this corps are hereby ordered to appear in full uniform, on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock P.M. for parade.
By order of
Benj. Ridley, Capt.
David J. Sadden, Orderly
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 24, 1866, p. 2PARADE OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—On Thursday, the 26th inst., the second anniversary of the day on which the 54th Regiment was mustered into the Federal service, there will be a regimental parade. Col. Clark will be absent, having gone to attend Commencement at Yale, and meet his old class-mates. Lieut. Col. Sellinger will command. The regiment will leave the armory at 2 o'clock P.M., and march to Jones Square for drill and parade. It will return to the centre of the city about 6:30, and then there will be a dress parade in front of the Court House. If the weather is fair, a fine display may be anticipated. The 54th is now in fine condition.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 25, 1866, p. 2ROOMS OF THE ROCHESTER CIRCLE FENIAN BROTHERHOOD, ROCHESTER, JULY 24TH, 1866—At the regular meeting of the above circle, Fenian Brotherhood, held on Monday evening, 23rd inst., the following resolution was unanimously carried:
Resolved, That the thanks of this circle are due and most heartily tendered to the following gentlemen for their assistance and loan of arms, accoutrements, and clothing on the occasion of our Pic Nic held the 19th inst.
Capt. Chas. L. Gredenburg [sic],
Lieut. Frank Madden, Rochester Light Guards,
Capt. H. [sic] Maloney, Co. I, 54th Regt.
Capt. Ben Ridley, Co. K, " "
Capt. Fred. Schoen, Co. B, " "
Jas. Cooper, Sec'y
The committee of Arrangements also on behalf of the circle return their sincere thanks to all who assisted on the above occasion, whether members of the organization or not. The success of the Pic Nic, and the orderly and efficient manner in which it was conducted, fully attest to the valuable services rendered.
To the citizens who so liberally patronized us we in behalf of "Poor Old Ireland" and he cause our heartfelt gratitude and our assurance that the proceeds will be donated to the cause of Irish Independence.
Patrick O'Brien }
Martin Burns } Com.
Geo. W. Conally}
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 26, 1866, p. 2REGIMENTAL PARADE—The 54th Regiment turned out this afternoon and went to Jones Square for parade. The regiment made a fine turn-out. There will be a parade in front of the Court House at 6:30 this evening.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 27, 1866, p. 2
PARADE OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—The Regiment paraded at Jones Square yesterday afternoon, under command of Lieut. Col. Sellinger. The several evolutions and manual were well executed, and elicited the applause of the spectators. Subsequently in the Court House square the Company drill was had, in which the crowd gathered were greatly interested.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 13, 1866, p. 2
TARGET SHOOT OF THE GRAYS—The Union Grays will go to the Newport House at 7 a. m., to-morrow to have a target shoot, a dinner, and spend the day in a pleasant way on and beside the waters of Irondequoit Bay. The arrangements are so made as to insure a good time for all.
Col. C. W. Bentley, Asst. Adjt. Gen., has advised Major Lewis that he will leave Albany to-day for Rochester to accept an invitation to be present on this occasion.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 21, 1866, p. 2LIGHT GUARD FIELD DAY—On Thursday the Light Guard Zouaves, Capt. Fredenburg, will make an excursion to Canandaigua and the head of Canandaigua Lake, accompanied by Captain Perkins' Band. Transportation has been provided on the nine o'clock train. At Canandaigua the Company will make the Canandaigua Hotel its headquarters. Target practice will take place immediately after the arrival of the train; at the conclusion of which the Company will return to headquarters, spending a short time in drill on the grounds in front of the Court House. "Rations will be issued" at two o'clock by Quartermaster "Port" Gunn. At three o'clock the Company will lake the steamer Canandaigua for Woodville, returning at seven o'clock for "more rations." After supper the line will be formed for a street parade, &c., concluding in time to take the 10:20 train for Rochester. Gen. Williams, Col. Clark and other officers and many friends of the Light Guard will accompany them on this occasion.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 22, 1866, p. 2
TARGET SHOOT AND EXCURSION—On Friday next, Co. E, 54th regiment, intend on going on a target shoot and excursion on Lake Ontario. They leave for Charlotte in the morning, at which place they have a target shoot. After partaking of one of Stutson's dinners they have an excursion on the lake in the steamer Rochester. Those of our citizens who cannot go with the company in the morning, can leave the city on the 2:30 train and be in time for the excursion on the lake, returning home at 7 o'clock in the evening. A very pleasant time may be expected by all who attend.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 24, 1866, p. 2EXCURSION OF THE LIGHT GUARD—The Light Guard went to Canandaigua yesterday morning and returned last night, delighted with the trip. The corps was attended by Capt. Perkins' Band. On arriving at Canandaigua they marched to the ground chosen for target practice, and remained till near two o'clock. Dinners was then served in the fine style at the Canandaigua Hotel, by the Messrs. Gunn.
