The final 1864 entries in the Union and Advertiser. As noted earlier, the Regiment was mustered out in November and returned home to Rochester.
Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 1, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AT ELMIRA—NEGLECT OF THE GOVERNMENT—It has been conceded on all hands that the 54th is a model regiment and has so conducted itself at Elmira as to win the respect of both citizens and Federal officials. One would suppose that such a regiment, performing important duty, would receive its due if its service were appreciated. Such is not the case however. The government officials have steadily refused to furnish night shelter for the guard which is so indispensible and the cost of which is so small compared with what is expended in a thousand ways of less consequence. These cold, wet and foggy nights sixty members of the 54th, who act as reserve guard to act in an emergency, are denied shelter. They hover in groups about a fire with the rain pouring upon them, or if not rain a fog which is quite as bad. A rough board shanty would shelter them, and they are told they can have such if they will construct it at their own expense.
It is exposure of this kind that endangers the health of the men and causes most of the illness that prevails.
Again, the regiment is denied a building in which to deposit its commissary stores when they have been drawn. This neglect naturally makes the men of the 54th feel dissatisfied, and they will not be likely to renew their period of enlistment. They may be ordered to stay another hundred days, and if so will as good soldiers perhaps feel bound to obey; but they will not feel that their efforts to please have been appreciated and rewarded by the government.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 3, 1864, p. 2
REBELS ELECTIONEERING FOR LINCOLN—The Elmira Advertiser, a very unscrupulous and we need not add, indiscreet organ of Lincoln, gives publicity to a letter from a rebel prisoner in the pen at Elmira, advocating the re-election of Lincoln. The writer is no doubt what he claims to be, a "Johnny Reb," and hopes to see Lincoln re-elected. He but expresses the sentiment of the rebel leaders at the South who conspired with the northern engineers of disunion to elect him in 1860.
This "Johnny Reb" claims a hearing through the Advertiser, on the ground that he has an interest in this, his native country. Though a private in the rebel army, he presumes to tell the public what the rebel leaders think. Having, as he claims, the views and the confidence of the rebel leaders, he goes on to say that McClellan is an untried man and it will not be safe to elect him President. This fellow says he has been in the South till quite recently and no idle spectator. He has been fighting the Federal armies for three or four years now having been caught and caged, has consented to be used to electioneer against McClellan. McClellan don’t want the support of such a traitor. Lincoln is welcome to him.
This "Johnny Reb" suggests that if he can not have his liberty he will be a Union man but does not promise to be [rest of the sentence undecipherable].
The [ ] for Lincoln, has the following paragraph:
Two rebel prisoners were released yesterday, according to the order of the War Department in such cases.
Wonder if "Johnny Reb"—who recently came from the South, and who was not an idle spectator while there—is not one of the two liberated. If he was he will soon make his way south and have a "heap of fun" over the joke he played on old Abe.
Again we say, let Old Abe have the support of the Rebels who know so much, and who have fought so hard against the flag of the Union.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 4, 1864, p. 2
FROM THE 54TH REGIMENT—A Babbler who writes to the Democrat and pretends to be attached to the 54th Regiment now at Elmira, has a great deal to say about the Union, for which the Union does not care a straw. The fellow tells about the decline of McClellan and Seymour stock at Elmira. He knows the he is writing falsehood and he knows that the regiment to which he is attached, the 54th, has a majority of McClellan man in it. We have invited him to have a canvass made of the regiment to show how it stands. He dare not do it for it would give the lie to his statements. We have published a canvass of the officers, showing some three to one for McClellan, but he does not allude to it.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 7, 1864, p. 1
Under the "All Sorts of Paragraphs" section
—Twelve hundred sick rebel prisoners are to be sent from Elmira to Point Lookout for exchange. They will probably leave next Saturday.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 11, 1864, p. 2
BETTER FROM ELMIRA—An officer from Elmira says the construction of a guard house for the shelter of the soldiers of our city when on guard duty has at length been commenced. The new commander of the post, Col. Tracy, has made the order. Better late than never that our soldiers should be protected from cold, rain and fog when standing on duty at night. The drawing for a guard house was made by Lt. Geo. Fraunberger of the Grays Battery. The house is 65 by 20 feet, and will accommodate 75 men with beds in which all may sleep or rest.—Attached to the house is a prison.
The officers of the 54th took a vote the other day and there was a majority of eight for McClellan. The Grays Battery is far more decidedly a McClellan organization, but unfortunately the officers and men cannot be at home to vote as their time expires a day or two after the election.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 12, 1864, p. 2
READING MATTER FOR PRISONERS—The Army Committee of the Elmira Young Men's Christian Association appeal to the Rochester Y.M.C.A. to aid them in procuring suitable reading for the multitude of rebel prisoners at that place. The committee in charge of hospital service, &c. here, will be glad to respond to this appeal, one of our members having been in co-operation with the Elmira committee for some time. And we ask that all who desire to improve the moral and spiritual condition of these prisoners will send such books, tracts and papers as they are willing to spare to the Tract Depository No, 75 State st. where they will be taken care of by the Young Men's Christian Association and forwarded to Elmira for the use of prisoners.
It is hardly necessary to add that they are eager to obtain reading, and arrangements are made for its proper distribution and care.
The Bible and tract societies have already done much in their departments. Please send promptly to 75 State st.
M. Seward
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 18, 1864, p. 2
REGIMENTAL HOP—The officers of the 54th Reg. Give a hop to-night at Baker's Dining Hall, Camp Chemung, Elmira. Messrs. Clark, Sellinger, Westcott, Briggs, Brown and Flint are the managers. We are indebted for an invitation to be present, which would be cheerfully responded to if business would permit.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 19, 1864, p. 2
THE HEBREW FESTIVAL—The festival given last night at Washington Hall, by the Hebrew Benevolent Society, was in all particulars a pleasant, social affair. There was a large attendance of our most respectable citizens, and all appeared to enjoy themselves very much. The committee who had charge were attentive to duty and did all they could to have the party pleasant and satisfactory to guests. Dancing began at 9 o'clock and continued till late into the morning hours, when the guests withdrew to carry pleasant recollections of the Hebrew Festival of 1864.
Those who have usually attended the pleasant parties given by this association, missed last night, a number of well known families of the Hebrew congregation who are generally present and contribute to the pleasure of the occasions. They were absent in consequence of family afflictions—bereavements by death, which forbade their participation in festivities of this character.
The following note to the committee of invitation explains itself:
ELMIRA, October 15, 1864
Messrs. Hays, Rosenblatt and Hays, Com., &c.:
GENTLEMEN:—I have received your very polite invitation, on the part of the Hebrew Benevolent Society of the city of Rochester, to attend their annual ball on the 18th Inst.
It would give me great pleasure under any circumstances to be present and share in the festivities of that occasion, but more particularly at this time, and if I could by my presence do anything towards the promotion of the object which the name of your society indicates to be the object of the association, I would make great sacrifices to do so. "Whoso giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." My duties, however, are of such a nature as wholly to preclude the possibility of my being present on the occasion.
You will please present my best wishes for the success of your society to the association you represent and my obligations for the attention they have been pleased to show me, and accept for yourselves, personally, the assurances of my high regard.
With regret I am also obliged to state that the absence of our friend Lt. A. Rosenthal from his regiment cannot be obtained except upon the approval of authority superior to myself and will be by them refused. The presence of that worthy and efficient officer in the command of his company is esteemed highly necessary by my superior officers.
I am, very respectfully,
Your ob'dt serv't,
C. H. Clark [Clark, Charles H.]
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 20, 1864, p. 2
MILITARY PARTY—Newman's Band, attached to the 54th Regiment announce a grand military and civic party at Concert Hall, Elmira. The Elmira papers speak of the party as promising much pleasure to the military and citizens of their town.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 24, 1864, p. 2
A NEW COMMISSION AT ELMIRA—Col. Wisner of the Livingston Regiment, Capt. Darrow of the Grays' Battery, and Capt. West of the Veterans, have been appointed by the military authorities at Elmira members of a commission to investigate sundry charges against officers. Col. Wisner is President of the commission. It entertains charges and prepares the testimony to be presented to court-martial—it is a sort of grand inquest to indict if there is testimony. The commission has plenty of business at hand. The robberies of substitutes by the guards sent with them to Washington is among the matters considered by this commission.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: October 31, 1864, p. 2
RETURN OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—The one hundred days of the 54th Regiment will expire on the 2nd instant, we believe. A letter from one of the officers states that they were preparing to break camp to-night and leave for Rochester to-morrow morning. Of this, however, he is not quite certain.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 1, 1864, p. 2
City Defence:
The recent alarm at Buffalo through fear of a raid of outlaws from Canada, has caused some uneasiness here in view of the fact that we have no military here. The Andrew Jackson Association, as will be seen by the following, has tendered its services to the Mayor to perform any duty he may require. As the 54th Regiment will return to-morrow, it is not likely that the Mayor will require the aid of any other organized body for city defence:
Rochester, Nov. 1, 1864
To Mayor Brackett:
We have the honor to transmit to you the following preamble and resolution adopted by our Association last evening:
Whereas, Our sister city, Buffalo, has been disturbed by outlaws and desperadoes from Canada, and as the like has been threatened against our own—our military being away from home, leaving us defenseless against the lawless mobs—be it
Resolved, The Andrew Jackson Association hereby tender their services to the Mayor, and are subject to his call in case of defence or for whatever lawful purpose he may deem necessary.
Truly yours,
A. G. Wheeler, President
Wm. M'Carthy, Vice. Pres't
Jos. Schute
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 1, 1864, p. 2
RETURN OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—A note from Adjutant Charles A. Brackett of the 54th states that the regiment will leave Elmira to-morrow (Wednesday) at six A.M. by special train for this city. The train will probably not arrive here before noon.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 2, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT NOT TO RETURN TO-DAY—It was expected that the 54th Reg. would arrive here to-day. A despatch was received by Briggs and Bro. This morning from Surgeon Briggs, stating that the regiment would not leave to-day. He adds that he will announce by telegraph when the regiment leaves Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 3, 1864, p. 2
THE ELMIRA SOLDIERS—The 54th Regiment were to leave Elmira for Rochester at 8 o'clock this A.M., and were expected at noon, but had not then arrived.
Maj. Lewis returned last night, and reports that the Grays will probably return on Sunday next.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 4, 1864, p. 2
Return of the 54th Regiment
About half-past 9 p.m. yesterday the 54th Regt. N.Y.N.G. arrived from Elmira by the Erie cars in a special train. Though the time of arrival was uncertain, there was a large gathering of citizens at the Depot to greet the return of the soldiers, and they were warmly welcomed.
The regiment left the cars, Col. Clark and staff mounted their horses and the 54th marched to the music of Capt. Newman's Band through some of the central streets and finally came to Court House Square, where an evening parade was given. Though the men were laden with knapsacks and equipage not usually worn at such parades, they went through with great precision and effect. They showed in all their movements that they had lost nothing in the qualities of soldiership by their hundred days spent in the U.S. service at Elmira.
After parade the regiment marched to the armory, and the men obtained leave to go their homes. Previous to dismissal, Mayor Brackett addressed the regiment as follows:
Officers and Men of the 54th Regiment New York S. N.G.
As Chief Magistrate of the city, I welcome you home to your families and friends. One hundred days since the Commander-in-Chief of our state forces called upon you to render aid to our General Government. You nobly and promptly responded to the call. You went forth to duty, and you performed that duty faithfully, to the satisfaction of your superiors, with credit to yourselves and to your city.
It ahs been my pleasure to visit you quite often while absent in Elmira, and I can bear witness to your good behavior, and I rejoice that you now return to us with such honor. I feel it the more from the fact that for many years I was one of you, and at one time your commander.
The city has not been unminded of its duty.—It has cheerfully responded to all calls made upon it for aid to your families, and none have gone away empty.
During your absence we have had raids and been threatened with raids upon our frontier.—Our citizens have felt much solicitude for the safety of our city, for we have been entirely unprotected, in your absence. I rejoice that you have returned to us, for we can now feel secure as against any invasion.
You have made a great sacrifice in leaving your homes and businesses to serve the Government, and you are entitled to much credit therefor. The citizens of Rochester will praise you more than ever.
Allow me, in conclusion, to congratulate you upon your safe arrival here.
The 54th is still in the United States service and may not be mustered out for several days. The men will report for duty daily at the armory and draw rations.
The Regiment has done itself and our city great credit in its service at Elmira. It was while there the model regiment, it held the esteem of the people of Elmira and returned with their respect. While all would have been pleased to have abroad such an excellent corps to represent our city, all will be glad that it has returned. In these troublesome times when raids are threatened and disorder is likely to occur, our city requires the presence of just such a regiment as the 54th. If any have been in fear of a Canadian raid, they may now sleep in peace for the men of the 54th are here and will take care of all the raiders.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 5, 1864, p. 2
PARADE OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—The orders of the 54th Regiment—still in the U.S. service—are to meet at the armory at 8 a.m. for guard mounting, turn out for evening parade at 4 p.m., and attend roll-call at 8 p.m. This will be the order daily till the regiment is mustered out of service.
The street and square in front of the Court House has been selected as the parade ground of the regiment. A fine parade was given there at 4 yesterday. There will be another this afternoon and one on Sunday afternoon. The orders of the regiment are the same that prevailed at Elmira. Our citizens should witness the evening parades to know how fine a regiment we have.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 5, 1864, p. 2
RETURN OF THE GRAYS—Major Thompson who came from Elmira this morning reports that the Grays Battery will return to this city on Monday next. Their time has not yet quite expired, but they will report to Maj. Lee, U.S.A.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 7, 1864, p. 2
The Alarm on Saturday—Rumor of Raid from Canada—Measures Taken for Defense!
For some days past rumors have been circulating that organized bands of desperadoes from Canada were preparing to make a descent upon this and other cities along the frontier. Not much attention was paid to the reports here as they received but little credit at intelligent sources.
On Friday Mayor Brackett received an anonymous letter dated seven miles from Lindsay, C. W., which is 25 miles or so from Port Hope. The letter was anonymous and told of a murder in Rochester in which the writer participated a short time since and gave the names of three citizens who were conversant with the transaction, and it further stated that they were concerned with others who were to destroy the city soon. The Mayor called together a few gentlemen to consult at the moment and the letter was not regarded as of much consequence. It was, however, deemed best to take sundry precautionary measures and they were taken. Maj. Lee, commanding U.S. troops, Gen. Williams and Col. Clark were present and with the Mayor took such steps as were deemed best, and this in a quiet way. What was done it is not necessary to detail. The names of the officers stated is a guaranty to the public that all was right. We may, however, remark that a company of the 54th Regt., under Capt. Ridley was sent to Charlotte on Saturday and quartered on the steamer Cataract and remained there yesterday.
On Saturday the Mayor received a letter from a Federal official in Canada stating that he "had full reason to believe that there is a conspiracy on foot to fire Rochester and Buffalo (more probably the former) on Sunday evening, Nov. 6th, or on the night of Election day, by a large, well armed and organized body of Rebels and bounty jumpers in Canada." He advised that precautions be taken.
On the receipt of this letter the Mayor invited the Aldermen and fifty or more citizens to meet at his rooms at 4 p.m. The meeting was held and the subject discussed. The impression was that no great danger existed, but if there was any design for mischief the conspirators would come to the city in a quiet way or might be here now. The prudent course appeared to be to take measures to ensure safety, and this was done. It is not necessary to relate all that transpired. An advisory committee of fifteen was appointed to act with the Mayor and hold an uninterrupted sitting day and night for the present. The Mayor's office is the headquarters of this committee and there all information may be sent.
Special Vigilance Committees for each Ward, composed of well-known and highly respectable citizens, are on duty, beside a large special police force, and back of all this a military force of about one thousand men, well armed and equipped.
Nothing transpired during Saturday night to confirm any fear of disturbance from without or within. The city was very quiet, and it may be truly said that it was never before so thoroughly patrolled in a single night.
Mayor Brackett telegraphed to Albany for the Grays' Battery at Elmira. The Adjutant General at once requested General Diven to send the Battery home. It came, arriving here yesterday p.m.
Gen. Diven came here Sunday morning from Elmira and met the Mayor and Advisory Committee. He expressed the belief that there was no real ground for alarm and did not think an attempt would be made upon this city, but concurred in the views of the Mayor and Committee that it would be well to take precautionary measures. He at once gave such orders for the disposition of the military as the city authorities requested.
On Sunday evening a detachment of 27 Veteran Reserves was sent by order of General Diven to Suspension Bridge to watch at that point. A detachment of the Grays with two guns went to Charlotte.
The city was fully patrolled last night and all was quiet.
Nothing has been discovered as yet to confirm the rumors or mischief. The large number of strangers reported in the city were not found, and all the hotels, taverns and lodging houses were searched. It is clear that the raiders have not come and we see no probability of their coming. The measures taken were to make things safe against all contingencies and to allay the apprehensions of the timid. Rochester we deem safe beyond all question, in so far as any movement or organized bands to plunder or destroy is concerned. The measures [remaining portion of final sentence hidden behind fold].
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 7, 1864, p. 2
Trouble at Elmira—Highhanded Outrage by the Federal Government
Private letters from Elmira bring important intelligence such as the partisan agents of the Associated Press do not think of sufficient consequence to give the public because it is unfavorable to Lincoln.
It appears on the authority of a gentleman whom we know very well, that Mr. Creed, a citizen, not in the military service, who had been to the army as the agent of the Democrats in the Chemung District to collect soldiers' votes, was arrested on an order from Washington and taken to that city without examination or without being informed as to the nature of the charges against him. The arrest caused great indignation and excitement in Elmira. A writ of habeus cropus was issued by a judge, but this was anticipated by Gen. Diven, who held Creed in custody, and it is said that Diven put himself beyond reach of process by going into the rebel camp, where the officer could not follow to serve the writ. Meanwhile the prisoner was taken out of the jurisdiction of the courts of this State, and of course beyond the reach of anything like a fair trial. It matters not what the alleged offence may be, the administration can make the testimony and convict the accused.
The Federal courts in this State are in full power and have no obstruction. That man is entitled to trial here if he has offended against United States law. His removal from the State was a highhanded outrage upon the people of this State, and one that ought to be resented in a becoming manner. But for the presence of a large body of military at Elmira, Creed would have been taken by force and carried before a judge. Such acts as this ought stir the blood of every freeman of New York. The man who does not devote his time and his efforts to-morrow to the work of driving the authors of such outrages from power should not complain when the heel of the tyrant is on his neck, and he is deprived of his liberty.
