
Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Wood - Role Model?

All of the news channels keep reminding us that Tiger Wood will be apologizing at 11:00 AM for his terrible actions.  I ask, "Who the hell cares?"  Apparently some folks do but I ask, "Why?"   A number of people were asked their opinion on the apology and why it was important.  An interesting one I heard was, "It's important because Tiger is a role model for our young."  Huh!  Let me remind you, the man makes a living by hitting a little ball by a stick.  Let me repeat - the man makes a living by hitting a little ball with a stick!

UPDATE: I was just clicking through the channels and find that right now Tiger Woods was giving his apology.  This was not just on the cable news and tabloid channels but it was also on ABC, CBS and NBC.  Just another example that I am absolutely correct when I say that 'we are a nation of morons!'

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