After dinner the company went on board the steamer and proceeded up the lake, spending the rest of the day viewing the fine scenery. The boat called at Seneca Point and the corps were invited by the Messrs. McKechnie to partake of refreshments, and were entertained in a truly hospitable manner.
The boat reach Canandaigua at 8:30, and the corps arrived here at 11:30. The members are delighted with their entertainment. To Mr. Faling, of Canandaigua, they are especially indebted for his unremitting attention.
Col. Clark and the officers of the 54th Regiment accompanied the Light Guard on this excursion.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 30, 1866, p. 2COMPLIMENT TO THE LIGHT GUARD—The Ontario Co. Times, published at Canandaigua, has the following complimentary notice to the Light Guard:
Capt. Fredenberg's Company of Zouzves from Rochester, which visited this place and took an excursion up the lake on Thursday last, made a fine display, and treated our citizens to a very gratifying exhibition of military exercises. The Company is evidently made up of the right sort of stuff. The gentlemanly conduct and soldierly bearing of both officers and men won the admiration of all. We hope we shall see more of them.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 31, 1866, p. 2
MILITARY PARADE—The 54th Regiment, Col. Clark, turned out yesterday afternoon for inspection and review. The regiment marched to Jones Square, and made a creditable display. Brigadier General Williams was the reviewing officer. There was a large attendance of citizens present to witness the parade, and all no doubt went away feeling proud of our regiment, as they had a right to be. One must travel a great way to find a better regiment, in all that goes to make soldiers, than the 54th.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 31, 1866, p. 2
Reception of the President—————
The Committee of Arrangements for the reception of President Johnson and party, have agreed upon the programme so far as can be made with the knowledge the committee has of the movements of the Presidential train. It is not known precisely at what time the train will arrive from Canandaigua, but it is expected at half-past eleven o'clock.
A sub-committee consisting of His Honor Mayor Moore, Ambrose Cram, L. C. Spencer, E. K. Warren, Geo. J. Whitney, H. D. Scrantom, Wm. N. Sage, D. W. Powers, W. C. Rowley and W. H. Groot—has been designated to go to Canandaigua and wait upon the President and his party there and accompany them to this city.
The Rochester Union Grays will fire a Presidential salute as the train enters the city.
The 54th Regiment, Col. Clark, the Battery of the Light Artillery, Major Lewis, and the Union Blues, Capt. Waydell, will be at the Depot to receive the President and will serve as an escort if a procession is formed.
If it shall be ascertained that the party will remain but half an hour, the formal reception will take place on the upper balcony of Congress Hall, where the Mayor will receive the President and other distinguished guests in full view of the people who can stand in the Railroad Square.
If, however, it shall be ascertained that the President will remain one hour or more, then he and his associates will be conveyed in carriages to the Court House, and the reception will take place there.
After the reception, the guests of the City will go to the Dining Room of Congress Hall, and partake of a collation prepared by the proprietor, Mr. Purcell.
This is all the programme that the Committee are able to announce, and it may be revised according to circumstances. As the Committee cannot control the movements of the President, they cannot, of course, do more than make arrangements subordinate to those made for his tour.
The Reception Committee are requested to meet at the Mayor's Office at 10 o'clock.
The committee consists of the following gentlemen:
His Honor Mayor Moore, Alds. Groot, Spencer, Hyde, Cram, Kelly, Warren, Qualtrough, Angle, Remington, Graham, Guggenheim, Beir, Mutchler, Gorsline, Copeland, Taylor, Brown, Callister, Powers, Paine, Adelman, McQuatters, Horcheler, Draper, Mander, Quin and Hogeboom; Gen. Williams, Maj. Lee, Col. Clark and Capt. Waydell, on the part of the military; Adolphe Nolte, Geo. G. Cooper, Louis Brandt, D. W. Wilder and Robt. Carter, on the part of the editorial corps.