What action, if any, has been taken by the State authorities in reference to this matter we are not advised.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 7, 1864, p. 2
RETURN OF THE GRAYS—The Grays Battery arrived here by special train between five and six last evening, the officers and men in good spirits. A detachment of 30, with the guns, at once took a train for Charlotte, and remain there for the present. The Battery is still in the Federal service.
The Grays have demeaned themselves admirably at Elmira and have obtained the respect and confidence of both the military and citizens of that place. They are welcome home again.
The Grays will appear daily at the evening parades with the 54th, as we learn from Major Lee in command.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 7, 1864, p. 2
COLLISION OF REGIMENTS AT ELMIRA—On Saturday evening there was a collision at Elmira between the 77th N.Y.N.G., of New York, and the 56th, of Brooklyn. Both regiments had been ordered home, and the 56th had obtained transportation—a train of cars being ready. The 77th got to the railroad first, and took the train prepared for the 56th. The latter regiment charged upon the engine and forbade the engineer to move at his peril. Gen. Driven was absent on his way to this city. Capt. Lowe, his chief clerk, undertook to straighten matters and was assaulted and injured in the melee. Finally the 77th gave up the train to the 56th, and the latter started for Brooklyn.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 8, 1864, p. 2
THE GREAT SCARE—The city was very quite last night. The Advisory Committee was in session all night at the Mayor's Rooms and the city was patrolled a as before. There was not the least evidence of the presence of any persons here with bad intent and no intelligence could be obtained from abroad that tended to confirm any of the exciting rumors of the past few days. The city is as safe as it ever was from invasion or insurrection.
A woman of 45 or more who claimed to know all that the rebels in the South and the refugees in Canada were doing, came here on Saturday evening from Suspension Bridge and told a great story to the authorities to create an alarm. She had seen at St. Catherines a Rebel Colonel Johnson who told her that he had 1700 men to invade Yankeedom. This led to sending a special train with a detachment of soldiers to Suspension Bridge on Sunday evening.
The agent sent to St. Catherines to reconnoiter returned last night and our city authorities will do so but nothing has been disclosed that tends to show that any invasion from Canada is contemplated. The present organization for local defense will be continued for some time to come.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 11, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—This regiment of National Guard was mustered out of the U.S. service yesterday by Major Lee, after which the officers and men were dismissed to go where they pleased. The company at Charlotte was withdrawn and mustered out with the rest. The 54th has done good service, and the instruction the men received will be profitable to them.
At a meeting of the officers of the 54th Regiment, held at their headquarters Nov. 10, 1864, Col. C. H. Clark was called to the chair and Adjt. C. A. Brackett appointed Secretary, and the following action taken:
Whereas, The 54th Regiment have received many favors at the hands of their fellow citizens during their stay in Elmira and feel called upon to make some acknowledgement of the same, and especially to make mention of Ald. L. C. Spencer for the timely and bountiful gift by him of one case of fresh, superb oysters—a luxury at all times, and particularly so at the time they were bestowed, therefore
Resolved, That the thanks of the 54th Regiment are justly due and hereby gratefully tendered to Ald. L. C. Spencer for the generous donation above referred to, and that we shall ever hold him in kindly remembrance as a thoughtful, kind friend and a gentleman. Our thanks are also returned to all our fellow-citizens for their care and attention.
Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the daily papers and a copy served on Ald. Spencer.
C. H. Clark, Chairman
C. A. Brackett, Sec'y
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 11, 1864, p. 2
DEFENSE OF THE HARBOR—The Battery at Charlotte has been ordered to the city, and the men will be mustered out by Major Lee on Monday next. There is no military force at Charlotte. It is probable that a company or two will be here from Buffalo soon.
When the Grays were stationed at the mouth of the river, they had orders to bring every vessel to that they came in, except the regular steamers, which arrived by daylight. Vessels were brought to by a blank cartridge, but if they did not heed the notice a solid shot was to be put into the hull at once. The Canadian and other crews coming in were taken much by surprise when thus suddenly called to account. On Wednesday night a schooner came in from Canada and was hailed by a blank shot. When the vessel came to, a fellow climed [sec] upon the bulwarks and called out, "who is elected?" He supposed the gun was fired in celebration of a political victory.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 14, 1864, p. 2
PAY FOR THE 54TH REGIMENT—The 54th Regiment N. Y. N. G., as our citizens and the Federal authorities well know, was called out some four months since on an emergency to go to Elmira and serve one hundred days. The members left their home, and pursuits with little preparation and faithfully performed the duty assigned them. They returned with much credit for what they have done. This is all right so far as it goes, but that will not feed them or their families. It is the pay that they most need. The wages were very low and not a man in the regiment served except at a pecuniary sacrifice. Some have returned to find business dull and no situations open. Those who have families require the earnings of the summer to lay in food and fuel for the winter. In fact the pay of the regiment is due and past due, and the men want it. Payment may be made at one time as well as another. The Paymaster may be sent here from Elmira at any time to attend to this business. For the delay there is no excuse.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 14, 1864, p. 2
MAJOR GENERALS WITHOUT MEN—There are, we believe, three or four Major Generals in command on the lake frontier, sent out to protect it against raids from Canada. There are two such on the frontiers of New York. It will be interesting to hear that these Generals are without commands other than their respective staffs. Gen. Peck, whose headquarters are at Buffalo, cannot even supply a few soldiers to be stationed at Charlotte. He promised the Mayor two companies for this purpose last week; but on Saturday he telegraphed that he could send no men, as they had been ordered by the government to go South. Charlotte—the mouth of the Genesee—the best harbor on the south shore, accessible in all weather, and seldom closed by ice, is now without a single soldier to guard against invasion. No harm can result from boldly stating this fact, as it must result in immediate action to supply the want. No party of raiders from abroad would come there without taking means to learn the state of the defenses. They will keep posted without aid of the papers.
It is the duty of the General Government to defend the frontier, and it has thousands of invalid and other troops adapted to the purpose which are used for less important duty, such as guarding hospitals, taking care of contrabands, etc. The Federal Government probably intend to compel the frontier States to protect themselves. This can be done; but it is just that they should pay so much to the common fund and then draw nothing from it?
We would suggest that the pay of these Major Generals and staffs is sufficient to cover the expense of keeping several companies at the most exposed points on the frontier. If we must have either Generals without soldiers, or soldiers without Generals, the latter would be preferred for frontier defense.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 15, 1864, p. 2
GUARD AT THE ARMORY—It has been stated before that a suitable guard had been placed over the Armory on Exchange st., where the State arms, and the equipments of the 54th Regiment and Grays' Battery are deposited. The following orders were formally issued yesterday:
ROCHESTER, Nov. 11, 1864
Special Order No. __ In pursuance of Instructions from the Adjutant General's Office, Col. C. H. Clark, Commanding 54th Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G., will immediately detail one Commissioned Officer and thirty men for duty at the Arsenal on Exchange st. By order of
Brig. Gen. Jno. Williams
Geo. Hyland, Jr., Brigade Inspector
Special Order No. 166. In pursuance of the above order this day from Headquarters 25th Brigade, Capt. Benj. Ridley, Co. D, is hereby assigned to command the State Arsenal and troops guarding the same. He will take thirty men of his own command, (2 Sergeants; 1 Corporal and 27 Privates,) and report to these Headquarters for duty without delay.
Should his own command prove insufficient, he has liberty to accept volunteers from other companies in this Regiment. By order of
Col. C. H. Clark
C. A. Brackett, Adjutant.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 21, 1864, p. 2
ORDER FOR COURT MARTIAL—The following order has been issued by Brig. Gen. Williams for Courts Martial to try delinquents and for other business relating to his brigade:
ROCHESTER, Nov. 15, 1864
General Order No. 17
Regimental and Battalion Courts Martial for the trial of delinquents and for such other business as may come before them, are hereby ordered to convene at the Headquarters of the several Regiments and Battalions in this Brigade, on the 12th day of December, 1864, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Detail for the Courts:
For 54th Regiment—President, Major Warner Westcott.
For 58th Regiment—President, Major George M. Lockwood.
For 59th Regiment—President, Col. Benj. L. Hoyt.
For 104th Regiment—President, Lieut. Col. D. L. Norton.
For Battalion of Artillery under command of Major Wm. M. Lewis—President, Capt. Thomas Barnes.
By order of
Brig. Gen. John Williams
Geo. Hyland, Jr., Brigade Inspector
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 21, 1864, p. 2
ARTILLERY PARADE—This being the 27th anniversary of the organization of the Rochester Union Grays the 1st Battalion of the Artillery under Major Lewis, which still holds the name of the Grays, will parade at 8 p. m. Newman's Band will accompany the Battalion and there will be a pretty show.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 21, 1864, p. 2
MUSTERED OUT AND PAID-OFF—The 1st Light Artillery–the Grays–will be mustered out to-day, and the men paid off by Maj. Thurston, the Paymaster, sent here for the purpose.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 22, 1864, p. 2
PAYING OFF—Major Thurston paid off six companies of the 54th yesterday and the remainder to-day. The Grays Battery are also paid off, and the men mustered out of the Federal service by Major Lee.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: November 23, 1864, p. 2
RESIGNATION OF GEN. WILLIAMS—It is stated that our fellow citizen, Hon. John Williams, has resigned his commission as Brigadier General of the State Militia. Not having conferred with General Williams, we do not know why he has resigned, but we suspect that he has various and sufficient reasons. He may not have the requisite time to devote to the duty and he is one of the kind of men that will do his duty regardless of time. We do not think he has received from the authorities at Albany courtesy to which he was entitled. This locality, with the best military of the State, has been the most neglected, and had the least attention paid to its wants. If Gen. Williams has not felt this others have.
We regret that so good an officer and one so faithful to duty and so popular should resign. We fear the effect will be injurious to our local military. Every officer and soldier connected with the brigade will regret the withdrawal of General Williams, and all will accord him the credit of having done his whole duty.
Who the successor will be remains to be seen. Perhaps the district of General John A. Green will be extended westward so as to include this brigade.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 1, 1864, p. 2
CARD OF THANKS—ARMORY 1ST BATTALION LIGHT ARTILLERY (UNION GRAYS) N. Y. S. N. G., Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1864—At a regular monthly meeting of the above named battalion, held at their Armory on Exchange street, the 29th inst., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted and ordered published:
Resolved, That the thanks of this battalion be and are hereby tendered to Brig. Gen. A. S. Diven, Capt. U. S. Lowe and Capt. Eugene Diven for the many courtesies extended during our term of service while at Elmira.
To Cols. Eastman and Tracy, Commanders of the post. To Capts. Suydam and Dingledee, of the Qur. Dept., and Capt. Sappington, of the Com'y Dept. To Col. Provost, Lt. Col. Moore and the officers of the 16th V. R. C.
To Col. J. Q. Adams, of the 56th, Col. Wisner of the 58th, Col. Abbott of the 98th, Col. Downing and Dr. O'Hanlin of the 99th Regts. N. Y. S. N. G., and to the officers of their respective commands.
To the officers and men of our own 54th Regt. To Messrs. Henry Baker & Co., of the "Hotel Hemlock," Loring & Co., Cook & cov[ ], "Mine host" Silas Haight, and Mr. Guinnip. To Gen. John Williams, Major A. T. Lee, Ald. D. T. Moore (in whose honor our camp was named), Mayor Brackett, Hon. John M'Convill, and Mr. Andrews, of the Provost Marshal's office.
To all the above named gentlemen the battalion feel under obligations for the many favors extended during our term of service in the U. S. army—favors which will be long remembered by us all collectively and individually.
By order Wm. M. Lewis
Maj. 1st Battalion, Art'y, N. Y. S. N. G.
John Wrenn, 1st Lieut and Ajt.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 6, 1864, p. 2
OFFICERS OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—The unpaid officers, field, staff, and line, of the 54th Regiment will assemble at Headquarters, Armory, at 7 o'clock this evening.
C. H. Clark
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 8, 1864, p. 2
ELECTION OF OFFICERS—Of Co. "B." 54th Reg. German Grenadiers, Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, 1864. Capt. F. C. Schoen; 1st Lieut. Adam Young; 2d Lieut. John N. Weitzel; Orderly, Lewis Bauer; 2d Sergt. Jacob Renner; 3d do. Peter Reinhard; 4th do. Philip Miller; 1st Corp. William Kentzel; 2d do. Philip Nippert; 3d do. Henry Koeler; 4th do. David Meier; Color Bearer, Peter Seifried. President, Adam Young; Vice do. Charles Goetzman; Secretary, David Wettlin; Treasurer, Christian C. Meir.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 13, 1864, p. 2
REGIMENTAL ORDER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT—The following minutes of the proceedings of the 58th Regiment are sent us for publication:
MT. MORRIS, Dec. 10, 1864
At a meeting of the field and staff officers of the 54th Regiment, N. G., held at the headquarters of said regiment on the 10th inst., the following order was made, approved and ordered published:
Ordered, That the thanks of the officers and men of the 58th regiment, N. G., are due and hereby tendered to Gen. Diven, Col. Tracy and Lieut. Col. Moore, and the officers in their several departments, for their kind and obliging treatment of the regiment while on duty at Elmira.
The thanks of the 58th are also tendered to Col. Adams of the 56th, Col. Clark of the 54th, Col. Abbott of the 98th, and Major Lewis of the Battery, and the officers and men of their several commands, for their kind, sociable and gentlemanly conduct toward said regiment, and the agreeable associations formed during the term of service of said regiment at Elmira.
The thanks of said regiment are also tendered to Lieut. Finch, Mustering Officer, and Major T. S. Thurston, Paymaster, for their particular care and attention to the rights and interest of the private soldier in mustering out and paying off the last farthing. By order
R. P. Wisner
Col. Commanding 58th Regt. N. G.
C. T. Braman, Adjutant.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 15, 1864, p. 2
PAYING THE OFFICERS—A letter received this morning by Lieut. Darrow of the Gray's Battery, from Major Thurston, U. S. Paymaster at Elmira, encloses him an order for his pay while in service. Major Thurston expresses a desire to have the officers of the National Guard promptly paid and suggests to the Lieutenant that as he has become familiar with the method of preparing papers, that he explain to those who are not, what it is necessary to do to secure payment. Major Thurston desires to perform his duty both to the officers and the government, and to do this the papers must be made according to the forms laid down by the Department. Some time since a communication was published in these columns reflecting upon this officer. It came from an officer of the State Militia, who probably labored under a misapprehension of the facts. By what we have learned of Major Thurstoon, through those who have had official business with him, we are fully satisfied that he performs his duty promptly and impartially, to both claimants and the government.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: December 15, 1864, p. 2
THE REBEL PRISONERS AT ELMIRA—The Advertiser says the Government has made an arrangement with the rebels in relation to prisoners of war, by which each party are entitled to furnish their own prisoners with such articles of clothing, blankets, and provisions as they may need. Wm. W. R. Beall, a Brigadier General in the rebel service, has been commissioned to supply the rebel prisoners, and is now taking measures to supply such necessary articles to the prisoners at Elmira.
Monday, March 31, 2008
54th Regiment - 1864 - Part III
September 1864's entries in the Union and Advertiser concerning the 54th Regiment.
Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 2, 1864, p. 2
The Rochester Democrat says of the old copperheads woman's letter, that appeared in the Rochester Union, purporting to have been written in Elmira:
"Hereabout it is not believed that the letter was written by a woman at all, or that it came from Elmira."
So the Advertiser said in another paragraph in the same issue, in which the one quoted by the Democrat occurred.—[Elmira Advertiser]
The above is all the answer we get from the Elmira Advertiser to a proposition we made to wager $100 that the lady who wrote the letter to this paper resides in Rochester and has a husband and son in the Federal army. The Democrat does not reply at all. It dare not. We propose now to offer the sneaks more tempting terms. We will wager $100 that what we state in respect to the lady is true, we will take the burthen for proof and the $200 shall be appropriated to the benefit of sick and wounded Union soldiers as the winner may dictate.
The only answer the Elmira paper will give to this proposition will be to repeat the falsehood.
The Democrat will probably remain silent. It too may repeat the lie it has uttered.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 3, 1864, p. 1
Under the column "All Sorts of Paragraphs"
—There are eighteen acres of rebels in the encampment at Elmira, New York.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 3, 1864, p. 2
PERSONAL—Col. Clark of the 54th arrived here from Elmira this morning to remain a day or two attending to regimental affairs. He reports all quiet at Elmira and the men of the 54th feeling very well.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 5, 1864, p. 2
ILLNESS OF OFFICERS AT ELMIRA—Major Lewis of the Grays is lying quite ill of typhoid fever at Elmira. Capt. Hobbie of the Dragoons has been ill, but is recovering.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 6, 1864, p. 2
Base Ball in the 54th
Camp Chemung, Elmira, N.Y.
September 4, 1864
EDS. UNION AND ADVERTISER: Among the various pastimes indulged in by the members of the different regiments here when not on duty, is the game of base ball. A week or so ago the players in the 54th received a challenge to play a match game from the 56th (Brooklyn) Regiment. This regiment contains some of the best players of the city of Brooklyn; but the boys of the 54th nevertheless accepted the challenge.
Yesterday was the time designated for the match to take place, and a goodly number of the officers and men of both regiments assembled on the ground to witness the playing. The Brooklynites went on the ground confident of success, offering bets of two to one; but as the score will show, they were doomed to disappointment, the 54th nine defeating them by one run. The game was well contested throughout, eliciting the hearty applause of the outsiders of both regiments. The Brooklyn nine took their defeat in good humor. A return match will shortly be played, when the 56th expect to retrieve their lost laurels.
[The box score was in a graphic and too much trouble to include it. As noted the 54th won the game - 13 to 12.]
Scorers: James Nellis and W. H. Welling
Umpire: Capt. C. R. Barton
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 8, 1864, p. 2
PROMOTED AND GLAD TO HEAR IT—Says the Rochester Union:—"Among the elections which recently took place in camp, in the 54th Regiment, was one in Company H. Lieut. Alfred R. Hoyt was elected Captain in place of W. T. Kennedy, Jr., resigned. James Hason was chosen Second Lieutenant to fill a vacancy."
Boys of Company H. we're glad to hear it.—"Al" and "Jim" will do you credit. "Charley" and the "old Cap" would be glad to drop down on you for a day or two, but as we are working for our tried friend, "Little Mac," you'll excuse us. Meantime Cap. Luff. and the "Boys," all the good luck in the world.
