Captain—______ Spohr.
1st Lieutenant—Adam Young.
2nd Lieutenant—John N. Weitzel.
Forty men.
Captain—Geo. G. Warner.
1st Lieutenant—J. Eichorn.
2nd Lieutenant—Chas. L. Vredenburg.
This company has forty men and is commanded by Lieut. Eichorn.
Captain—L. Sellinger.
1st Lieutenant—John G. Betzel.
2nd Lieutenant—M. Sellinger.
Thirty-five men.
Captain—Warner Wescott.
1st Lieutenant—A. Sawtell.
2nd Lieutenant—Gershom Wilborn.
Forty men.
1st Lieutenant—J. W. Wren.
2nd Lieutenant—J. C. Smith.
Forty men.
Captain—W. T. Kennedy.
1st Lieutenant—Frank Hayden.
2nd Lieutenant—Frank J. Amsden.
Thirty men.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 17, 1863, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—For anything that we learn to the contrary, the 54th Regiment must have arrived in New York this morning. At Jordan, near Syracuse, the engine drawing the train carrying the regiment broke down, causing a delay of a few hours. It is quite probable that the 54th will not see service in putting down the mob. That it may be detained there a few days is possible.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 18, 1863, p. 2
THE 13TH AND 54TH REGIMENTS AT ALBANY—On the arrival of the 13th and 54th regiments at Albany, they received orders countermanding the ones received previous to leaving this city, ordering them to New York. The regiments were provided with arms and quarters at Albany, and will probably remain there for a few days. The 54th were not supplied with rations when leaving here, and consequently the men were in a half famished state when they arrived at the Capital. They were partially supplied with rations by order of Col. Marshall, commanding, from the haversacks of the 13th Heavy Artillery. Subsequently the military authorities at Albany provided them with food. Their arrival at Albany was considered quite opportune by the citizens of that place, as fears were entertained that an outbreak was imminent there, and there was no local military force on hand sufficient to suppress a riot, should it be a formidable one. The infantry were supplied with Springfield and Enfield rifles, and the Grays were to be provided with howitzers. A correspondent in another place furnishes details of the movements of the regiments since leaving the city.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 18, 1863, p. 2
TO REMAIN IN THE CITY—A telegram for Gov. Seymour, orders the Dragoons, the flank company of the 54th Regiment to remain in the city. This sets at rest the report that the Dragoons would be going to Albany this evening.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 18, 1863, p. 2
From the 13th and 54th Regiments
ALBANY, July 17th, 1863
One O'clock A.M.
EDITORS UNION:—The 13th and 54th Regiments arrived here yesterday at about half-past nine o'clock and marched to the Arsenal, where we found the citizens consulting, on our arrival, on the safety of this city. I learned that mob violence was proposed here last night, and the citizens were fearful that the State Arsenal would be attacked by the mob. So you can see that the appearance of the regiments were a "God send" to the Albanians, for I understand they have no troops here upon whom they can depend. The 25th Regiment, which is reported 600 strong, was called upon to protect the Arsenal, but less than 100 responded to the call.
As I write this (one o'clock A.M.) I understand that a mob is on the road from Troy to help the mobocrats of Albany along. I think if they do come they will meet with a warm reception, and they will find it no boy's play. There seems to be no little excitement in the city, and every word that is dropped is made into a mountain before it gets much of a circulation.
Captain Sullivan of the 13th, who is officer of the day, has just ordered 40 rounds of ball cartridge to his men, who are fully prepared for the "fray." Lieut. Betzel of the "Union Guards," is officer of the guard.
In our haste to report at the Capitol for duty, some of the companies of the 54th neglected to prepare rations for their men. In this emergency Col. Marshall kindly divided with the boys, and for which three companies at least wish to return thanks.
I wish here to say one word about the deserters from the 54th—the stay-at-home portion of it. Company "R" has several such, and unless they report forthwith, they will be ordered under arrest, as they certainly should be.
The Quartermaster of the Arsenal has done all in his power to make us as comfortable as possible, for which he and his gentlemanly assistants will ever be held in kind remembrance by the officers and men of the 54th. The report is that we go to New York by boat in the morning. What truth there is in the report I cannot say. Some also say we are to remain in Albany until further orders. So you can see we are yet in the midst of uncertainties as to our destination. When we move I will apprise you of the fact.
The Regiment numbers about 400 officers and men. The Grays alone report 117 men. The Dragoons are non est, but are to report to-morrow, I believe.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 18, 1863, p. 4
ALBANY, July 17th.—The 13th Volunteer Artillery and the 54th Militia arrived here from Rochester. The order to proceed to New York has been countermanded. Similar orders to the 46th, Oneida Co., and the 51st, Onondaga Co., were also countermanded to-day.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 20, 1863, p. 2
The 13th and 54th Regiments
We find the following in reference to the 13th and 54th Regiments in the Albany Journal of Saturday evening:
The troops from Rochester are to remain in the city until further orders. The 13th artillery under Col. Marshall, is quartered at the Arsenal, and the 54th, Col. Clark, at the City Hall. In the absence of the military authorities, there has been some delay about a proper supply of rations; but sufficient arrangements are now perfected.