On behalf of the city at large as follows:
First Ward—W. F. Holmes and E. T. Huntington. 2d Ward—Geo. J. Whitney and David Upton. 3d Ward—D. D. T. Moore and C. B. Hill. 4th Ward—J. E. Morey and C. C. H. Miller. 5th Ward—Darius Perrin and Jos. Cochrane. 6th Ward—Chas. H. Williams and Jos. Schutte. 7th Ward—R. Milliman and Geo. W. Miller. 8th Ward—H. I. Fish and N. A. Stone. 9th Ward—Edward Duffy and Lewis Selye. 10th Ward—B. R McAlpine and John Craig. 11th Ward—Charles Wilson and Louis Bauer. 12th Ward—P. Barry and H. Hebing. 13th Ward—L. Sellinger and Hiram Davis. 14th Ward—George Zeislein and H. H. Woodward.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 8, 1866, p. 2
INSPECTION AND FIELD DAY—The Annual Field Day, Inspection and Review of the 1st Battalion of Light Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y., Major Wm. M. Lewis, commanding, takes place at Jones' Square on Tuesday next, the 11th of September. The Battalion will leave the Armory at 9 o'clock A.M., and remain on the field for drill, taking with them one day's rations. Inspection and review will take place at 8 o'clock P.M. Brig. Gen. John Williams will review, and Major Geo. Hyland, Jr., will inspect the command. Gov. Fenton and staff will certainly be there. The Mayor and Common Council of the city have also received and invitation to witness the inspection and review.
The Battalion has now two full batteries of 4 guns each, which are under the command of Capts. M. R. Quinn and Thos. Barnes. If saddle horses sufficient can be obtained, Capt. A. Scott will turn out in connection with the Battalion with his Mounted Band, late of the 21st Cavalry. This parade will undoubtedly be a fine affair, surpassing anything ever before witnessed in this city. From a small company of twenty-eight men, (originally the Rochester Union Grays, which name is still preserved by the command,) it now numbers over two hundred members, making the largest and best organized militia artillery command in or out of the State, and this is mainly due to the perseverance of Maj. Lewis and his excellent officers. It is an organization that should be fostered and appreciated by our citizens. The "Old Grays"—whose name is legion—we know appreciate the efforts of the officers in retaining maintaining the identity of the old corps.
Any person having army horses and who will allow them to be used for the Band, for this occasion, will confer a great favor on the "Grays" by reporting to Maj. Lewis or Lieut. W. Darrow, at Darrow & Kempstall's Bookstore, Main street, by Monday evening next. Only thirteen horses are wanted.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 12, 1866, p. 2
THE GRAYS INSPECTION—Not withstanding the pelting rain of yesterday the Grays Artillery turned out and spent the day at Jones' Square. The battalion was out in goodly numbers. The two batteries of four guns each were on the ground, and were inspected by Major Hyland. Subsequently they were reviewed by Gen. Williams. The Grays showed that they were not sunshine soldiers.
The attendance of spectators was small. Among them were Col. Higgins, Inspector on the Governor's Staff, and Col. J. C. Bennett, of the 85th Reg. N. Y. N. G. These gentlemen appeared highly pleased with the appearance of the Battalion.
Gov. Fenton was invited to be present. He declined and sent the following letter.
ALBANY, Sept. 6, 1866
Maj. Wm. M. Lewis, Commanding Battalion, Lt. Art., N. Y. S. N. G.
DEAR SIR:—I am in receipt of your kind invitation to attend the review of your command on the 11th inst. Were I at liberty I should take pleasure in accepting your invitation and acquainting myself more fully with the efficiency and success of your organization. My engagements, however, in this part of the State, will not allow this satisfaction, and I must therefore decline.
Very truly yours,
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 22, 1866, p. 2
THE ROCHESTER ARMORY—Inspector General Bachellor arrived here this morning to confer with Gen. Williams with respect to the State armory. The ground was looked over by these gentlemen. They are prepared to begin work on construction we understand, but are waiting for the city to give the State a title to the land. What the cause of its long delay in this particular we are not advised. We had supposed that the armory site was purchased months ago. What is the matter? Can any of the Aldermen tell the public?