The above is from the Bay City (Mich.) Signal conducted by Capt. Kennedy who formerly commanded Co. H of the 54th N.Y.N.G.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 10, 1864, p. 3
FIFTY FOURTH REGIMENT—COMPANY L—The headquarters of Company L, Rochester City Dragoons, will be open every evening (Sundays excepted) to receive applicants from first-class young men to join the Company. It is expected that the regiment will be ordered into service of the United States at Elmira. The members of the Regiment thus ordered will not be liable for the draft. By order,
I. S. Hobbie, Capt.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 12, 1864, p. 2
ESCAPE OF SUBSTITUTES—It is reported that 21 men sent from this district to Elmira as substitutes and deserters, escaped from the Barracks on Saturday night. Among the number was the noted "Paddy" Loughlin, who has been arrested thirteen times and who has never yet seen any service at the front.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
Notes of a Day in Elmira
Sunday spent at Elmira afforded a few notes of interest, perhaps, to the readers of this paper. The presence of the 54th National Guard and Grays' Battery at Elmira makes the place attractive to our citizens, and many are frequently here.
An occasional visit to Elmira does not make the place much more pleasing. It is an overgrown village, spread upon a stony flat in the valley of the Chemung, and, with the help that military expenditure has given, it has taken on a city charter among its burthens.
The Depot of the Erie Railway is in one place—the business part of the town and the hotels in another, and the camps in still other places far and wide apart. The hotels are overrun with people, and as a consequence they are not the most inviting. The Brainard House is the largest, and is spoken of as the hotel of the place. It lacks many things which belong to a first-class house. It reminds one of a farm leased and the tenant on the last year of his term. There is a lack of everything that looks like making the place luxurious and inviting, and the furniture is barely sufficient to make one feel that he is in an occupied house. The fare at the table is pretty good, though scarcely up to what it should be for a first-class hotel.
The camp to which the Rochester man will naturally turn is that at the Rebel Prison, situated on the Chemung, in the south part of the village. There is the pen of forty acres, enclosed by a high fence upon which the sentry measures the hours with steady pace. No one must approach this fence from without or within under penalty of a shot. The prisoners number about 9,400 and are quartered in barracks and tents.
They can only be seen by visitors from an observatory across the street, from which there is a fine view of the camp and rebel quarters. Mr. Nichols, the proprietor hit upon a happy expedient for making a pile and serving the public at the same time. It costs a dime to spend an hour or two on this large observatory, and no one who goes to Elmira fails to take the view it affords.
The Rebels are under the control of Major Colt of Geneseo, who has positive instructions which are very stringent against the admission of visitors. The most important functionaries are nor admitted to the pen unless special business. The prisoners have a rough appearance, wearing, as they do, clothing of as many hues as the rainbow but none so brilliant. The men are generally of good size, and what would be called fair specimens of the race, if they were not Rebels. They are suffering from the climate and other causes, and it is not strange that many are ill and deaths are frequent. Scurvy is quite common. Fevers are also prevalent. There are about 1500 sick, and the deaths are from seven to ten per day. The confinement of this prison must be very wearisome to the men, and tends to aggravate their illness if attacked. But for this we presume they would prefer to remain than be exchanged and take the chance of going again into the field. There is no danger of an outbreak or any movement for an escape. The guard is so strong that any such attempt would prove futile and disastrous in the extreme to those who engage in it. The signal of a movement by night or day, would bring in a moment a cordon of bristling bayonets about the entire enclosure.
The State Regiments doing guard duty are encamped upon three sides of the prison, and the Chemung river flows on the fourth, with a heavy guard between the fence and the water.
On the south side in a field laid out by nature for a camp, lies in comfortable quarters our own Regiment, the 54th, with the Grays Battery and the 56th N.Y.—the latter regiment from New York city. Everything in camp is in perfect order, and everything moves with the precision of a nicely adjusted machine.
Col. Clark, with his associate field officers, Lieut. Col. Sellinger and Major Westcott, occupy tents on the ridge along the street overlooking the camp. Surgeon Briggs and others of the staff are also quartered on the line.
On the flat below, back of the parade ground, in full view of the streets of the camp, along with the tents of the several companies are arranged in even rows. Further back, on another elevation, are the tents of the company officers, and near by the baking and cook houses of the regiment. The food is well prepared, as we know from inspection. The bread is as good as we ever saw or care to find, under any circumstances. There is nothing wanting for the comfort and health of the men here encamped that can be supplied, unless it is shelter for those on guard duty from the heavy dews of the night, which fall upon them like a shower, saturating their clothing. This exposure causes fever, and a few are ill. They have the best medical care, and a few cases are obstinate.
A party of eight or ten from this city, including the Mayor, spent some hours in camp with the 54th and were hospitably entertained by the officers who vied with each other in making all feel welcome.
While the party were at the Captain's quarters of Co. L (the Dragoons) Capt. Newman's fine band appeared and played some pretty airs which Lieut. Rosenthal (in command of the company) said was a compliment to His Honor and the old commander of the Dragoons and late Colonel of the Regiment. The Mayor responded handsomely and Cols. Angle and Amsden followed.
At the Grays' quarters were Capt. Quinn and Lieut. Darrow to do the hospitable, and make their Rochester friends fell at home. The Battery is well situated and doing its share of duty, while its howitzers stand on the field with grape and canister to exercise a moral influence upon any element which is liable to be disturbed.
The evening parade of the 54th and 56th was a fine show. The 54th went through their evolutions with the precision of veteran soldiers and elicited the warmest commendations of the spectators. The men of this regiment form a contrast so pleasing to the mass of those of the New York regiments that it is the subject of remark everywhere. The Elmirans are loud in praise of the Rochester regiment.
The incidents of camp which might be related are many. Among them is one worthy of notice. When the 54th went to Elmira, they found some three or four hundred of the 16th Veteran Corps doing guard duty. The two organizations soon became friendly, and the Adjutant of the 16th, Lieut. H. C. Brandt, took a special interest in the 54th, partly because it was the Fifty-fourth Volunteer Regiment in which he did hi fighting, but chiefly, as he says, because he found the officers and men gentlemen. Himself a splendid soldier, he could do many kind things for our officers, and they did not forget him. On Thursday night, as he was preparing to follow his Regiment, which had been ordered to Washington, he was presented, by the officers of the 54th, with a splendid field glass suitably inscribed. The presentation was made by Surgeon Briggs in a becoming manner, and accepted in the kind spirit that it was offered.
Col. Clark is quite indisposed, and returned home for rest yesterday.
Capt. Hobbie, of Co. L, is ill of fever at the residence of a relative in Elmira. He is now improving slowly but surely, no doubt.
Major Lewis, of the Grays, has a turn of fever but rallied so far as to return home on Saturday, to recuperate here.
Newman's Band, so popular with the people of Elmira, came to Rochester yesterday on five days furlough, to fulfil some engagements and to enable the members to attend to private affairs neglected in consequence of their abrupt departure for camp.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
"ONE LIES AND THE OTHER SWEARS TO IT"—It has been stated that the Democrats of Elmira took the lead in celebrating the fall of Atlanta. The Elmira Advertiser says that the statement is not true and the Rochester Democrat copies the denial and assumes that its case is made. That will not do. The witnesses are not competent to testify, as they are virtually impeached in a past transaction. These papers declared that a communication written to this paper was from an old copperhead woman or was not written by a woman at all. We offered to put up $100 for soldiers' relief, that we would prove that these journals made false statements in regard to the matter and belied the wife and mother of soldiers. They could not back up their positions and had not the manliness to back down. Till they put themselves right in this matter, they had not better unite in making any other statement before the public.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
Letter from in Elmira
Camp Moore
Elmira, Sept. 11, 1864
Since my last letter we have met with a severe loss here in Camp. The 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, (our teachers as it were), have left camp and gone to Harrisburg, much to the regret of the 54th and Battalion, for they were indeed gentlemen from privates up, and extended to us, the Military of Rochester civilities, we shall long remember. The scurrilous attack made upon the officers and members of the 16th through the Democrat, some time since, was a mean and contemptible as it was uncalled for and false. The officers have proved themselves gentlemen in every particular, and the article in question was worthy the source from which it emanated and the paper in which it was published. The officers of the 54th united in the presentation of a splendid field glass to Adj't H. C. Brandt of the 16th and the 4th inst. The Adjutant said, in his reply to Col. Clark, who made the presentation in behalf of the officers, "that he went to the field with the 54th [sic] Brooklyn and this beautiful gift from the 54th Rochester was the first present he had ever received and that he should appreciate it the more highly as it came from the 54th unexpected, unsought, and in fact undeserved."
We have seen something of the feeling manifested at the reception of the news of Presidential nominations in years past and gone, be we never heard or saw anything to compare to the news of the nomination of "Little Mac," every one seemed to be crazy with excitement. The first we heard of the news was the cheers from the Camp of the 56th Brooklyn regiment, then it was taken up by the 99th, 77th, 54th, the Batteries and a large portion of the "Vets," who claim that wherever they may be the privates will vote 5 to 1 for Little Mac. In the city of Elmira the excitement was, if anything, still greater—men, women and children through the streets sending up cheer upon cheer for the Soldier Candidate. In the evening at least 6,000 people congregated in the streets to hear and see what they could see. Cannons fired until after midnight. Captain Newman's Band and the 56th Drum Corps enlivened the scene with music. Such a time was never before in Elmira "by the oldest inhabitant." The people seemed not contented with this demonstration but on Monday evening following (5th) amid a drenching rain-storm, a ratification meeting was held, processions paraded the streets, with banners and music, cannons were fired and bon-fires were lit in the principal streets and the people both old and young turned out en masse as if for a gala day. I am informed that many solid men of the city, who were formerly "Union Leaguers," have come out in favor of McClellan, and proclaim the fact universally in public places. Addresses were made at these meetings by several prominent men of Elmira, among the number was E. P. Hart, Esq., former District Attorney of Chemung Co. I learn that he is a brother of R. Hart of your city, if so, as a politician he far outstrips his brother, not only as a speaker but as being on the "right side" and having enlisted with his whole heart in the "right Cause." Two to one are the odds on a "Little Mac" here, with no takers. The Republicans look and feel chop-fallen enough since the nomination.
There seems to be considerable sickness in the camp at present principally dysentery, of a mild type, however, which yields readily to proper remedies. Drs. Briggs and Rider are doing all men can for the welfare of those who come under their charge. Friends at home need not worry about those who are here, for they receive the best of care. Major Lewis has been quite sick but was able to be removed home yesterday and hope to see him again at his post in a short time. Col. Clark is feeling quite unwell but manages to be about. Adj. Brackett has also been sent home.
Major A. S. Diven has been promoted to a Brigadier Generalship by Uncle Abe. This is a good appointment, for General D. has proved himself a good and efficient officer and in fact the "right man in the right place." No better appointment could be made and one that gives better satisfaction "all round."
I regret to learn in this connection that Capt. Lowe, A. Q. M.,—the right hand man in Gen. Diven's office—is to be removed and sent to New Orleans, because, I learn, for no other reason than he thinks, (though he does not speak it,) that A. Lincoln is not the man for the Presidency the next term. The Republican wolves are after him with their howls and I should not be surprised if he had to leave, though his home is Elmira and he is every way qualified for the position he now holds, having lost his health in the field and sent home to die. It makes no difference, he has no business even to think Lincoln is not the man. Wherever the Captain may be ordered, or wherever he goes he will carry the best wishes of every officer and member of the N. G. from Rochester. A more genial or warm hearted friend of ours never breathed the breath of life than Capt. L. But thus is politics and thus the strait to which Republicans are driven.
A salute of one hundred guns were fired by the "Grays" on the receipt of the news here of the fall of Atlanta, which made the rebs fell anything but uncomfortable. I understand the initiatory steps for the salute was taken by the "democrats" who were looked upon by a few as disloyal.
The "Grays" were mustered into the United States service, for one hundred days on the 30th ult., to date from the 2nd. Every man present mustered. We now number, including officers, one hundred strong. The boys are all well and have had issued to them overcoats &c., so that they are comfortable. By the way, I observe in the Battery and 54th, some typos from the Union office who have laid aside the stick and the rule and taken to the shooting-stick. I see no typos from the Democrat here. Are they all wanted at home to help squelch the "Irish trash" this fall?
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 14, 1864, p. 2
"Rascally Conduct—Gov. Seymour's Militiamen Plundering Volunteers"
The above is the caption to an article in the Democrat which for audacity and boldness is misrepresentation eclipses all that has appeared in that sheet, noted for its audacity in that respect. Having been present in Elmira on Sunday, when the editor who wrote the article, obtained the information upon which it is based, we are the more surprised at what is written. The writer of that article knows that the guilt of the matter rests entirely with the Federal authorities—that the outrages referred to are perpetrated under their direction, and that Gov. Seymour has no more to do with the Federal army than the man in the moon.
The editor of the Democrat knew that an exposition of this robbing of volunteers would be made, to the disgrace of the Lincoln party, and he saw no other way to meet it, than by crying out "stop thief" and diverting attention from the guilty.
What the Democrat states of the atrocious robbery of volunteers and substitutes is mainly true, and a great deal more has not been told. The following is the statement of the Democrat the caption being at the head of this article:
Some most scandalous stories are told at Elmira of the treatment to which volunteer soldiers en route for the front are subjected by the guards detailed from New York regiments of the National Guard. The volunteers are actually in some cases stripped of every cent of money on their persons. A pretence is made that there is danger of their deserting and as night comes on they are placed in irons. As soon as it is dark enough for their purpose the guards blow out the lights in the car and commence rifling the pockets of the manacled and helpless recruits. The thing appears to be well understood by certain New York officers. They wink at it, and it is believed that some of their number do not hesitate to share in the plunder. On one occasion an officer of the 54th overheard the Adjutant who was engaged in making the detail, ask his men if they had any money. "No," responded one fellow, "but we'll have plenty when we come back!" There was a general laugh, in which the officer joined heartily.
Lieut. Weitzel of the 54th, went down to Washington with one detail, and endeavored to maintain some discipline and show of decency among the New Yorkers, but was openly defied, and a sergeant even threatened his life with a drawn bayonet. The recruits were robbed of everything they had, during the trip, and Lieut. Weitzel was offered two hundred dollars as his share. He refused to take anything, at first, but finally, through the fear of the lawless crew, accepted twenty-five dollars, which he delivered up to the proper officer on his return to Elmira, at the same time reporting the facts. We hear that an investigation is to be made, but whether it will amount to anything is a matter of some doubt. The insubordinate sergeant has disappeared, and the officers of his regiment profess to know nothing about him. They keep no record of the names of men detailed to guard detachments. Lieut. Weitzel is ill, and as the surgeon thinks, is suffering from the effects of drugs administered to him during his trip to Washington.
Taking this statement of our cotemporary, which is substantially true, and he makes his case against the Federal and not the State authorities. Gov. Seymour has no soldiers at Elmira. All the men there are sworn into the Federal service and are as much Federal soldiers as any other. The Governor can give no command which the President and his subordinates are bound to obey. When they are ordered to do guard duty it is as Federal soldiers. If they rob fellow soldiers it is because they are permitted to do so by Federal officers who are bound to protect soldiers.
But we need not go into an argument to show this. It is an insult to the intelligence of readers to do so. But what has the Democrat omitted in this statement? At the very time and place when the above facts were stated to the editor who wrote the article, it was further stated that when the Federal officers at Elmira wanted a guard from the New York militia regiments, they did not call upon Col. Clark or other commandants, but went and took the men from camp, selecting such as would serve their purpose. The first the Colonels know of the proceedings is when the Sergeants report the men absent on detached duty. By this it appears that the men connected with the Provost Marshal's office are concerned in the villainy. If they desired to have a guard of good men, they would have called upon the Colonels to send such, and held them responsible. The thieves were selected from certain regiments, and they divide the money taken by force from the soldiers, with the officers who select them. The Democrat says truly that an investigation will not amount to anything. It would amount to something if made by Federal officials, and Gov. Seymour and his men were the parties at fault. The doubt our contemporary expresses of the result of an investigation, is a confession that the guilt is in quarters too high to be reached.
Now we feel it our duty to caution volunteers and substitutes who are entering the army, against the horde of robbers who are detailed at Elmira to plunder them. They should not take a dollar in their pockets by way of Elmira. It will be taken from them by force ere they get over the mountains of Pennsylvania. And there is no redress. When they get to the army they can obtain no hearing and if they do, the gang sent as a guard would beat them in swearing and give large odds. Volunteers and substitutes leave your money in banks or with friends before you go to Elmira. You will probably be robbed of all, if you take it with you!
It is shame that this should be so, but it can not be otherwise till the Federal officials whose duty it is to forward troops see to it that good men are sent out as guards for recruits. Such can be obtained without difficulty by calling upon the Colonels of Regiments who know their men.
Will our exchanges call attention to this systematic robbery of soldiers and advise them to take care of their money before going to Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 15, 1864, p. 2
The 58th New York at Elmira—Flight of Substitutes—The Soldiers for McClellan—Electioneering in the Pulpit, &c.
Elmira, Sept. 14, 1864
DEAR UNION:—The 58th Regiment National Guard came to Elmira on the 10th ult., performing duty at Barracks No. 1 until the 11th inst. You know the substitutes and recruits are brought first to Barracks No. 1, put into squads and sent to the front. The 58th has no less than four details at and on the way to the front now. The recruits brought to Elmira are very respectable looking young men. The substitutes are right the contrary. Such another set of rowdies cannot be picked up this side of the infernal regions. The officers of the 58th were frequently called upon by the commandant of the post to patrol the camp during the night. More or less of the substitutes escape every night. Some times whole squads break through the guard and run for dear life. How the government can cope with the rebel army with such a class of broken down, prison birds is a mystery to me. The rebel prisoners are very quiet, but the most casual observer can detect a settled determination to adhere to the fortunes of the Confederacy, though evil as well as good report.
Your friend, the Democrat, is either ignorant or false. His one idea, announced every morning, that the Democratic party is breaking up, is a subject of laughter, even among the Republicans. McClennan's name is music to the ears of a very large proportion of those in the service at Elmira.
The one hundred day men, I fear, will lose their votes this fall. If so, the boys at home must work the harder. That the whole "shoddy" party will be routed this fall, horse, foot and dragoons, there can be but little doubt.