Such of the troops who came here without arms, have been supplied. The admirable appearance and soldierly conduct of the men, excited general attention.
The following card from the Mayor of Albany contains some things which may be of interest to the friends here of "our boys:"
CITY HALL, July 18, 1863
To the citizens of Albany:
I am informed that some evil disposed persons are circulating a report in the city that the draft is to take place here on Monday next, and that the soldiers that are now at the City Hall are fresh troops sent here to guard the wheel on that day.
The report is entirely false. No draft has been ordered in this city, and none will take place (if at all) until due notice is given.
I take this opportunity to inform the citizens that the soldiers now at the Hall are the same who were ordered by the Governor from Rochester to the city of New York, and came to this city two days ago, and that no transportation could be given them on the evening they arrived. They were ordered to remain here until his return.
As many of them as could be accommodated were sent to the Arsenal, and the remainder to the barracks, but owing to the filthy condition of the sleeping departments at the latter place, and the bad food that was offered them, they left the premises to take lodging at the City Hall until further orders are received from the Governor of their disposal.
Letter received here yesterday from members of the 54th state that the impression prevailed there that the regiment would be ordered to New York this (Monday) morning.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 21, 1863, p. 2
The Rochester Military at Albany
A call at Albany yesterday enabled the writer to visit the quarters of the 54th Regiment now in that city. This regiment is at City Hall in comfortable quarters, free from the vermin and filth which drove them from the Barracks to which they were assigned when they went to the Capital. They sleep upon the floors of the building on blankets, and take regular meals twice each day at the best hotels of the city. The men are in good health, as Dr. Briggs, the Surgeon of the Regiment, reports, and they appeared to be in excellent spirits.
The deportment of this regiment, its appearance on parade, and the conduct of its members in the streets is the subject of much praise from the Albanians. It is gratifying to the pride of a Rochester man to hear the remarks of the citizens of Albany in reference to the 54th.
Captain Newman's fine Cornet Band attached to the regiment is a card of attraction, and as it discourses its eloquent music from the balcony of City Hall thousands gather about to listen, and while marching with the regiment through the streets of the city its melodious notes fall pleasantly upon the ears of the people.
Col. Clark and his staff are not idle while at the Capital, and if the 54th does no more than exert a moral influence in restraining those disposed to disturb the peace, it will not be an idle journey that it has made. The Regiment has been supplied with Springfield muskets of the best quality, and with ammunition in liberal quantity. The Grays have some excellent howitzers, and a full company to handle them in case of need.
Quartermaster Mordoff has been indefatigable in attending to his duties, and the officers and privates of the Regiment cannot find language that will fully express their approbation of his conduct. It is proper to state, in this connection, that the line officers and men of the 54th are well pleased with the regimental and staff officers, and nothing has been omitted on their part which could conduce to the comfort of the soldiers.
When the Regiment arrived at Albany it was marched to the Barracks, some two miles out of city, and there invited to take lodgings in a place that a decent dog would not accept as a kennel, and fit only for swine. The officers and men at once decided that they would not sleep in such a place and would return to the city. Col. Clark told them he would stay with them while they remained and get a better place as soon as possible. He did so, and soon after the Regiment went to City Hall, where it is now quartered.
The 13th artillery, Col. Marshall, are quartered at the armory, we believe, and doing well.
On Sunday night there was an alarm, and the men of both regiments were called to arms. It is said that the cause of the alarm was the arrival of a number of "roughs" from New York, in the 11 o'clock train. It was reported that they had come to lead in a riot at Albany, and preparations were made to meet them. It afterward appeared that the suspicious characters were only fleeing New York.—Having been "spotted" by the police as participants in the late dreadful scenes in the metropolis, they deemed it discreet to withdraw to the country for a time. The appearance of these characters at Albany, at a time when the public mind was sensitive, was calculated to alarm, and it is not strange that a sort of panic ensued. Albany has no military force whatever of her own, and the sole dependence was and still is upon the Rochester regiments. Col. Clark was called from his bed about midnight by Colonel Marshall, who is the ranking officer, and both regiments were soon ready for anything that they might be called to do. No mob appeared, and after being in line two or three hours, the soldiers rested upon their arms till the return of day gave assurance that no foe was near. An outbreak in Albany at that time would have been a rash undertaking on the part of ten thousand unarmed men. Six hundred sturdy soldiers fully armed, with a battery of howitzers well shotted, could have held them in check, and subdued them without difficulty. It is hoped that our gallant young men will have no occasion to show their metal in such an encounter, and we do not believe they will in Albany. If the nervousness of certain prominent citizens of the State capital is an indication of the feeling there, danger certainly is not absent from Albany.