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 13, 1866, p. 2MILITARY BALL—Co. A., 54th Regiment N. Y. S. N. G., give a ball on Monday evening next, at the Regimental Armory. Newman's Band furnishes the music, and the price of tickets is one dollar. The occasion promises to be an agreeable one to all who may attend. Every arrangement has been perfected to secure the comfort and pleasure of guests.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 5, 1866, p. 2
FLOUR CITY CADETS LEVEE—All persons holding invitations to the Cadets party, Washington Hall, Nov. 8th, and desiring carriages, are requested to send their names and residence to Geo. A. Begy, Post Office, until 10 A.M. of the above date. As it is expected that the party will be very large, all are respectfully requested to be ready as early as 7 o'clock P.M.
Geo. A. Begy
Chairman Com. Of Arrangements
[This notice was repeated Nov 6 and 7.]
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 7, 1866, p. 2BALL OF COMPANY G—To-morrow night Company G, (Flour City Cadets) Capt. Smith, will give their annual ball at Washington Hall. This will be, we are sure, one of the best affairs of its kind of the season. The Company has made arrangements to insure the admission only of respectable persons, and all who attend will be well cared for. Mr. Palmer will serve up the refreshments on the European plan, so that each guest can order what he may desire at any hour. The committee of arrangements will see that all is in readiness to-morrow night for a gay party at Washington Hall.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 9, 1866, p. 2
BALL OF COMPANY G—The Flour City Cadets (Co. G, of the 54th Regiment,) gave its annual ball last night at Washington Hall. The attendance was very large—indeed there were all present that could well be accommodated in that great hall. The company was made up of gentlemen and ladies chiefly of the younger class and was a fine collection for the spectacular to look upon. The music was good and the management admirable. The company remained till a late hour in the night and separated all no doubt well pleased with the entertainment. The supper was well served by Mr. James H. Palmer in the commodious dining rooms of the hall. The hall was handsomely decorated with flags and pictures, and everything was "gay and festive." Mr. Tyler, the lessee of Washington Hall, omits no attention on his part to render the parties and exhibitions in that place acceptable to those who conduct them and the public who attend them. We congratulate Co. G on the success of this party.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 17, 1866, p. 2GRAY'S ANNIVERSARY SUPPER—The Rochester Union Grays announce their purpose to celebrate the 29th anniversary of the corps, on Tuesday night, by a supper at Norris's Dining Saloon, Exchange Place. The Veteran Grays celebrate on the 19th, and the Active Grays on the 20th, so that all who desire can attend both Festival.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 6, 1866, p. 2
MILITARY ELECTION—At the annual meeting held last evening by Co. B, 54th Regiment, (German Grenadiers,) the following non-commissioned and civil officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Orderly Sergeant, Louis Bauer, Jr.; 2d Sergeant, Ernst Hoffman; 3d do, George May; 4th do, Peter Reinhardt; 1st Corporal, Henry Kintzel; 2d do, Andrew Meyer, Jr.; 3d do, Wm. W. Zimmer; 4th do, Philip Fisher.
Civil Officers—President, John N. Weitzel; Vice-President, Jacob Renner; Secretary, Louis Duerr; Cor. Secretary, Fr. Miller, Jr.; Treasurer, Louis Bauer, Jr.; Armourer, Val Weingartner.
John N. Weitzel, Pres.
Louis Duerr, Sec'y
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 12, 1866, p. 2
COURT MARTIALS OF 25TH BRIGADE N. G. S. N. Y.—Brig. Gen. John Williams has ordered the following Court Martials [sic] for his brigade for the trial of delinquents, and ordered the following officers to preside at such courts as Presidents thereof. The courts are to be convened at the headquarters of the several regiments and battalions, on the 7th day of Jan., 1867, at 12 o'clock M.:
54th Regiment, Major W. Westcott, Pres't.
59th " Lt. Col. D. L. Norton "
107th " Col. B. L. Hoyt "
1st Batttalion Light Artillery, Maj. Wm. M. Lewis.
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