The clergy in certain localities have commenced upon the duty this fall. Let missionaries be sent into every school district, if the people are so ignorant about the right of suffrage as these political hypocrites pretend. How low the standard of clerical instruction. Political ranters and stump orators fill the sacred desk, with a few worthy exceptions. Thomas K. Beecher commenced a series of lectures on Sabbath evening to instruct, as he stated, his congregation how to vote. He must be proud of such a body of men; they prouder still of their teacher. There is no language in the vocabulary sufficiently strong to express proper indignation at the conduct of that class of the clergy. Strange than men of intelligence and experience will submit to have any man, high or low, assume such priority in political affairs. The mass of the people will repudiate all such instruction from the clergy. I have great respect for the clergy while in their appropriate sphere, but out upon such hypocritical assumptions.
As far as the Union is circulated in camp it is well received, and the boys are anxious of having it more abundantly. One word in reference to the 58th. It numbers a few less than three hundred effective, working men. The officers are gentlemanly and stand by their Colonel to a man; no shrinking from duty; every man at the proper post. The rank and file are being drilled in the use of arms, and have made good progress; their dress parade is done in fine style. The regiment has acquired a capital reputation for order and neatness. But no man has been in the guard house. This, with other National Guard regiments located at Elmira, are called by some of the government officials Governor Seymour's pets; and yet I hear of no complaints from any of the commandants of posts that the duties assigned them are not well and willingly performed. The idea of being sent to the front is abandoned even at home. The Guard is needed at this post as much as at the front. More anon.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 19, 1864, p. 2
THE ROBBERY OF SOLDIERS BY THE GUARD DETAILED AT ELMIRA—The Democrat is badly beaten in the controversy about the responsibility of the Federal officers at Elmira for the plunder of soldiers sent to the front under a guard of thieves from Elmira. The Elmira Advertiser, a black a Lincoln paper as the Democrat, gives considerable space to the matter, copying from both the Democrat and the Union. It says that if the reports are true the practice of plundering soldiers is pernicious and the guilty should be severely punished. It concludes that if the facts as stated our advice to the soldiers to take no money to Elmira is good, and it comments as follows:
But we mistrust that the above is rather fancy drawn, and implies a hit at the Federal authorities having the whole thing in charge in whose supervision the Union is never apt to see anything commendable. But, at least, officials now understand what is being said of them and they can meet the charges as they deem best.
Thus is will be seen that the Advertiser, a Lincoln paper published at Elmira, concedes all that we claimed as to the responsibility of the Federal authorities who have the whole thing in charge, and thus denies the allegation of the Democrat that Governor Seymour was responsible. The Advertiser hates the Governor most heartily and would not hesitate to out the responsibility upon him if it could. It is compelled to admit that the Federal authorities have the whole thing in charge, and it thinks the will investigate the matter.
Has the Democrat any comment to make on the remarks of its Elmira contemporary? Will it even publish as much of its comments as we have done? Guess not.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 221864, p. 2
POLITICS OF THE SOLDIERS—A Correspondent of the Democrat purporting to be of the 54th Regiment at Elmira, has taken up the question of politics among the soldiers there and declares that very few will go for McClellan. The writer of the communication, if in the 54th, does not believe what he says. He must know that the receipt of the intelligence of the nomination of Little Mac created great sensation in Camp Moore where the 54th and 58th are located—Cheer after cheer was sent up on the receipt of the news. We were told this in the camp in presence of Republican officers who did not deny it. Now unless we are misinformed by those who ought to know, the soldiers in Camp Moore at Elmira are decidedly for McClennan. If the correspondent of the Democrat is there and doubts it, let him invite a McClennan man to make a canvas within the companies and report the results. We are willing to abide by the decision.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
A Trip to Elmira
Two companies of the 50th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., having been ordered to report for detached duty at Elmira, companies "A" and "B" of that regiment, commanded respectively by Captains Blood and Clough, left the village of Ithaca on the 2nd of September and after a tedious ride, a portion of the distance upon open cars and rough board seats, arrived at Elmira.
Leaving their baggage at the depot, they marched up to barracks number one, where after considerable delay, the two companies were mustered into United States service for one hundred days.
On their arrival at the Camp they were surrounded by the soldiers who had been previously stationed there, who, supposing them to be substitutes, made the air resound with cries of "fresh air," "fresh fish," that being their usual salutation for the conscripts and bounty men.
The soldiers quartered there appear to have a special dislike for substitutes, and well they may, for the most arduous part of their duty is to prevent these drafted men and bounty jumpers from escaping the camp. At night no less than three lines of guards and pickets, besides patrols, are necessary to guard against the escape of these unwilling soldiers.
On their first arrival in camp it appeared probable that these companies would be assigned to quarters in the old barracks which were built in 1861 and which presented anything but an uninviting appearance, but through the exertions of their officers and by the kind assistance of the 58th regiment, they were finally ordered to occupy new barracks which were clean, neat and otherwise as convenient as could be expected.
The same evening the men received their clothing, blankets and a portion of their equipments, and after chosing their bunks, rolled in, tired out by their days of travel and excitement and prepared to enjoy even the repose afforded by a bed of boards and a knapsack pillow. The next day our militiamen began to be initiated into the mysteries of soldier and camp life, and soon some of them were put on guard duty on the camp ground, and others were sent off to Baltimore and Washington with detachments of volunteers and substitutes. "Subs," as the soldiers call them, were then coming in and being sent off by the hundred daily, The guard kept over them is very strict, they while on their way from one camp to another not being allowed to communicate with any person without permission. With all this care it is impossible to prevent some from making their escape, and it is said that one of these men poisoned two of his guards, that he might elude their vigilance.
I must not forget to describe the eating house where the private soldiers take their meals. It is a long, low, illy ventilated building, and its condition is a disgrace upon the authorities who have it in charge. The tables are always wet, greasy, and dirty, as are also the benches, and you can imagine that anything but a sweet smelling savor would arise from the sloppy, dirty tables, and this damp and unwholesome eating house. In going out of the single door you must remember not to look downward, for here are placed two swill barrels, into which the men must empty the refuse from their tin cups and plates as they file out of the building. The rations allotted would not be unpalatable if a suitable place was provided in which to eat them. The bread is excellent, and the coffee very good; but strange to relate, no vegetables are provided for men who need them at this time and place more than at almost any other. Once or twice the men have had tainted meat served out to them, but it has always disappeared a very short time after being placed upon the table.
Lieut. Esty, of the Ithaca Company, sent out one dish of this sort on the double quick, ordering waiters to set such meat before his men again at their peril.
But I have not time to give further particulars concerning our Tompkins County Militia—men which would be of general interest. They are still at Elmira and will fulfill faithfully every duty committed to their charge.
The 58th N.G.S.N.Y., to which the two companies of the 50th are attached, is under the command of Col. Wisner of Mount Morris, who enjoys the reputation of a most excellent and efficient officer.
During my stay in Elmira I visited the encampment of rebel prisoners and Barracks number Three, where the 54th Rochester regiment is stationed.
The 54th makes the best appearance on parade of any regiment now at Elmira, and has a very high reputation for order and efficiency. Col. Clark, its universally popular commander, may well be proud of his Excelsior regiment, the gallant 54th.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 27, 1864, p. 2
The Rebel Prisoners at Elmira
It will appear by the communication below, from a reliable source, that our government is imitating the example of the Jeff. Davis government in cruelty to prisoners. It is evidently the purpose of the fanatics who control the two governments to wreak their vengeance and hatred upon the sick and wounded prisoners who fall into their hands. We are told by the Democrat that the rebel government has removed the men from the command of the prisons who perpetrated the acts of cruelty to the Union prisoners, and that they are all doing well down there at Richmond, Andersonville and other places. If our cotemporary believes this to be the case, had he not better urge some reform in the management of the rebel prisoners held by the federal government? If he has any feeling of magnanimity he will do it, and thus further mitigate the horrors of war:
MR. EDITOR:—Will you give a place in your paper to the following extracts from private letters concerning the prisoners at Elmira?
"We looked down from the observatory into the pen the poor prisoners have at Elmira. God help them! We have a cousin among them, who has lung disease and scurvy. We tried to get permission to speak to him, but Stanton's orders are so fiendish that we could not. As a great favor we were permitted to send him a few vegetables, and L. got him an overcoat, as he was sick, through a friend, who prepared him for our appearance on the observatory. We recognized the poor boy, and he touched his hat when the guards were not looking. I begged the officer to have him stand out by himself, that we might distinguish him. He sent me a ring through one of them. When we turned to leave the poor fellow was completely overcome. The officers are humane, and but for Stanton and the Loyal League, would do well by them. Many of the prisoners had little, if any, clothing on—some in their drawers. Please send a cheap prayer book to poor J. to cheer him, if possible. He cannot live long as he is. They will not permit the well ones to receive anything. Can't you get Mr. B., or some one, to open the eyes of the people to this great crime committed at our very doors.
Yours, _______"
"Do try to send up some one to intercede with Stanton, or somebody who can put a stop to this outrage. Only think of those poor fellows dying from cold and starvation in this christian land of plenty. Their rations are now sut down to one quarter, not enough to sustain life. They must die or become insane. To think poor Mrs. ________ could not speak to her cousin. I sent him a prayer book and cross book mark. They will not contraband; but anything which helps them to live is. Are we living in such a land? Do tell Mr. N. about it. Perhaps he will be able to do something for these poor fellows."
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 29, 1864, p. 2
A NEW DODGE–THE 54TH REGIMENT AND GRAYS' BATTERY TO BE RETAINED AT ELMIRA—It is now proposed that the Government retain the 54th Regt. And Grays' Battery at Elmira for one hundred days after the expiration of their present term on the 4th of November.
The City Committee for recruiting have fallen in and adopted the suggestion. They have voted the men $200 bounty each, provided government can be induced to credit the city, half a man for each of these commands who enlists for another hundred days.
Mayor Brackett and Gen. Williams go to Elmira to-night to present the proposition to the officers of the Regiment and Battery, and to see what they can do with the Federal authorities in the way of obtaining the credit suggested as a condition for their re-enlistment.
This scheme, if carried into effect, will keep the Regiment and Battery at Elmira during the Election and every man will be deprived of the privilege of voting. The law to permit soldiers to vote in the camp and field only gives the privilege to those out of the State. None of the men at Elmira can vote. That is settled beyond all question.
The soldiers should fully understand this and act with a knowledge of the facts. It has been given out that the men of the 54th and Grays would not be permitted to come home to vote any way though their time expires before election. It is understood that a majority of them will vote for McClellan and so they will probably be prevented from voting at all.
As to filling the quota of the city there will be no difficulty in this respect. The committee understand that they can get the men as fast as they can get the money. There is no occasion to sell the local militia to fill the quota. We hope to see our soldiers home at the end of their first hundred days.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 2, 1864, p. 2
The Rochester Democrat says of the old copperheads woman's letter, that appeared in the Rochester Union, purporting to have been written in Elmira:
"Hereabout it is not believed that the letter was written by a woman at all, or that it came from Elmira."
So the Advertiser said in another paragraph in the same issue, in which the one quoted by the Democrat occurred.—[Elmira Advertiser]
The above is all the answer we get from the Elmira Advertiser to a proposition we made to wager $100 that the lady who wrote the letter to this paper resides in Rochester and has a husband and son in the Federal army. The Democrat does not reply at all. It dare not. We propose now to offer the sneaks more tempting terms. We will wager $100 that what we state in respect to the lady is true, we will take the burthen for proof and the $200 shall be appropriated to the benefit of sick and wounded Union soldiers as the winner may dictate.
The only answer the Elmira paper will give to this proposition will be to repeat the falsehood.
The Democrat will probably remain silent. It too may repeat the lie it has uttered.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 3, 1864, p. 1
Under the column "All Sorts of Paragraphs"
—There are eighteen acres of rebels in the encampment at Elmira, New York.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 3, 1864, p. 2
PERSONAL—Col. Clark of the 54th arrived here from Elmira this morning to remain a day or two attending to regimental affairs. He reports all quiet at Elmira and the men of the 54th feeling very well.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 5, 1864, p. 2
ILLNESS OF OFFICERS AT ELMIRA—Major Lewis of the Grays is lying quite ill of typhoid fever at Elmira. Capt. Hobbie of the Dragoons has been ill, but is recovering.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 6, 1864, p. 2
Base Ball in the 54th
Camp Chemung, Elmira, N.Y.
September 4, 1864
EDS. UNION AND ADVERTISER: Among the various pastimes indulged in by the members of the different regiments here when not on duty, is the game of base ball. A week or so ago the players in the 54th received a challenge to play a match game from the 56th (Brooklyn) Regiment. This regiment contains some of the best players of the city of Brooklyn; but the boys of the 54th nevertheless accepted the challenge.
Yesterday was the time designated for the match to take place, and a goodly number of the officers and men of both regiments assembled on the ground to witness the playing. The Brooklynites went on the ground confident of success, offering bets of two to one; but as the score will show, they were doomed to disappointment, the 54th nine defeating them by one run. The game was well contested throughout, eliciting the hearty applause of the outsiders of both regiments. The Brooklyn nine took their defeat in good humor. A return match will shortly be played, when the 56th expect to retrieve their lost laurels.
[The box score was in a graphic and too much trouble to include it. As noted the 54th won the game - 13 to 12.]
Scorers: James Nellis and W. H. Welling
Umpire: Capt. C. R. Barton
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 8, 1864, p. 2
PROMOTED AND GLAD TO HEAR IT—Says the Rochester Union:—"Among the elections which recently took place in camp, in the 54th Regiment, was one in Company H. Lieut. Alfred R. Hoyt was elected Captain in place of W. T. Kennedy, Jr., resigned. James Hason was chosen Second Lieutenant to fill a vacancy."
Boys of Company H. we're glad to hear it.—"Al" and "Jim" will do you credit. "Charley" and the "old Cap" would be glad to drop down on you for a day or two, but as we are working for our tried friend, "Little Mac," you'll excuse us. Meantime Cap. Luff. and the "Boys," all the good luck in the world.
The above is from the Bay City (Mich.) Signal conducted by Capt. Kennedy who formerly commanded Co. H of the 54th N.Y.N.G.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 10, 1864, p. 3
FIFTY FOURTH REGIMENT—COMPANY L—The headquarters of Company L, Rochester City Dragoons, will be open every evening (Sundays excepted) to receive applicants from first-class young men to join the Company. It is expected that the regiment will be ordered into service of the United States at Elmira. The members of the Regiment thus ordered will not be liable for the draft. By order,
I. S. Hobbie, Capt.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 12, 1864, p. 2
ESCAPE OF SUBSTITUTES—It is reported that 21 men sent from this district to Elmira as substitutes and deserters, escaped from the Barracks on Saturday night. Among the number was the noted "Paddy" Loughlin, who has been arrested thirteen times and who has never yet seen any service at the front.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
Notes of a Day in Elmira
Sunday spent at Elmira afforded a few notes of interest, perhaps, to the readers of this paper. The presence of the 54th National Guard and Grays' Battery at Elmira makes the place attractive to our citizens, and many are frequently here.
An occasional visit to Elmira does not make the place much more pleasing. It is an overgrown village, spread upon a stony flat in the valley of the Chemung, and, with the help that military expenditure has given, it has taken on a city charter among its burthens.
The Depot of the Erie Railway is in one place—the business part of the town and the hotels in another, and the camps in still other places far and wide apart. The hotels are overrun with people, and as a consequence they are not the most inviting. The Brainard House is the largest, and is spoken of as the hotel of the place. It lacks many things which belong to a first-class house. It reminds one of a farm leased and the tenant on the last year of his term. There is a lack of everything that looks like making the place luxurious and inviting, and the furniture is barely sufficient to make one feel that he is in an occupied house. The fare at the table is pretty good, though scarcely up to what it should be for a first-class hotel.
The camp to which the Rochester man will naturally turn is that at the Rebel Prison, situated on the Chemung, in the south part of the village. There is the pen of forty acres, enclosed by a high fence upon which the sentry measures the hours with steady pace. No one must approach this fence from without or within under penalty of a shot. The prisoners number about 9,400 and are quartered in barracks and tents.
They can only be seen by visitors from an observatory across the street, from which there is a fine view of the camp and rebel quarters. Mr. Nichols, the proprietor hit upon a happy expedient for making a pile and serving the public at the same time. It costs a dime to spend an hour or two on this large observatory, and no one who goes to Elmira fails to take the view it affords.
The Rebels are under the control of Major Colt of Geneseo, who has positive instructions which are very stringent against the admission of visitors. The most important functionaries are nor admitted to the pen unless special business. The prisoners have a rough appearance, wearing, as they do, clothing of as many hues as the rainbow but none so brilliant. The men are generally of good size, and what would be called fair specimens of the race, if they were not Rebels. They are suffering from the climate and other causes, and it is not strange that many are ill and deaths are frequent. Scurvy is quite common. Fevers are also prevalent. There are about 1500 sick, and the deaths are from seven to ten per day. The confinement of this prison must be very wearisome to the men, and tends to aggravate their illness if attacked. But for this we presume they would prefer to remain than be exchanged and take the chance of going again into the field. There is no danger of an outbreak or any movement for an escape. The guard is so strong that any such attempt would prove futile and disastrous in the extreme to those who engage in it. The signal of a movement by night or day, would bring in a moment a cordon of bristling bayonets about the entire enclosure.
The State Regiments doing guard duty are encamped upon three sides of the prison, and the Chemung river flows on the fourth, with a heavy guard between the fence and the water.
On the south side in a field laid out by nature for a camp, lies in comfortable quarters our own Regiment, the 54th, with the Grays Battery and the 56th N.Y.—the latter regiment from New York city. Everything in camp is in perfect order, and everything moves with the precision of a nicely adjusted machine.
Col. Clark, with his associate field officers, Lieut. Col. Sellinger and Major Westcott, occupy tents on the ridge along the street overlooking the camp. Surgeon Briggs and others of the staff are also quartered on the line.
On the flat below, back of the parade ground, in full view of the streets of the camp, along with the tents of the several companies are arranged in even rows. Further back, on another elevation, are the tents of the company officers, and near by the baking and cook houses of the regiment. The food is well prepared, as we know from inspection. The bread is as good as we ever saw or care to find, under any circumstances. There is nothing wanting for the comfort and health of the men here encamped that can be supplied, unless it is shelter for those on guard duty from the heavy dews of the night, which fall upon them like a shower, saturating their clothing. This exposure causes fever, and a few are ill. They have the best medical care, and a few cases are obstinate.
A party of eight or ten from this city, including the Mayor, spent some hours in camp with the 54th and were hospitably entertained by the officers who vied with each other in making all feel welcome.