How long our troops will remain at the Capital, no one in authority there could tell yesterday afternoon. The commandants had no other orders than to remain at Albany, and they had no intimation when orders would be given. Speculation was rife, and it was the impression that the 54th would return to Rochester ere many days. All thought of going to New York has been abandoned, as there were troops enough there.
Rumors of threatened disturbance in Rochester had reached Albany, but caused no sensation whatever among the soldiers. No one appeared to think the regiment was needed at home, and the probability of any disturbance here was no even entertained.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 21, 1863, p. 2
THE 13TH OR 14TH HEAVY ARTILLERY—Col. Marshall's Regiment, now at Albany, has elicited much commendation from the citizens for its good appearance, and it deserves all the praise it has received. The men have been furnished with Springfield rifles, to be used in case of emergency. But the regiment is not full, and there is a fine chance to get it now. A bounty of $552 is paid to each man who enlists. Go in, boys, and get bounty enough for a small farm.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 21, 1863, p. 2
ROCHESTER DRAGOONS—Some inquiry having been made as to the reason why the Dragoons did not go to Albany with the 54th Regiment, we are requested to state that they remained at home under orders, and not from any disposition to evade the performance of any duty which they might be called upon to perform. We do not regard this explanation as necessary in this community, where the corps is known, but make it at the request of the commandant.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 22, 1863, p. 2
The Fifty-fourth Coming Home
A special dispatch to this paper from Albany, states that the 54th Regiment leaves this noon for Rochester. It will probably arrive between eight and ten to-night.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 22, 1863, p. 2
Our Regiments
ALBANY, July 18—18 o'clock M.
As anticipated, the mobocrat story about the Trojans coming down to take the State Arsenal was a great humbug. I understand that some of the officers, who intended to stay downtown, go an inkling that the rioters were intending to seize all officers found out of the protecting care of the boys, skedaddled on a double-quick for our quarters, so as to be within the fostering of the regiment. But as I said before, the whole thing ended in smoke—and nothing else!
The regiments, as an entity, after sleeping on the floor, rolled in their gray blankets, over night, are all right. If our Rochester friends could have witnessed the scene presented in our quarters last night, and this morning by the "bould soldier boys," writing to the wives, daughters, sisters, sweethearts and the "dear girls left behind," they would have been not only astonished but amused, for every available spot was appropriated that could be found to scribble a few lines, with pen or pencil, to the "loved ones at home."
Yesterday afternoon we were marched to the barracks, and to-day we made up our minds that "Camp Louse" was no place for us. The lice were so numerous that on the band playing, in the evening, they (the lice) formed not only in regiments, but in brigades, and paraded themselves in fine style, giving us a fair warning of their strength and readiness to attack, successfully, all intruders, especially those who encroached upon their rights. They were of a size to reflect great credit on the keeper of the barracks here, and would cause no grumbling, in this respect, for I think they cannot be beaten by any west of New York city, even if they can be comparable.
"Camp Louse" was considered a very nice place for some, but we of the 54th failed to appreciate the fact. We are under lasting obligations to the committee, consisting of Lieutenant Colonel Miller, Major Thompson and Surgeon Briggs, who were appointed by our preserving and indefatigable Colonel Clark, who, though green as yet, has proved himself equal to any and every emergency, for the promptness with which they succeeded in getting our release from one of the dirtiest and meanest camps in the Union. This may be strong language, but I have nothing to take back in saying what I have in this matter, for I consider such barracks, and the rations furnished thereat, a lasting disgrace to any State. And I have every reason to believe that the citizens of Albany, who, by the by, have done all in their power to administer to our comfort, are fully aware of the fact here stated, as his Honor, Mayor Perry, stated to us. A hog pen is a palace in comparison to the eating or messing room of "Camp Louse." The contractor of the post need not leave camp to furnish fresh meat for the men, for that is already furnished at no expense in the "limebacks" which are always to be found in great abundance.
His Honor Mayor Perry is entitled to great credit for the kindness and respect which he has paid to the every want of the 54th Regiment, and his name is never mentioned by any member of the regiment but with expressions of thanks for the interest he has taken in our welfare. Our thanks are also due to the City Marshal. We can truly say to our "friends at home," nothing has been left undone by the city authorities to make our stay pleasant and agreeable.
Our Quartermaster (Ald, Mordoff) is entitled to great praise for the promptness with which he has performed his every duty, though a new hand at the bellows, and this being his first camp. He has emphatically proved the "right man in the right place." In speaking of the officers of the 54th, I must say that the field, staff and line officers have all done their duty, with credit to the city from which they hail. Col. Clark takes hold of the work manfully, as do also Lieut. Col. Miller, Maj. Thompson, Adj. Stebbins and Dr. Briggs.