While the party were at the Captain's quarters of Co. L (the Dragoons) Capt. Newman's fine band appeared and played some pretty airs which Lieut. Rosenthal (in command of the company) said was a compliment to His Honor and the old commander of the Dragoons and late Colonel of the Regiment. The Mayor responded handsomely and Cols. Angle and Amsden followed.
At the Grays' quarters were Capt. Quinn and Lieut. Darrow to do the hospitable, and make their Rochester friends fell at home. The Battery is well situated and doing its share of duty, while its howitzers stand on the field with grape and canister to exercise a moral influence upon any element which is liable to be disturbed.
The evening parade of the 54th and 56th was a fine show. The 54th went through their evolutions with the precision of veteran soldiers and elicited the warmest commendations of the spectators. The men of this regiment form a contrast so pleasing to the mass of those of the New York regiments that it is the subject of remark everywhere. The Elmirans are loud in praise of the Rochester regiment.
The incidents of camp which might be related are many. Among them is one worthy of notice. When the 54th went to Elmira, they found some three or four hundred of the 16th Veteran Corps doing guard duty. The two organizations soon became friendly, and the Adjutant of the 16th, Lieut. H. C. Brandt, took a special interest in the 54th, partly because it was the Fifty-fourth Volunteer Regiment in which he did hi fighting, but chiefly, as he says, because he found the officers and men gentlemen. Himself a splendid soldier, he could do many kind things for our officers, and they did not forget him. On Thursday night, as he was preparing to follow his Regiment, which had been ordered to Washington, he was presented, by the officers of the 54th, with a splendid field glass suitably inscribed. The presentation was made by Surgeon Briggs in a becoming manner, and accepted in the kind spirit that it was offered.
Col. Clark is quite indisposed, and returned home for rest yesterday.
Capt. Hobbie, of Co. L, is ill of fever at the residence of a relative in Elmira. He is now improving slowly but surely, no doubt.
Major Lewis, of the Grays, has a turn of fever but rallied so far as to return home on Saturday, to recuperate here.
Newman's Band, so popular with the people of Elmira, came to Rochester yesterday on five days furlough, to fulfil some engagements and to enable the members to attend to private affairs neglected in consequence of their abrupt departure for camp.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
"ONE LIES AND THE OTHER SWEARS TO IT"—It has been stated that the Democrats of Elmira took the lead in celebrating the fall of Atlanta. The Elmira Advertiser says that the statement is not true and the Rochester Democrat copies the denial and assumes that its case is made. That will not do. The witnesses are not competent to testify, as they are virtually impeached in a past transaction. These papers declared that a communication written to this paper was from an old copperhead woman or was not written by a woman at all. We offered to put up $100 for soldiers' relief, that we would prove that these journals made false statements in regard to the matter and belied the wife and mother of soldiers. They could not back up their positions and had not the manliness to back down. Till they put themselves right in this matter, they had not better unite in making any other statement before the public.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
Letter from in Elmira
Camp Moore
Elmira, Sept. 11, 1864
Since my last letter we have met with a severe loss here in Camp. The 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, (our teachers as it were), have left camp and gone to Harrisburg, much to the regret of the 54th and Battalion, for they were indeed gentlemen from privates up, and extended to us, the Military of Rochester civilities, we shall long remember. The scurrilous attack made upon the officers and members of the 16th through the Democrat, some time since, was a mean and contemptible as it was uncalled for and false. The officers have proved themselves gentlemen in every particular, and the article in question was worthy the source from which it emanated and the paper in which it was published. The officers of the 54th united in the presentation of a splendid field glass to Adj't H. C. Brandt of the 16th and the 4th inst. The Adjutant said, in his reply to Col. Clark, who made the presentation in behalf of the officers, "that he went to the field with the 54th [sic] Brooklyn and this beautiful gift from the 54th Rochester was the first present he had ever received and that he should appreciate it the more highly as it came from the 54th unexpected, unsought, and in fact undeserved."
We have seen something of the feeling manifested at the reception of the news of Presidential nominations in years past and gone, be we never heard or saw anything to compare to the news of the nomination of "Little Mac," every one seemed to be crazy with excitement. The first we heard of the news was the cheers from the Camp of the 56th Brooklyn regiment, then it was taken up by the 99th, 77th, 54th, the Batteries and a large portion of the "Vets," who claim that wherever they may be the privates will vote 5 to 1 for Little Mac. In the city of Elmira the excitement was, if anything, still greater—men, women and children through the streets sending up cheer upon cheer for the Soldier Candidate. In the evening at least 6,000 people congregated in the streets to hear and see what they could see. Cannons fired until after midnight. Captain Newman's Band and the 56th Drum Corps enlivened the scene with music. Such a time was never before in Elmira "by the oldest inhabitant." The people seemed not contented with this demonstration but on Monday evening following (5th) amid a drenching rain-storm, a ratification meeting was held, processions paraded the streets, with banners and music, cannons were fired and bon-fires were lit in the principal streets and the people both old and young turned out en masse as if for a gala day. I am informed that many solid men of the city, who were formerly "Union Leaguers," have come out in favor of McClellan, and proclaim the fact universally in public places. Addresses were made at these meetings by several prominent men of Elmira, among the number was E. P. Hart, Esq., former District Attorney of Chemung Co. I learn that he is a brother of R. Hart of your city, if so, as a politician he far outstrips his brother, not only as a speaker but as being on the "right side" and having enlisted with his whole heart in the "right Cause." Two to one are the odds on a "Little Mac" here, with no takers. The Republicans look and feel chop-fallen enough since the nomination.
There seems to be considerable sickness in the camp at present principally dysentery, of a mild type, however, which yields readily to proper remedies. Drs. Briggs and Rider are doing all men can for the welfare of those who come under their charge. Friends at home need not worry about those who are here, for they receive the best of care. Major Lewis has been quite sick but was able to be removed home yesterday and hope to see him again at his post in a short time. Col. Clark is feeling quite unwell but manages to be about. Adj. Brackett has also been sent home.
Major A. S. Diven has been promoted to a Brigadier Generalship by Uncle Abe. This is a good appointment, for General D. has proved himself a good and efficient officer and in fact the "right man in the right place." No better appointment could be made and one that gives better satisfaction "all round."
I regret to learn in this connection that Capt. Lowe, A. Q. M.,—the right hand man in Gen. Diven's office—is to be removed and sent to New Orleans, because, I learn, for no other reason than he thinks, (though he does not speak it,) that A. Lincoln is not the man for the Presidency the next term. The Republican wolves are after him with their howls and I should not be surprised if he had to leave, though his home is Elmira and he is every way qualified for the position he now holds, having lost his health in the field and sent home to die. It makes no difference, he has no business even to think Lincoln is not the man. Wherever the Captain may be ordered, or wherever he goes he will carry the best wishes of every officer and member of the N. G. from Rochester. A more genial or warm hearted friend of ours never breathed the breath of life than Capt. L. But thus is politics and thus the strait to which Republicans are driven.
A salute of one hundred guns were fired by the "Grays" on the receipt of the news here of the fall of Atlanta, which made the rebs fell anything but uncomfortable. I understand the initiatory steps for the salute was taken by the "democrats" who were looked upon by a few as disloyal.
The "Grays" were mustered into the United States service, for one hundred days on the 30th ult., to date from the 2nd. Every man present mustered. We now number, including officers, one hundred strong. The boys are all well and have had issued to them overcoats &c., so that they are comfortable. By the way, I observe in the Battery and 54th, some typos from the Union office who have laid aside the stick and the rule and taken to the shooting-stick. I see no typos from the Democrat here. Are they all wanted at home to help squelch the "Irish trash" this fall?
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 14, 1864, p. 2
"Rascally Conduct—Gov. Seymour's Militiamen Plundering Volunteers"
The above is the caption to an article in the Democrat which for audacity and boldness is misrepresentation eclipses all that has appeared in that sheet, noted for its audacity in that respect. Having been present in Elmira on Sunday, when the editor who wrote the article, obtained the information upon which it is based, we are the more surprised at what is written. The writer of that article knows that the guilt of the matter rests entirely with the Federal authorities—that the outrages referred to are perpetrated under their direction, and that Gov. Seymour has no more to do with the Federal army than the man in the moon.
The editor of the Democrat knew that an exposition of this robbing of volunteers would be made, to the disgrace of the Lincoln party, and he saw no other way to meet it, than by crying out "stop thief" and diverting attention from the guilty.
What the Democrat states of the atrocious robbery of volunteers and substitutes is mainly true, and a great deal more has not been told. The following is the statement of the Democrat the caption being at the head of this article:
Some most scandalous stories are told at Elmira of the treatment to which volunteer soldiers en route for the front are subjected by the guards detailed from New York regiments of the National Guard. The volunteers are actually in some cases stripped of every cent of money on their persons. A pretence is made that there is danger of their deserting and as night comes on they are placed in irons. As soon as it is dark enough for their purpose the guards blow out the lights in the car and commence rifling the pockets of the manacled and helpless recruits. The thing appears to be well understood by certain New York officers. They wink at it, and it is believed that some of their number do not hesitate to share in the plunder. On one occasion an officer of the 54th overheard the Adjutant who was engaged in making the detail, ask his men if they had any money. "No," responded one fellow, "but we'll have plenty when we come back!" There was a general laugh, in which the officer joined heartily.
Lieut. Weitzel of the 54th, went down to Washington with one detail, and endeavored to maintain some discipline and show of decency among the New Yorkers, but was openly defied, and a sergeant even threatened his life with a drawn bayonet. The recruits were robbed of everything they had, during the trip, and Lieut. Weitzel was offered two hundred dollars as his share. He refused to take anything, at first, but finally, through the fear of the lawless crew, accepted twenty-five dollars, which he delivered up to the proper officer on his return to Elmira, at the same time reporting the facts. We hear that an investigation is to be made, but whether it will amount to anything is a matter of some doubt. The insubordinate sergeant has disappeared, and the officers of his regiment profess to know nothing about him. They keep no record of the names of men detailed to guard detachments. Lieut. Weitzel is ill, and as the surgeon thinks, is suffering from the effects of drugs administered to him during his trip to Washington.
Taking this statement of our cotemporary, which is substantially true, and he makes his case against the Federal and not the State authorities. Gov. Seymour has no soldiers at Elmira. All the men there are sworn into the Federal service and are as much Federal soldiers as any other. The Governor can give no command which the President and his subordinates are bound to obey. When they are ordered to do guard duty it is as Federal soldiers. If they rob fellow soldiers it is because they are permitted to do so by Federal officers who are bound to protect soldiers.
But we need not go into an argument to show this. It is an insult to the intelligence of readers to do so. But what has the Democrat omitted in this statement? At the very time and place when the above facts were stated to the editor who wrote the article, it was further stated that when the Federal officers at Elmira wanted a guard from the New York militia regiments, they did not call upon Col. Clark or other commandants, but went and took the men from camp, selecting such as would serve their purpose. The first the Colonels know of the proceedings is when the Sergeants report the men absent on detached duty. By this it appears that the men connected with the Provost Marshal's office are concerned in the villainy. If they desired to have a guard of good men, they would have called upon the Colonels to send such, and held them responsible. The thieves were selected from certain regiments, and they divide the money taken by force from the soldiers, with the officers who select them. The Democrat says truly that an investigation will not amount to anything. It would amount to something if made by Federal officials, and Gov. Seymour and his men were the parties at fault. The doubt our contemporary expresses of the result of an investigation, is a confession that the guilt is in quarters too high to be reached.
Now we feel it our duty to caution volunteers and substitutes who are entering the army, against the horde of robbers who are detailed at Elmira to plunder them. They should not take a dollar in their pockets by way of Elmira. It will be taken from them by force ere they get over the mountains of Pennsylvania. And there is no redress. When they get to the army they can obtain no hearing and if they do, the gang sent as a guard would beat them in swearing and give large odds. Volunteers and substitutes leave your money in banks or with friends before you go to Elmira. You will probably be robbed of all, if you take it with you!
It is shame that this should be so, but it can not be otherwise till the Federal officials whose duty it is to forward troops see to it that good men are sent out as guards for recruits. Such can be obtained without difficulty by calling upon the Colonels of Regiments who know their men.
Will our exchanges call attention to this systematic robbery of soldiers and advise them to take care of their money before going to Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 15, 1864, p. 2
The 58th New York at Elmira—Flight of Substitutes—The Soldiers for McClellan—Electioneering in the Pulpit, &c.
Elmira, Sept. 14, 1864
DEAR UNION:—The 58th Regiment National Guard came to Elmira on the 10th ult., performing duty at Barracks No. 1 until the 11th inst. You know the substitutes and recruits are brought first to Barracks No. 1, put into squads and sent to the front. The 58th has no less than four details at and on the way to the front now. The recruits brought to Elmira are very respectable looking young men. The substitutes are right the contrary. Such another set of rowdies cannot be picked up this side of the infernal regions. The officers of the 58th were frequently called upon by the commandant of the post to patrol the camp during the night. More or less of the substitutes escape every night. Some times whole squads break through the guard and run for dear life. How the government can cope with the rebel army with such a class of broken down, prison birds is a mystery to me. The rebel prisoners are very quiet, but the most casual observer can detect a settled determination to adhere to the fortunes of the Confederacy, though evil as well as good report.
Your friend, the Democrat, is either ignorant or false. His one idea, announced every morning, that the Democratic party is breaking up, is a subject of laughter, even among the Republicans. McClennan's name is music to the ears of a very large proportion of those in the service at Elmira.
The one hundred day men, I fear, will lose their votes this fall. If so, the boys at home must work the harder. That the whole "shoddy" party will be routed this fall, horse, foot and dragoons, there can be but little doubt.
The clergy in certain localities have commenced upon the duty this fall. Let missionaries be sent into every school district, if the people are so ignorant about the right of suffrage as these political hypocrites pretend. How low the standard of clerical instruction. Political ranters and stump orators fill the sacred desk, with a few worthy exceptions. Thomas K. Beecher commenced a series of lectures on Sabbath evening to instruct, as he stated, his congregation how to vote. He must be proud of such a body of men; they prouder still of their teacher. There is no language in the vocabulary sufficiently strong to express proper indignation at the conduct of that class of the clergy. Strange than men of intelligence and experience will submit to have any man, high or low, assume such priority in political affairs. The mass of the people will repudiate all such instruction from the clergy. I have great respect for the clergy while in their appropriate sphere, but out upon such hypocritical assumptions.
As far as the Union is circulated in camp it is well received, and the boys are anxious of having it more abundantly. One word in reference to the 58th. It numbers a few less than three hundred effective, working men. The officers are gentlemanly and stand by their Colonel to a man; no shrinking from duty; every man at the proper post. The rank and file are being drilled in the use of arms, and have made good progress; their dress parade is done in fine style. The regiment has acquired a capital reputation for order and neatness. But no man has been in the guard house. This, with other National Guard regiments located at Elmira, are called by some of the government officials Governor Seymour's pets; and yet I hear of no complaints from any of the commandants of posts that the duties assigned them are not well and willingly performed. The idea of being sent to the front is abandoned even at home. The Guard is needed at this post as much as at the front. More anon.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 19, 1864, p. 2
THE ROBBERY OF SOLDIERS BY THE GUARD DETAILED AT ELMIRA—The Democrat is badly beaten in the controversy about the responsibility of the Federal officers at Elmira for the plunder of soldiers sent to the front under a guard of thieves from Elmira. The Elmira Advertiser, a black a Lincoln paper as the Democrat, gives considerable space to the matter, copying from both the Democrat and the Union. It says that if the reports are true the practice of plundering soldiers is pernicious and the guilty should be severely punished. It concludes that if the facts as stated our advice to the soldiers to take no money to Elmira is good, and it comments as follows:
But we mistrust that the above is rather fancy drawn, and implies a hit at the Federal authorities having the whole thing in charge in whose supervision the Union is never apt to see anything commendable. But, at least, officials now understand what is being said of them and they can meet the charges as they deem best.
Thus is will be seen that the Advertiser, a Lincoln paper published at Elmira, concedes all that we claimed as to the responsibility of the Federal authorities who have the whole thing in charge, and thus denies the allegation of the Democrat that Governor Seymour was responsible. The Advertiser hates the Governor most heartily and would not hesitate to out the responsibility upon him if it could. It is compelled to admit that the Federal authorities have the whole thing in charge, and it thinks the will investigate the matter.
Has the Democrat any comment to make on the remarks of its Elmira contemporary? Will it even publish as much of its comments as we have done? Guess not.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 221864, p. 2
POLITICS OF THE SOLDIERS—A Correspondent of the Democrat purporting to be of the 54th Regiment at Elmira, has taken up the question of politics among the soldiers there and declares that very few will go for McClellan. The writer of the communication, if in the 54th, does not believe what he says. He must know that the receipt of the intelligence of the nomination of Little Mac created great sensation in Camp Moore where the 54th and 58th are located—Cheer after cheer was sent up on the receipt of the news. We were told this in the camp in presence of Republican officers who did not deny it. Now unless we are misinformed by those who ought to know, the soldiers in Camp Moore at Elmira are decidedly for McClennan. If the correspondent of the Democrat is there and doubts it, let him invite a McClennan man to make a canvas within the companies and report the results. We are willing to abide by the decision.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 13, 1864, p. 2
A Trip to Elmira
Two companies of the 50th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y., having been ordered to report for detached duty at Elmira, companies "A" and "B" of that regiment, commanded respectively by Captains Blood and Clough, left the village of Ithaca on the 2nd of September and after a tedious ride, a portion of the distance upon open cars and rough board seats, arrived at Elmira.
Leaving their baggage at the depot, they marched up to barracks number one, where after considerable delay, the two companies were mustered into United States service for one hundred days.
On their arrival at the Camp they were surrounded by the soldiers who had been previously stationed there, who, supposing them to be substitutes, made the air resound with cries of "fresh air," "fresh fish," that being their usual salutation for the conscripts and bounty men.
The soldiers quartered there appear to have a special dislike for substitutes, and well they may, for the most arduous part of their duty is to prevent these drafted men and bounty jumpers from escaping the camp. At night no less than three lines of guards and pickets, besides patrols, are necessary to guard against the escape of these unwilling soldiers.
On their first arrival in camp it appeared probable that these companies would be assigned to quarters in the old barracks which were built in 1861 and which presented anything but an uninviting appearance, but through the exertions of their officers and by the kind assistance of the 58th regiment, they were finally ordered to occupy new barracks which were clean, neat and otherwise as convenient as could be expected.
The same evening the men received their clothing, blankets and a portion of their equipments, and after chosing their bunks, rolled in, tired out by their days of travel and excitement and prepared to enjoy even the repose afforded by a bed of boards and a knapsack pillow. The next day our militiamen began to be initiated into the mysteries of soldier and camp life, and soon some of them were put on guard duty on the camp ground, and others were sent off to Baltimore and Washington with detachments of volunteers and substitutes. "Subs," as the soldiers call them, were then coming in and being sent off by the hundred daily, The guard kept over them is very strict, they while on their way from one camp to another not being allowed to communicate with any person without permission. With all this care it is impossible to prevent some from making their escape, and it is said that one of these men poisoned two of his guards, that he might elude their vigilance.
I must not forget to describe the eating house where the private soldiers take their meals. It is a long, low, illy ventilated building, and its condition is a disgrace upon the authorities who have it in charge. The tables are always wet, greasy, and dirty, as are also the benches, and you can imagine that anything but a sweet smelling savor would arise from the sloppy, dirty tables, and this damp and unwholesome eating house. In going out of the single door you must remember not to look downward, for here are placed two swill barrels, into which the men must empty the refuse from their tin cups and plates as they file out of the building. The rations allotted would not be unpalatable if a suitable place was provided in which to eat them. The bread is excellent, and the coffee very good; but strange to relate, no vegetables are provided for men who need them at this time and place more than at almost any other. Once or twice the men have had tainted meat served out to them, but it has always disappeared a very short time after being placed upon the table.
Lieut. Esty, of the Ithaca Company, sent out one dish of this sort on the double quick, ordering waiters to set such meat before his men again at their peril.
But I have not time to give further particulars concerning our Tompkins County Militia—men which would be of general interest. They are still at Elmira and will fulfill faithfully every duty committed to their charge.
The 58th N.G.S.N.Y., to which the two companies of the 50th are attached, is under the command of Col. Wisner of Mount Morris, who enjoys the reputation of a most excellent and efficient officer.
During my stay in Elmira I visited the encampment of rebel prisoners and Barracks number Three, where the 54th Rochester regiment is stationed.
The 54th makes the best appearance on parade of any regiment now at Elmira, and has a very high reputation for order and efficiency. Col. Clark, its universally popular commander, may well be proud of his Excelsior regiment, the gallant 54th.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 27, 1864, p. 2
The Rebel Prisoners at Elmira
It will appear by the communication below, from a reliable source, that our government is imitating the example of the Jeff. Davis government in cruelty to prisoners. It is evidently the purpose of the fanatics who control the two governments to wreak their vengeance and hatred upon the sick and wounded prisoners who fall into their hands. We are told by the Democrat that the rebel government has removed the men from the command of the prisons who perpetrated the acts of cruelty to the Union prisoners, and that they are all doing well down there at Richmond, Andersonville and other places. If our cotemporary believes this to be the case, had he not better urge some reform in the management of the rebel prisoners held by the federal government? If he has any feeling of magnanimity he will do it, and thus further mitigate the horrors of war:
MR. EDITOR:—Will you give a place in your paper to the following extracts from private letters concerning the prisoners at Elmira?
"We looked down from the observatory into the pen the poor prisoners have at Elmira. God help them! We have a cousin among them, who has lung disease and scurvy. We tried to get permission to speak to him, but Stanton's orders are so fiendish that we could not. As a great favor we were permitted to send him a few vegetables, and L. got him an overcoat, as he was sick, through a friend, who prepared him for our appearance on the observatory. We recognized the poor boy, and he touched his hat when the guards were not looking. I begged the officer to have him stand out by himself, that we might distinguish him. He sent me a ring through one of them. When we turned to leave the poor fellow was completely overcome. The officers are humane, and but for Stanton and the Loyal League, would do well by them. Many of the prisoners had little, if any, clothing on—some in their drawers. Please send a cheap prayer book to poor J. to cheer him, if possible. He cannot live long as he is. They will not permit the well ones to receive anything. Can't you get Mr. B., or some one, to open the eyes of the people to this great crime committed at our very doors.
Yours, _______"
"Do try to send up some one to intercede with Stanton, or somebody who can put a stop to this outrage. Only think of those poor fellows dying from cold and starvation in this christian land of plenty. Their rations are now sut down to one quarter, not enough to sustain life. They must die or become insane. To think poor Mrs. ________ could not speak to her cousin. I sent him a prayer book and cross book mark. They will not contraband; but anything which helps them to live is. Are we living in such a land? Do tell Mr. N. about it. Perhaps he will be able to do something for these poor fellows."
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: September 29, 1864, p. 2
A NEW DODGE–THE 54TH REGIMENT AND GRAYS' BATTERY TO BE RETAINED AT ELMIRA—It is now proposed that the Government retain the 54th Regt. And Grays' Battery at Elmira for one hundred days after the expiration of their present term on the 4th of November.
The City Committee for recruiting have fallen in and adopted the suggestion. They have voted the men $200 bounty each, provided government can be induced to credit the city, half a man for each of these commands who enlists for another hundred days.
Mayor Brackett and Gen. Williams go to Elmira to-night to present the proposition to the officers of the Regiment and Battery, and to see what they can do with the Federal authorities in the way of obtaining the credit suggested as a condition for their re-enlistment.
This scheme, if carried into effect, will keep the Regiment and Battery at Elmira during the Election and every man will be deprived of the privilege of voting. The law to permit soldiers to vote in the camp and field only gives the privilege to those out of the State. None of the men at Elmira can vote. That is settled beyond all question.
The soldiers should fully understand this and act with a knowledge of the facts. It has been given out that the men of the 54th and Grays would not be permitted to come home to vote any way though their time expires before election. It is understood that a majority of them will vote for McClellan and so they will probably be prevented from voting at all.
As to filling the quota of the city there will be no difficulty in this respect. The committee understand that they can get the men as fast as they can get the money. There is no occasion to sell the local militia to fill the quota. We hope to see our soldiers home at the end of their first hundred days.
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54th Regiment - 1864 - Part II
Here are the articles for July and August 1864 concerning Rochester, NY's 54th Infantry Regiment found in the Union & Advertiser. The Regiment was Federalized in July and sent to the Prisoner of War Camp in Elmira, NY as a guard unit. The Regiment was mustered out of the Union Army in November.
Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 2, 1864, p. 2
FLAG FOR THE 54TH—Col. Clark received this morning a regimental flag for the 54th from the State Quartermaster's Department. The new uniforms for the regiment have not arrived. Had they been received in time as expected, there would have been an early parade of the regiment on the 4th.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 2, 1864, p. 2
"OLD THIRTEENTH"—There will be a meeting of the members of this Regiment this (Saturday) evening at 7 o'clock precisely, at their drill room, to make arrangements for the body of Col. W. W. Bates, which is expected to arrive at 8 o'clock this evening.
By order of
C. S. Benjamin, Pres't
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 6, 1864, p. 2
CALL FOR MILITIA—The Federal government having called for 12,000 militia from this State it is supposed that the 54th Reg, of this city will be wanted. There was a report in town that the regiment had been called for.—The report is premature we think, yet it is not unlikely that the regiment may be wanted. Col. Clark left the city last night and we do not hear that anything has been received from him from Albany this morning. No telegraphic orders for the militia have been received.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 7, 1864, p. 2
THE STATE MILITARY—No call has yet been made upon this locality for State troops. Col. Clark of the 54th, has not been called upon by way of inquiry or otherwise. It is not quite clear that the President in his note to the Governor, intended to do more than have the troops in readiness to go if the rebels should make a serious raid into Pennsylvania and Maryland. Five or six hundred men might, no doubt, be sent down in the ranks of the 54th Regiment if their services should be required.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 9, 1864, p. 2
THE VILLAGE MILITIA—Our Metropolitan friends are evidently pretty ignorant of the state of the military organizations of the small "villages" throughout New York. What will the 54th say to the following from the N. Y. Express:
Notwithstanding the new militia law, which was enacted under Governor Morgan, and which provides for the thorough organization of our State Militia forces, we do not believe there are at present more than 25,000 organized militia in the entire State, the greater part of which belongs to New York City and Brooklyn.—The flourishing cities of Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Oswego, Albany, Troy and numerous others have no military organizations which can be relied upon in the present and other emergencies—when the Federal Government desires to employ our militia to expel the Rebels from Maryland and Pennsylvania. These cities have all large populations, so have several western counties of the State, which could easily organize their militia brigades and take some of the burdens now entirely resting on our city militia, on their own shoulders.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 11, 1864, p. 2
THE CALL FOR THE MILITIA—As yet, Col. Clark has no orders to call out the 54th regiment for government service. Reports of orders to Elmira and other places are unfounded, though such may yet be received.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 12, 1864, p. 2
THE GRAY'S BATTERY—The attention of young men who desire to enroll themselves in the State militia, is invited to a notice in our columns from the Rochester Union Grays Light Artillery. There are two batteries in which a few more men will be taken.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 12, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—The companies of the 54th Regiment are recruiting their ranks to the maximum number, one hundred men to each company. The regimental armory is now open all the time, and recruits are coming in quite freely. What service the regiment is to be called to perform is not known.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 13, 1864, p. 2
MILITARY ORDERS—On the third page of this paper will be found general orders No. 14 from the Adjutant General. Pursuant to this Gen. Williams has issued the following order:
ROCHESTER, July 13, 1864
Orders No. 9:
In pursuance of General Orders No. 14 from the Adjutant General's Office, Commandants of Regiments and Batallions [sic] in this Brigade will hold their commands in readiness for immediate service.
By Order of Brig. Gen. John Williams
Geo. Hyland, Jr., Brigade Inspector
General Order No. 14, is given on the third page.
Under the above order the several regiments are to be in readiness to answer any call that may be made for their services. The 54th is fast filling up and can now turn out about six hundred men. The regiment may be ordered into the federal service and day for special duty.—Those who join will probably escape the draft as they will be in the service already.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 13, 1864, p. 3
Proclamation and Order from
Gov. Seymour
ALBANY, July 12th, 1864
On the 8th instant I ordered that the several Military companies be increased to the maximum numbers. I now appeal to the People of New York to carry out this order by joining the National Guard, or by such other measures as will give that organization the numbers required by law. Unless this is done at once I cannot respond to the call now made by the President of the United States.
The National Constitution declares that a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State. If we had heeded this truth we should not have been exposed to invasion, to the disgrace of riots, and the hazards of still greater calamities. The negligence and false economy which led us to disregard this warning have been fearfully punished. The cost of arming and equipping the National Guard would have been trifling compared with the amount which new York must now pay as its quota of the expense of driving back the armies which now threaten the National Capital.
Let us be warned by the errors of the past. I implore all citizens to lay aside passion and prejudice, and to unite in carrying out the law clearly demanded by the honor, the interest, the safety of the State and nation. In many parts of New York this duty has been utterly neglected, and the burthen of answering calls for the militia has been thrown upon a few sections of the State.
In this time of civil war we are perplexed with many questions which are beyond the grasp of any mind. We see them from different standpoints, and reach conflicting conclusions. It is only ignorance and bigotry which will make these differences and views occasions far controversies and reproach. However we may differ upon other points, there should be no conflict of opinion as to the duties we owe to the State and National Governments. These are clearly set forth in the Constitution of our country, in the following terms:
ART. 6. Sub-division 2. This Constitution and the Laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made under the authorities of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the Judges of every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution and laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
ART. 3. Sec. 2. Provides, For the purpose of defining the limits of the authority of the General Government: "The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States and the treaties made under their authority."
ART. 10 of the amendments declares: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Every good citizen will yield an equal respect and obedience to each of these provisions.—When either of them are disregarded our country will be overwhelmed with anarchy and confusion. I exhort all not to allow their passions, their prejudices and suspicions to increase the dangers that overhang us. Let us cordially unite in measures essential to the preservation of the National unity, the power of the State, the peace and good order of Society. Foremost among them is the organization of those liable to duty without respect to creed or political opinions, into local military companies. In order to meet the Constitutional demands of the General Government, to secure the enforcement of the laws of the State, and afford security to the lives and homes of our citizens, this must be done at once.
ALBANY, July 12, 1864
General Orders No. 14
The commandants of all the Regiments of the National Guard of this State, are hereby ordered to hold their commands in readiness for immediate service.
The Major Generals commanding Divisions, and the several Brigadier Generals of the State, will see that this order is at once promulgated throughout their Division and Brigade Districts.
By order of the Commander in Chief.
Isaac Vanderpor
Engineer-in Chief and A. A. A. G.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 15, 1864, p. 2
Call for the 54th Regiment
Col. Clark of the 54th Regiment N. Y. N. G., received a call for his regiment at a late hour last night to go to Elmira and guard the Rebel prisoners held in that place. It is proposed to take four regiments, including the 54th, for this special duty. Asst. Provost Marshal Diven gives his word that the regiments called shall perform this duty and no other. The men are to be sworn into the U. S. service for six months, and will receive the same pay as other soldiers, but no government bounty. They will also be exempt from the draft. Every man who goes out in the 54th will count as half a man on the quota of the district. It is therefore presumed that the county will pay half bounties to those men.
The companies of the 54th will at once fill up and make ready to go to Elmira. Col. Clark called a meeting of the officers for this morning. Brig. Gen. Williams was present and stated to the officers what was expected of them and what they might do in filling up their several companies.
There is no doubt but in a week the regiment will be full and ready to go to Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 16, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—The companies of this regiment are now filling up with the expectation of going into the federal service for six months to guard rebel prisoners at Elmira. Thus far the only assurance the regiment has that it will perform special duty, comes from Assistant Provost Marshal Gen. Diven. The regiment ought to have something direct from the War Department, as the promises of Mr. Diven may be repudiated at headquarters. If it is intended to take the regiment to the field, let that be understood at once and no deception practiced. Mr. Diven can get from the War Department an order as to this regiment as he may desire.
The Supervisors Committee has voted to pay $50 bounty to each man in the 54th. A special meeting of the Board is to be called for Tuesday to consider this and other subjects relating to volunteers for the army.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 18, 1864, p. 2
A DRAFT SOUGHT—A committee of three captains of the 54th Regiment went to Albany last night and it is understood that their mission is to request Governor Seymour to make a draft in Rochester to fill up the 54th Militia. And the Committee are to further to urge the Governor to stipulate that the 54th shall be assigned to special duty at Elmira for six months. It is not likely that their mission will be successful. If the regiment is filled by a draft or otherwise, it will have to be mustered into the Federal service if it performs the duty proposed, and if the men are to get pay from the federal Treasury. In such an event the Governor will have nothing further to do with the regiment.
The pay to the privates will be $16 per month. Are the men willing to leave business for that sum? Would it not be better to wait till there is a call for men before proceeding to urge a draft to fill up the 54th? The pay of the officers may be such as will make them desirous of six months service at Elmira, but that of privates will not be an equivalent for their services.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 20, 1864, p. 2
The 54th Regiment Ordered to Elmira for Special Service
The 54th has at length been ordered to Elmira forthwith, as will be seen by the following order addressed to Col. Clark:
ALBANY, July 19, 1864
Special Orders No. 186.
The 54th Regiment National Guard of the State of New York will proceed immediately to Elmira, N. Y., where the commanding officer will report to Major A. S. Diven, Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General and Superintendent of the Volunteer Recruiting Service, for one hundred days' service.
Requisition for the necessary clothing, &c., will be made on Brigadier General S. V. Talcott, Quartermaster General at No. 51 Walker street, New York City, and for arms and accouterments on Brigadier General James A. Farrell, Commissary General State Arsenal, New York City.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief
John T. Sprague
Adjutant General
The large arrivals of rebel prisoners at Elmira has made this order necessary. The citizens of Elmira have been called out to do guard duty the past week it is said.
Major Lee has an order to muster the men of the 54th into the United States service at once—or as soon as ready.
Col. Clark will be here to-morrow morning. There will be a meeting of the officers of the 54th to-night. It will depend upon circumstances about the speedy filling up of the regiment. There are now about 500 men. It is understood, without any question, that the regiment will be retained for special service and not sent to the front—as some of the hundred day men of the West have been—it will be easy to fill up the ranks.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 21, 1864, p. 2
ARMORY—ROCHESTER LIGHT GUARD—ROCHESTER, July 21, 1864.—Persons wishing to volunteer in the Light Guard for 100 day service in the 54th regiment, may place their names in the hands of any officer or member of the Company, or present themselves at the headquarters of the company this evening.
The regular muster takes place this evening and all persons liable to duty with this Company are requested to be present.
C. J. Fredenburg,
Captain, Commanding Co. C, 54th Reg't.
Jno. E. Flint, Orderly
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 22, 1864, p. 2
MEETING OF SUPERVISORS—The Board of Supervisors of this county met in special session this morning to consider the bounty question. A resolution was offered that it is the sense of the Board that it is expedient to pay bounties for men to fill up the pending call for troops. An amendment was offered that the bounty should be $300. The resolution and amendment were laid on the table and a committee was appointed to recommend to the Board some action in the matter. The Board then took a recess and the committee will probably report this afternoon.
The question of peace is now being agitated, and the Administration has the subject under consideration. Is it wise for the Supervisors to offer bounties that will add largely to the debt of this county while the negotiations are going on? If the movement for peace which has been initiated is made in good faith by both parties, peace will certainly follow. Monroe county can as well afford to wait the result of these negotiations as any other county. Let the Supervisors consider the subject well in this light before taking hasty action. Just now men are very scarce and wages high. By and by there will be less demand and recruits may be obtained at lower rates.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 22, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—It is understood that the uniforms and arms of the 54th Regiment will not arrive here in time to enable the regiment to go to Elmira this week. Some of the companies are making active efforts to fill up and are doing well.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 23, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AND ITS DUTY AT ELMIRA—The Federal government is making Elmira a depot or prison for the safe keeping of rebel captives. To retain them in safe custody a strong guard is required. Not having this at hand the Federal government has asked for State Militia, and Gov. Seymour—always ready to obey such a call no matter how much he may be insulted by the men who make it—has ordered the 54th from this city to go and perform guard duty for one hundred days , or rather he has ordered them into the Federal service for that period, supposing that they are to perform that duty; but they are just as liable to be sent to the front and put into the breaches as any other men who enlist. If this order was to lessen the burden of the draft upon our county, then we should desire to see the loss of the 54th filled. But such is not to be the effect. Fry has announced that the hundred days men will not be exempted from the draft, but if drawn, the hundred days will form a part of their time of service under the call. To offset this slight advantage the man on special service will be so situated that he cannot well procure a substitute or make arrangements for long absence from home. Taking all things into account, the less men taken to Elmira in the 54th the better for this district. Just so much effective labor will be taken from home [ ] number to be supplied on the call will not be reduced in the least. The going out of the 54th to Elmira is a gratuity and nothing else. Have we the men to spare in this way at the time when it seems difficult to fill the quota? The Governor had better call for companies and thus divide the burthen over the State. The truth is, the Governor has been urged to give the order for the 54th under the belief that it was to assist us in filling our quota, or rather that it would lessen the number to be drafted. The mistake is now apparent. Those who desire to strengthen the fighting part of the army will desire to have as few as possible go into the 54th for this duty at Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 23, 1864, p. 2
THE SUPERVISORS AND THE BOUNTY—At the afternoon meeting yesterday the committee made a report advising that $200 bounty be paid to each man who enlists for a year, and that the $300 be paid for three years men as before.