MONDAY, July 20, 1863
Last night the regiment were under arms all night, fearing a riot. The Grays at 12 o'clock were ordered from the City Hall to the Arsenal, and to prepare two howitzers with ten rounds each of grape and canister. The will with which the whole regiment moved, showed that the men were ready and willing to do their duty. They were in line within fifteen minutes after receiving orders.
The first battalion parade was had this P.M., under Lieut. Col. Miller, which elicited the approbation and admiration of the Albanians. The maneuvers of the men were executed with that promptness and soldierly bearing, which has ever characterized the regiment.
The Grays now mess at Stanwix Hall, and a finer man never lived than the host of the St. Stanwix. Mine host, Col. Rider, truly "knows how to keep a hotel." Our friends at home who may wish or have business in this city, will find a first class landlord in Col. R., who is gentlemanly and courteous to his visitors. When we say this much, we know from experience, what we say to be true in every respect. The infantry companies are messed at Congress Hall.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 22, 1863, p. 2
MAJOR GAUL ON THE ALBANY BARRACKS—Major Gaul in command of the Albany Barracks, where the 54th were sent to quarter, is out with a letter denying that the barracks were filthy or the food bad, as stated Mayor Perry. This Major Gaul says:
The true cause of the difficulty arose from the fact that while a portion of the troops from Rochester were quartered at the Arsenal and boarded at the "Delevan," the remaining were sent to the barracks and treated as United States soldiers.
The description of these barracks as we had it in detail from those who were there, is too sickening to hear or to publish. Every straw picked up from the floor was alive with vermin. As to the food, Dr. Briggs, Surgeon of the 54th, informed us that he tasted it and found that it was unfit for man to eat.
Major Gaul probably knew about as little of the real condition of the barracks as a man in California. It cannot be possible that he would make the statement he has, if he had been there.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 23, 1863, p. 2
Return of the 54th Regiment
The 54th Regiment, Col. Clark, arrived here at 1 o'clock this morning and marched with Newman's Band to the armory. All the evening till a late hour there was a large congregation at the Depot, awaiting the arrival of the Regiment, and several staid till the arrival. At the corner of State and Buffalo streets the Regiment halted, came into line, and Adjutant Stebbins read the following:
Albany, July 22nd, 1863
Special orders No. 411
I.The 54th Regiment National Guards of the State of New York, Col. Charles H. Clark, commanding, is hereby relieved from duty in this city, and will proceed to Rochester, N.Y., and report to Brig.-Gen. John Williams, commanding 25th Brigade, National Guard of the State of New York.
II.The prompt response of this regiment to the necessities of the public service, together with the efficient and soldierly discharge of all duties, calls from the Commander-in-Chief his thanks for the timely service rendered by the regiment.
III.Assistant Quartermaster Rider will furnish the necessary transportation to Rochester.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief,
Adjutant General
MAYOR'S OFFICE, July 21, 1863
Col. Clark of the 54th Regiment, N.Y.S.M.:
DEAR SIR:—In behalf of the citizens of Albany, I take this opportunity of expressing to you and the officers and members composing the Regiment which you have the honor to command, their heartfelt thanks for the prompt manner in which the call of the Executive of the State was obeyed by the Regiment when ordered to the city of New York. And while detained in our city you will please accept my thanks for the kind and courteous manner which the officers and members of the Regiment have shown by their gentlemanly conduct as soldiers while here toward our fellow citizens.
With my sincere desire for the health and prosperity of yourself and Regiment in future.
I remain Sir, truly with much regard,
Your obedient servant,
The people assembled gave the regiment cheers and it was then marched to the Armory and dismissed.
Our soldiers came home bearing the highest testimonials to their good conduct from the Albany people and press, and bringing Springfield muskets and two howitzers for the Grays.
The Journal of yesterday says: The 54th (Rochester) Regiment, Col. Clark, who have been in this city for a few days, returned home at one o'clock today. While here, they have behaved like gentlemen, and they take home with them the thanks and best wishes of our citizens.
The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the regiment in Albany:
Resolved, That the thanks of the officers and soldiers of the 54th Regiment of the National Guard of the State of New York be, and the same are unanimously tendered to his Honor Mayor Perry, of this city, and Capt. Rider, for the courteous and gentlemanly manner in which they have treated the Regiment while in this city—doing all in their power to make our stay pleasant and agreeable. Also our thanks are due to the City Marshal for the promptness with which he has ministered to our wants.
Resolved, That the above be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of this meeting, and published in all the city papers, and presented to his honor the Mayor and Marshal.
C. H. CLARK, Cha'n.
WM. M. LEWIS, Sec'y
Col. Marshall's regiment remains at Albany and will probably be there for some time. The Colonel is here to-day on business.