Messrs. McFarlin, Connolly and others urged the payment of $300 to one year men, but their proposition was rejected and the report of the committee adopted.
The military committee was authorized to do as they thought best in respect to recruiting negroes at the South for the quota of this county.
The question being raised as to what the 54th Regiment is to do at Elmira, the Board concluded to make another day and consider the subject this morning.
The offer of $100 additional bounty to a recruit to serve two years at the end of the first for which he will receive $200, is thought to be rather ludicrous. Though if a man expects to be killed or used up for the service the first year he may as well enlist for three years and get the additional bounty. Others may think the war will end in a year and so enlist for three.
The Board met this morning. Col. Bissell was heard on the negro question. He expressed boubts about any considerable number of negro recruits being obtained in the Southwest. A number of persons applied to be appointed agents to go the Mississippi country and enlist negroes.
The matter of supplying the Penitentiary with water from the river was considered but no action taken.
A proposition was made to pay recruiting agents $100 for each one year man procured. This caused discussion, and without final action the Board adjourned at 2 p. m.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 25, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—An order has been received for this Regiment to go to Elmira to-morrow, as troops are much needed there to guard rebel prisoners. The uniforms of the regiment have arrived, and the arms will no doubt be ready in time. Col. Clark is not here, and we have no positive information as to what is to be done with the regiment. It may go to-morrow to Elmira and it may not. Knowing nothing we can say nothing positively.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 26, 1864, p. 2
NEGRO SOLDIERS BETTER THAN WHITE — The Republican press has been sounding the praises of negro soldiers for a long time, and loses no opportunity to make it appear that they are superior to the white soldiers, in courage, in endurance and in military skill. Having established this beyond question as they think, the negro loving editors have now undertaken to show that the negroes are the only reliable soldiers the Federal government has. The white soldiers not only lack in courage, power of enduring fatigue and that intelligence requisite to any emergency in battle, but they are not trustworthy. They cannot be relied upon for guard duty say these editors.
The Rochester Democrat, now controlled by a Massachusetts abolitionist, has properly taken the lead in advertising negro superiority. It announces this morning that the Veteran Reserve Corps in Elmira have been so corrupted that they cannot be trusted as guards. Recruits and substitutes are constantly deserting through their connivance. Negro recruits have been employed in the place of the veterans to guard white men and the Democrat says that they have been found entirely reliable.
This being the state of facts, why do the Federal officials at Elmira accept the services of the 54th regiment composed entirely of white men? Why does not the Democrat advise the government to pick up a few score of negroes in this city and elsewhere to do this guard duty instead of the 54th? If white men "cannot be trusted" and "the black men are entirely reliable," then why employ the first when the last can be had so readily?
What an age is this in which we live! All popular theories and notions are turned topsy turvy in the twinkling of an eye, and men accept a belief the reverse of what they have been taught for a lifetime, and which has been confirmed by the observation of intelligent men for ages. The negro, whether seen by the explorer in the African wilds, or in contact with the whites in enlightened communities, is represented as low in intellect and having a predominance of the animal over the moral faculties. Thieving and lying have been regarded as negro attributes, when speaking of the race as a whole. Lo, behold in 1864 it is publicly proclaimed that white men cannot be trusted and blacks are alone reliable! What next?
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 26, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—PICKING UP THE MEN WITH A GUARD. — It has been talked to-day that the 54th was to leave for Elmira at once, but how that is we cannot say, not having found anyone in authority. Col. Clark is absent at the east on important private business. When he returns we hope to be able to hear something definite as to what is to be done with the regiment.
We noticed in the streets this morning a patrol guard, going from place to place taking men who belong to the regiment. It is inferred by this action that every member of the regiment will be found, if in the city, and taken to Elmira, peaceably if they can, but forcibly if they must. Major Lee is ready to muster the men into the U. S. service, and they are, we suppose, bound to go in and serve.
This forcible action comes quite unexpected to many. If they do not like it they have only to blame those who sought the order for duty from the Governor. They expected to escape the draft by going to Elmira, and were anxious to be ordered to that place. The order came, and now they find that do not escape the draft, but must go where they are ordered, and take the risk of a draft. There is not much probability that the regiment will go to Elmira to-day.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 27, 1864, p. 2
Departure of the Fifty-fourth Regiment
The Fifty-fourth Regiment, N.Y.N.G., left for Elmira this noon under the order from the Governor to guard the Rebel prisoners at that place. The men were sworn into the Federal service for one hundred days and are as much Federal soldiers as any in the service.
There were eleven companies represented, including the Dragoons, and in all were about four hundred men. There are some two hundred men absent who could not be found. Many were brought in under guard, but others contrived to elude arrest.
The regiment is under command of Captain Sellinger, the senior captain. Col. Clark is absent and the Lieutenant Colonel and Major resigned some time since. Col. Clark will be here in a day or two, and will go to Elmira and assume command of the regiment.
The hour of departure was fixed for ten o'clock, but as is usual in such cases, there was some delay. The regiment turned out with Newman's Band, and marched through some central streets, and then went to the Erie Railway depot, and were there put into a special train of seven cars.
A vast multitude appeared in Exchange street about the Armory, and at the Depot. There was quite as much excitement as attended the departure of a volunteer regiment for the seat of war. And quite as many women and children lamenting in tears in groans the departure of fathers, husbands and brothers. Some of the Spectators were disposed to make light of the tribulation of these people. They may take a different view of the case. There is no certainty that the 54th may not be ordered to the front at any time. At the best it will be absent one hundred days, the men are on a nominal salary, while the families of some will need their support. This excursion of the 54th may yet prove something more than a holiday movement. The soldiers left in good spirits and we hope nothing may occur to make them feel less light hearted than they do to-day.
The regiment will probably reach Elmira this evening and will, it is presumed, be put at once upon guard duty, attending to the three thousand or more filthy rebels confined in Barracks there.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 27, 1864, p. 2
COL. EASTMAN NOT THE DEMOCRAT — Our contemporary says it was Col. Eastman commanded at Elmira who said white men were not to be trusted as guards and that negroes were the most reliable. We know that the Democrat pretends to speak upon the authority of Col. E. but we have seen nothing from that officer avowing any such idea. The Democrat was anxious to put the statement into circulation even upon the authority of Col. Eastman, because it put the negro up and put the white soldiers down. Will our contemporary tell us when and where Col. Eastman made the declaration attributed to him?
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 28, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AT ELMIRA — The 54th Regiment arrived at Elmira at ten last night, without accident. The regiment marched to the barracks assigned to it, and reported to the commandant of the post. The men were to at once enter upon duty as guards to the Rebel prisoners, and ere this they are no doubt walking their paths as sentries. They will find the duty tedious and monotonous in the extreme.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 29, 1864, p. 2
THE ONE HUNDRED DAY MEN EXEMPT — As the thing now stands the men who have enlisted for a hundred days are exempt from the draft. Gov. Seymour sent Gen. Sanford to Washington to demand this as a right, and it now appears that the War Department has granted the request.
The members of the Fifty-fourth who are at Elmira, or who may go there to serve for the hundred days, will be exempt from the draft. Had this been positively announced before the regiment left it would have gone one thousand strong. It was understood that the reverse was the order of the War Department up to yesterday, hence the reluctance of the men of the Fifty-fourth to go to Elmira.
The Democrat is evidently provoked that such a decision should be given. It finds fault with the Department. It will be pleased by and by when it hears that the Fifty-fourth has been ordered to the front to go into battle. The desire for blood-letting in our home regiments will then be gratified.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 29, 1864, p. 3
KILLED AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS OF THE RECENT RR. COLLISION IN PENNSYLVANIA— The following is the official report to the War Department of guards and prisoners of war killed and wounded by the collision on the route between New York and Elmira: Fourteen of the guard killed; three wounded—since dead; Sixteen wounded — total, thirty-three killed and wounded. Forty prisoners of war killed; eight wounded—since dead; ninety-three wounded—total, one hundred and forty-one killed and wounded of the prisoners of war. Total, guard and prisoners of war killed and wounded, one hundred and seventy-four.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 1, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH UNDER A NEGRO GUARD— The story was told on Saturday that the 54th regiment from this city at Elmira, was under a negro guard. Those who heard it without an explanation, might infer that there was trouble or insubordination in the ranks. The story, so far as the guard is concerned, is true; but it is easily explained without discredit to the 54th.
When the regiment reached Elmira it was marched in the night to barracks assigned for the time being. Those barracks were then under a negro guard, and remained so while the 54th was there. The men of the regiment were not at once called for guard duty, even for their own barracks. They are now guarding the prisoners.
It was remarked by those who saw the 54th leave Rochester and have seen it in Elmira, that the behavior of the men was highly creditable in all respects. The people of Elmira expressed themselves pleased to see such a body of respectable young men brought to their city to do guard duty for the place. The regiment is composed of respectable men, and we have no fear but it will acquit itself well of the trust confided to it. We have no fear that the military commandant at Elmira will have to substitute negroes for our men because they cannot be trusted.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 2, 1864, p. 2
Court Martial Ordered
There are some two hundred or more members of the 54th Regiment now in the city, it is understood, who have not responded to the order to go to Elmira. They are liable to arrest and trial for delinquency, and it becomes the duty of the Brigade Commander to order for such a court-martial, which he has done in the following order:
Headquarters 25th Brigade
7th Division N.Y.S.N.G.
Rochester, Aug. 1, 1864
Orders No. 12:
A Regimental Court-Martial will convene at the Headquarters of the 54th Regiment N.Y.S.N.G. on the 25th day of August, 1864, at 10 o'clock A.M., for the trial of delinquents, and such other business may come before it. Detail for the Court, Capt. Warner Westcott, 54th Regiment, N.Y.S.N.G.
By order of
Brig. Gen. John Williams
Geo. Hyland, Jr., Brigade Inspector
[This order was subsequently posted in the classified ad section of the Union & Advertiser on Aug. 6, 10, 15, 22 and 25.]
—The question is daily put, "can a member of the 54th, or any other regiment of State militia, be compelled to enter the service of the United States and take the oath administered by the mustering officer?"
From inquiry made we are satisfied that he cannot be compelled to take the oath; but he may be compelled to go to Elmira and serve with his regiment there under the order of the Governor. If he does not swear into the Federal service his name will not go upon the pay rolls and he will get no pay for service.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 2, 1864, p. 2
AFFAIRS AT ELMIRA—Reports are current that there is trouble at Elmira and that the rebel prisoners are uneasy. As near as we can get at the fact from those that were at Elmira yesterday, there is no danger of an outbreak. On Sunday a rebel prisoner went over the line marked out as the bounds of his prison and was shot by a negro guard. The man was not fatally injured. The negro says he challenged the prisoner before he fired. There was not much excitement following this affair; but as a precaution the 54th Reg. was ordered under arms that night.
The guard is small at Elmira in proportion to the number of prisoners there, and the prisoners increase by arrivals faster than the guard.
The 54th Regiment is on duty now. The men lack essential things, we are told, in consequence of having no properly qualified Quartermaster. As it is essential to preserve the health of the men, this matter should not be neglected. The food will be plain, of course, but it should be properly prepared before it is eaten. We are told that some trouble has arisen in the distribution of rations, and the difficulty arose in the Quartermaster's Department. This will all be made right soon. The Regimental Quartermaster is in Rochester, and who acts as his substitute we are not advised.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 2, 1864, p. 2
GRAYS' BATTERY ORDERED TO ELMIRA— Last evening a dispatch came to Gen. Williams from the Assistant Adjutant General at Albany, stating that the Governor directs him to send the Grays' Artillery to Elmira at once. Major Lewis, who commands the artillery, issued an order for Batteries A and B to appear at the Armory at nine o'clock this morning to go to Elmira for special State service. A few of the men appeared this morning and went to Elmira. Others are preparing to leave this evening. Probably sixty or eighty men will be sent down.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 3, 1864, p. 1
Under the "All Sorts of Paragraphs" section
—The Lancaster Evening Express states that "ex-President James Buchanan is a member of a company of one hundred days' men raised in this city, and is now encamped with his comrades at Camp Cadwalader, in Philadelphia." Will not some of the "Sons of Washington" hereabouts who are out of the draft, follow the example of the ex-President and enlist for one hundred days? Let them come forward and fill up the 54th to its maximum number, and follow the "boys" to Elmira. Sixteen dollars a month, clothes, medical attendance and rations! As there will not be much for a fight, the only sacrifice to be made will be a pecuniary one, which of course they are too patriotic to hesitate about. And then perhaps a little plain living would do them some good. "Who's agoin'?"
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 4, 1864, p. 2
THE TROUBLE AT ELMIRA—The Elmira Advertiser of yesterday has the following in reference to the shooting of a rebel prisoner. It will be seen by those who read the Democrat's version of the affair that the reports bear no resemblance. The Elmira paper ought to be best informed. It says:
We are informed that quite a serious disturbance occurred at Barracks No. 3, Sunday night. It is reported that a plot was concocted among some of them to make a raid on the guard-house and capture a lot of shovels and picks, with which they hoped to demolish the fence and set themselves free. The denouement of the plot was arranged to take place at 11 o'clock in the evening, but it was discovered and revealed by the inside patrols.
After proper means had been taken to crush the attempt, several of the rebel prisoners were detected prowling around and one approached a guard in the vicinity of the pond back of the barrack, and on being warned back four times, of which he took no heed, the guard fired upon him, the ball hitting him in the side and passing around the chest, was extracted from the opposite side. The wound was a severs one, but the man will probably recover. He said he was only glad "he was not killed," congratulating himself considerably upon a knowledge of the fact. The "rebs" will not probably find our authorities "napping." If they see fit to try their hands again it may be to their personal sorrow.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 4, 1864, p. 3
Three Regiments of State Militia to be Sent to Elmira
No Truth in Reported Outbreat
NEW YORK, Aug. 2.—Governor Seymour has ordered the 56th, 77th, and 99th Regiments State Militia to report to Gen. Dix, to be sent to Elmira, there being an outbreak among the rebel prisoners at that place. The 77th and 99th were to start to-night.
ELMIRA, Aug. 2.—The report that the rebel prisoners here are in revolt, is unfounded. They were never quieter than at present.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 5, 1864, p. 2
RECRUITING FOR THE 54TH.—Lieut. Rosenthal of the Dragoons has returned from Elmira with orders to recruit for the 54th. The following orders have been issued by Capt. Sellinger, commandant of the Regiment:
N.Y.N.G., ROCHESTER, AUG. 5., 1864
All members of the 54th Regiment are hereby ordered to report to the Regimental Armory.
By order,
Capt. L. Sellinger
Com'dt 54th Regt., N.Y.N.G.
Arnt Rosenthal, Lieut. 54th Regt. N.Y.N.G.
Volunteers and substitutes will be received at the Dragoons quarters, Regimental Armory, by Lieut. Rosenthal.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 5, 1864, p. 2
FROM ELMIRA—All is said to be quiet at Elmira. The Advertiser of yesterday says there are 1,300 effective men to guard the prisoners and more are soon to arrive. Five regiments are expected. The Grays Battery from Rochester, with 66 men and four pieces, arrived on Wednesday.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 6, 1864, p. 2
TO DELINQUENTS OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—The attention of all members of the 54th Regiment who have not responded to the call to go to Elmira is invited to the order of Lt. Rosenthal, who is sent here on special duty to look after them. He invites them to report to him and go to Elmira, or to send substitutes. They can by serving one hundred days at an easy duty avoid the draft, if it takes place within that period; and if it does not take place within that time it will hardly take place at all. Those men who profess so much loyalty ought not to hang back now when there is an easy way to show their patriotism.
Guarding rebels is the most important duty that our soldiers are now called upon to perform. They may as well stand guard over them at Elmira as around Richmond and on the borders of Pennsylvania and Maryland. We mention this to show that the service of the 54th is one not to be despised. Those members who do not come forward will be arrested and examined before a court-martial now ordered, and the penalty there will be more severs than the cost of a substitute.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 6, 1864, p. 2
DEPARTURE OF SUBSTITUTES—The rush to the Provost Marshal's office yesterday resulted in the acceptance of 20 substitutes, who were forthwith sent to Elmira under a strong guard.
Some eight or ten who were offered were rejected. Provost Marshal Hart will not keep substitutes here a great while after they are accepted. If they escape from the service it must be after they are delivered at Elmira.
The rush is not so great to-day. A few are coming in. Already about 130 men have been enlisted to apply on the quota of this county. The work drags slowly. The high prices paid elsewhere makes it difficult to procure men here.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 6, 1864, p. 2
From Camp Chemung
Elmira, Aug. 4, 1864
FRIEND C.: Our Battalion left the "Flour City" and the "loved ones at home" in a rain storm, and arrived here in a rain storm about 4½ o'clock P.M. We took up our line of march for "Barracks No. 1" immediately after reporting to Col. Eastman, the commandant of the post, who by the way, is a perfect gentleman in every particular, and is emphatically the "right man in the right place." I must say, thus far, we have received nothing but kindness from all in or out of command hereabouts. Capt. Lowe, of Gen. Diven's Dept., is a perfect gentleman as is also the Quartermaster and the Chief of the Commissary Dept. The rations are good and wholesome and plenty of it. The men are all well satisfied with what they get.
I visited this P.M. Capt. Chemung, and found our own noble 54th Regt. Out in line for battalion drill, and I tell you the truth when I say it, that I really feel proud to be a citizen of Rochester and represented by such a noble body of men. Those that have staid at home have missed it! The duty is light and it is a good school for the "citizen soldier." Capt. Sellinger, if not a Colonel, ought to be, for he handles his regiment, or the 54th, most splendidly. The wheelings made this afternoon by the companies in column were second to none, and reminds me of the time when Col. Fairchild was the father of the regiment. But more hereafter.
The negro is here in all his glory! Cuffee claims that he is on the upper rail now. He does the guard duty at the "barracks," and also at the camp where the "rebels" are confined, inside the enclosure. The negroes do it well and are just fitted to do that duty—the drudgery of camps. One of our boys was sitting out, looking at the guard when he passed, and espying the plate of his body belt read "U.S.," (us) and looking up at him, says: "Why, how do you do, us?" The darkie, grinning, said, "Why my name are not 'us'." He said: "De Lord, we is on de upper rail dis time."
"Put a negro where you will,
He'll be a negro still,"
is an old and true saying.
To-morrow the battalion is to pitch tents near those of the 54th, on a gentle rising of ground, to be called "Camp Moore," in honor of Ald. D. D. T. Moore of your city. The location of the camp is beautiful, the scenery surrounding it being delightful.
We have since our arrival an accession of three regiments of Militia from New York and Brooklyn—the 99th, 77th and 56th—making an aggregate of between 600 and 700 men, and in no way to be compared with our regiment, and in fact do not reflect much credit on the great cities which furnish all (?) the militia for duty.
We see many familiar faces here from Rochester, which reminds one of home. The headquarters of our military, when down town, is at the "City Hotel," kept by mine host Bush, a man who caters well and largely for the benefit of hosts of visitors and friends who congregate at the "City Hotel." Those who intend visiting this little city and stopping within, will find him always at his post with a genial smile of welcome for the weary traveler.
I understand two "rebs" have died at camp within the last two days. The "reb" who was shot a few days since by the guard is likely to recover from his wound.
A "buss" is run to camp every hour by the "City Hotel;" so our friends by stopping there will have no difficulty in getting conveyance to our headquarters and that of the Regiment.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 8, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AT ELMIRA—We have intelligence from Elmira that everything is quiet there. The 54th Regiment is comfortably quartered there, and the men are in good spirits. Capt. Schoen came home on furlough, to remain a day or two and arrange his business so as to remain with his company. He represents the 54th as well cared for. It is desirable that the ranks of the regiment should be filled up by the absentees and new recruits. Lt. Rosenthal is here actively engaged in the duty assigned him, to receive and forward members of the regiment, and such as desire to become members. His office is in the Arcade, at Armitage's, over the Arcade house, where all are requested to report immediately.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 9, 1864, p. 2
MEMBERS OF THE 54TH ATTEND!—Lieut. Rosenthal, who is here under orders to send forward all members of the 54th to Elmira, is attending to his duties promptly and sends by every train squads of men assigned him. He is active and efficient and intends to faithfully perform the duty assigned him. He is friendly to the members of the 54th, and desires to make the matter as easy as possible for all. He therefore urges those who are delinquent to report to him at once for duty. The court-martial will sit in a few days, when all delinquents will be reported and subjected to a heavy penalty for neglect of duty. Lieut. Rosenthal would prefer that there should be no names to report to that court—that all should respond before its sitting and escape the penalties. The duty at Elmira is pleasant and the men engaged will avoid the draft if it should take place while they are there.
A Sergeant and six men arrived this morning from Elmira with orders to report to Lieut. Rosenthal for duty. They are to assist him in executing the orders with which he had been entrusted. Members of the 54th in Rochester, walk up to the Captain's office at once and report yourselves!
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 11, 1864, p. 2
HO FOR ELMIRA!—Lieut. Rosenthal is sending forward men for the 54th to Elmira by every train. Reports from Elmira represent the soldiers there are very comfortably situated, and many who declined to go at first are now ready to take their places. Those who cannot are sending substitutes. Lieut. Rosenthal calls upon all members of the 54th who are home to report at once and go to their companies or furnish men to go. The ranks of the 54th must be filled up immediately. There is now but a brief period before court-martial will convene, and all delinquents will then be arraigned and may be fined heavily and imprisoned.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 12, 1864, p. 2
MATTERS AT ELMIRA—Lieut. Geo. Fraunberger, of the Grays, has returned from Elmira to remain four days, with orders to pick up stragglers from the Battery and send them forward. Lieut. F. represents all things quiet at Elmira, and the Rochester troops in good quarters and comfortable. The Grays have orders for one hundred days duty in the State service, and there has been no order to muster them into the U.S. service. They want more men to fill up the corps.
The 54th is in excellent condition, and the regiment stands high in the estimation of all at Elmira. The guard duty is admirably performed by this regiment, and all runs smoothly.
There are about eight thousand rebel prisoners now in the yard, and more coming up daily. They are mostly able-bodied men, evidently of good families at the South. They are orderly and respectful in their deportment, but most decided in their adherence to Southern principles. The discipline of the camp is very rigid, and there is no intercourse between the prisoners and the public. Few civilians can even get a peep over the high fence at the mass, much less within speaking distance. An enterprising Yankee who has ground near the camp, is building an observatory from which people can look into the enclosure by paying a fee. He intends to keep in this tower a powerful glass, by the aid of which visitors can see the vermin which are said to be so plenty upon the bodies of the prisoners.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 12, 1864, p. 2
ELECTION IN THE 54TH REGIMENT—Brig. Gen. Williams has been to Elmira and held an election in the 54th Regiment to fill vacancies in the corps of Field Officers. Capt. Sellinger was chosen Lt. Colonel and Capt. Westcott Major. These gentlemen were the senior Captains of the regiment, and entitled to the promotion they have received. Lt. Col. Sellinger has been in command of the regiment since it left the city, and has shown himself fully qualified for the duty.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 16, 1864, p. 2
THE 58TH REGIMENT—Ed. Union and Advertiser: The 58th Regiment National Guards, Col. R. P. Wisner, commanding, from the Second Assembly District of Livingston county, left Mount Morris on Thursday last for duty at Elmira, numbering about 300 men. They received reinforcements en route of companies from Springwater and Dansville at Wayland Station, and companies from Nunda, Portage and Ossian at Corning, which constituted a full regiment.—The alacrity and promptness with which this large number of men responded to the order is a reproof to those base falsehoods and discouraging influences of the Republican press of the county.
So it is everywhere when a Democrat leads and orders to fall into the ranks and forward march, he is willingly obeyed with confidence, leaving Abolitionists to sneer, snarl, scoff, talk, whine, and finally to repent and lament. The ex-Editor of the Livingston Republican, and ex-County Clerk, Gallant Retreater, ex-Editor Rochester Democrat and present Collector of Internal Revenue (salary $10,000 per year), was visiting the old paths and scenes of his early triumphs. He saw the enthusiasm of this regiment with dismay and astonishment. Arriving at Avon he seized an early copy of the Rochester Democrat for consolation; but it afforded no relief. It was cold coffee and a poor breakfast on a sour stomach.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
A MAN IN A BARREL—One of the men of the 54th Regiment failing to obtain leave of absence to come home, took leave without further ceremony and came here. After being absent two or three days, he returned to camp. He was, by an order of the Commandant , subjected to a queer punishment, though one well known to the army. A barrel, with a hole cut through the top, so as to let his head through, was put over his body, and holes were cut in the sides, thro' which his arms might protrude. In this ludicrous situation the soldier was marched for an hour or more, causing considerable merriment to spectators. The punishment is a mild one, touching the pride of the man merely. He does not suffer any physical pain in consequence of carrying this barrel.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
MEMBERS OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—Lieut. Rosenthal has gathered up and sent to Elmira a large number of the members of the 54th who did not go with the Regiment. There are still some who do not appear and give an account of themselves. The time for them to report will soon close and they will be returned to court-martial to be dealt with according to military law. The punishment, if convicted of absence, there will be fine and imprisonment, and it would probably be best for all concerned to report at once. Lieut. Rosenthal has his office in the Arcade over the Arcade House, and will be happy to see all delinquent members of his Regiment there at once.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
From Elmira
Camp Chemung, Elmira, N.Y.
Aug. 15th, 1864
Since my last, we have had quite a large accession of prisoners and also troops for guard duty. The 102nd Regiment N.Y., 58th Mount Morris, Col. Wisner, and Col. Abbott of Erie Co.—numbering in all about 500—rank and file—these regiments are mere skeletons, still they have not forgotten to appoint a full number of field, line and staff officers. We recognize among the officers of the 58th our old friend, Capt. John Vernam, of the Mt. Morris Blues, whom we had the pleasure of meeting in camp years ago,—Col. Abbott's Regiment arrived without arms, and but partially uniformed, so also did the 58th Col. Wisner.
On the 12th, eight hundred and fifty rebels arrived under guard from "Point Lookout." They are large men—much larger and show a better development than our own. We were at the cars on their arrival, and heard the ladies of this city express much sympathy for the ragged and forlorn look of the "rebs," for which the all-loyal (Rep.) press of this city has taken them to task, and used language and expressions toward them (the fair sex) which shows the meanness to which the party press will stoop to accomplish their ends. Shame on them! A man or editor who will prostitute the columns of his paper in this way should be denounced by every lover of the "Constitution and the Union." These ladies who were loud in the expression of sympathy may to-day have near and dear relatives within the confines of a rebel prison, and who undoubtedly are this moment receiving slight tokens from the fair daughters of the once happy "sunny south." Indeed we heard one lady remark that she now had a husband and two brothers in the Federal army, and if taken prisoners, she hoped they would be used, and that sympathy given them that she was now willing to extend to their enemies. But Republican editors and Republican politicians don't see it in that light. Their whole object seems to be a continuance of the present war and flow of blood so long as they can make money out of it—when the time comes that they cannot do this they will be ready to cry ot for peace—no matter how degrading or dishonorable that peace may be to the North.
On the 14th 200 more prisoners arrived—making the total amount now within the enclosure from 8,000 to 9,000. Their first call is for tobacco, and numerous are the devices they invent to communicate with the outside world. No one is admitted within the enclosure, save the guard and the officers on duty, thereat.
Gen'l Williams arrived in camp on the 10th, to preside at the election ordered for field officers of the 54th—occasioned by the resignation of Lt.-Col. Miller and Major Thompson. On his arrival to the camp, the "Grays"—ever ready—fired the salute the rank required, though the General appeared in citizens' dress.
The line officers elected as Lt.-Col., and Major, Senior Captains L. Sellinger, of the "Union Guards" and W. Westcott, of Co. "F." This is a selection "fit to be made," and shows the good sense of the officers in grading up men who have proved themselves meritorious officers of the line, and giving every assurance that they will prove equally efficient in the field. The election has given general satisfaction to the whole Regiment, both rank and file. The Regiment (54th) are, as they have been since their stay here, winning "golden opinions" for themselves, as soldiers and gentlemen,—shirking no duty imposed them by the rigid discipline, and the rules and regulations of the regular army. They are as good and dutiful soldiers, as they are respectable and worthy citizens of the "Flour City;" nothing is lost to the credit of the city by her representative men in the 54th.
The Grays have lost none of that reputation for discipline which was handed down to them by the lamented father of the corps—General Swan. And I can assure you that nothing will be done by the present members which will reflect discredit upon the memory of him whom we loved to honor and respect. Every duty is done cheerfully and without a murmur. The "Veterans" are here represented by their "children" who they need not be ashamed of, who will be glad on any and every occasion to welcome them to their quarters in the tented-field—they will loose none of the former reputation gained by them in years past. "The latch string is out."
The members of the Regiment and Battery are generally in good health, no sickness in camp save that incident to camp life—such as dysentery, &c. Friends at home need not worry—the men will not suffer from neglect while we have such attentive Surgeons with us as Drs. Briggs and Rider—every attention and want of the sick is anticipated by them. Long will their kindness be remembered by all in Camp Chemung.
In the "Veterans" stationed here—the officers and members of the "16th Veteran Reserves"—are doing all in their power to teach us our duty—and the minutiae of camp life is easily learned and maintained. The officers are all gentlemen, from the Colonel commanding down.
Let our friends anticipating a visit hers, bear in mind to stop at the "City Hotel," from which place they will find a "buss" in waiting to convey them to and from the "camp."
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
BAND FOR THE FIFTY-FOURTH—Captain Newman's celebrated Cornet Band, attached to the 54th Regiment, will leave to-morrow for Elmira, to remain with the regiment the remainder of its hundred days of service. The members of the band will draw pay and rations like other soldiers. The 54th, with their band, will be the military attraction at Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 18, 1864, p. 2
THE SYMPATHY QUESTION—The Democrat can't be reconciled to the course of ladies at Elmira who manifested sympathy for rebel prisoners. In its heartless tone toward those who are powerless—the fallen foe—it but displays the spirit that has actuated its party all through the war, and has wrought untold suffering upon many brave Union soldiers who were unfortunately made prisoners by the rebels. Kindness to the prisoners we have will beget the like for ours who are in Southern prisons, and from this a better feeling would result to all concerned. And here is the secret of the whole matter. The Republican press do not desire a return of good feeling lest it reconcile the people of the two sections and induce them to continue under our government. Anything that may tend toward good feeling might lead to an end of the war, and that would not suit the men who are profiting by its continuance. However much it may displease the Democrat and all other crats who are so bitter and bloodthirsty, we shall continue to say and do what we can to lessen the hardships incident to life in our prisons, hoping that such a course will work good to our poor soldiers at the South, as well as promote the object which every true friend of the Union ought to have in view, the restoration of harmony and good feeling between the North and South. That is our platform, and our opponents, whosoever they may be, may make the most of it. We would that one rebel prisoner who goes home to the South—if an exchange is made before the close of the war—might carry with him such remembrances of kindness on the part of our people, as would make him and his friends regard us as brethren rather than enemies. We cannot have a restored Union except by a restoration of good feeling between the people of both sections.
If this application of the doctrine, which is one of the fundamental principles of Christianity, offends any one class more than another, it will probably be the abolitionist clergy, like Dr. Robinson. It will shock the greatly to hear that any body, male or female, has expressed pity for rebel prisoners, or hoped that they would be treated kindly and taught to regard us, if they would, as their friends, rather than their foes. But we cannot help this. We have no expectation of pleasing this class of clergymen while they smell if blood. They cannot be satisfied in their hate without sanguinary effusions.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 19, 1864, p. 2
LEFT FOR ELMIRA—A party of forty or more members of the 54th Reg't, and Grays Battery, left last evening for Elmira by the Erie cars. Newman's Band was with the party, also Lt.-Col. Sellinger, who had been here a few days on leave. There was quite a gathering of friends at the Depot to see the party leave, and there were leave-takings as affectionate and painful as if the soldiers were going directly to the front, to enter the trenches and deal with the foe.
Lt. Rosenthal was at hand with the transportation and other papers, to get these men safely under way to Elmira. He is sending squads along almost daily. There are still one hundred or more of this regiment absent from duty, who have not reported. The Court Martial to set next week will have plenty to do in considering the cases presented.
— Our citizens will miss Capt. Newman's Band this fall. It was out on Wednesday night serenading, and "its last appearance" here for the present, on that occasion. Lt. Rosenthal took the Band to serenade Gen. Williams, Col. Clark, Major Lee, Lt.-Col. Sellinger, and Provost-Marshal Hart. Those gentlemen who were at home, opened their doors and did the hospitable—those who were absent certainly appreciated the compliment.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 22, 1864, p. 1
Prisoners at Elmira
A correspondent of a Brooklyn paper, writing from Elmira, thus speaks of the food supplied to the prisoners of war:
"The prisoners are fed quite as well as our own men. They receive but two meals, but those two are quite equal to our three. This I know, as I have seen it with my own eyes. Nearly all their cooks, bakers, and waiters are of their own number, and the rebel sergeants keep the men to rights. During meals a guard of one man each is stationed at the doors, to keep out "flankers;" that is, the fellows wish to "hook" a ration that does not belong to them. If a rebel sergeant catches one at it, he calls the guard to take the offending rebel to the guard-house. Rebel sergeants call the rolls morning and evening, and the rebel drummers and fifers play the different "calls." Rebels light the lamps around the high fence, and rebels sweep the grass-covered camp ground.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 22, 1864, p. 2
Sympathy for Rebel Prisoners
EDITOR UNION AND ADVERTISER:—I regret exceedingly to see such apathy for rebel prisoners displayed by men who ought to give good example—who ought to advise humanely. Gentlemen, you should do to others as you would that others should do to you. You should love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, pray for them that persecute and calumniate you, saith the Lord. You, gentlemen at Elmira and elsewhere, who are so much annoyed by us poor, tender-hearted women meeting each arrival of rebel prisoners at the cars, beg respectfully to inform you that we fear you not; our tears are our own, and can be shed as spontaneously as we please, or, as you rudely call it, "slobbering." You would control our feelings, or sentiments, yes, our very thoughts, if it were in your power. You wish to be thought patriotic; and what, I ask, have you done to prove that? You wish to abolish slavery and give everybody liberty. S do I. But you do not want to give liberty of speech, liberty of feeling, liberty of shedding tears, when our suffering fellow beings present themselves to view. Shame on those who would talk so! Shame on men who would act so! But all are not men who wear the human form. Gentlemen, have you sons or brothers in the army? Imagine they are in prison down South, and the Southern ladies shed tears of sympathy and condole with them in their miserable situation—speak words of kindness to them, and if possible, alleviate their sufferings? What think you then? Had they not better remain at home than come there "slobbering," as you rudely call it? Blush, gentlemen, if there's a blush in you! "Better remain at home instead of going to each arrival of cars with rebel prisoners to watch us poor women, who have hearts to shed tears, and spontaneously, too." A true, noble-hearted woman, who is capable of feeling for her enemy, is surely capable of feeling for her friend in misery. Gentlemen, you need not trouble yourselves about women feeling this way or that way about rebel prisoners. We claim a right to feel just as we feel, and, gentlemen, you cannot control us in this respect. If I have a chance to treat rebel prisoners kindly, I shall do so without fear or dread, entertaining the buoyant hope that if my husband or sons fall into rebel hands they will be as kindly treated as they were before in Richmond.
August 19, 1864.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 23, 1864, p. 2
FOR ELMIRA—Lieutenant Rosenthal of the 54th, who has been here a few days on detached duty, has orders to close his office and report at Elmira forthwith. He will probably leave to-morrow morning by the early train. Lieutenant R. came home to look up the stragglers of the 54th, and has found and sent forward a great many. The time is at hand for the court martial to sit for the trail of those who keep out of the way. There is no further need of an officer here to invite delinquents to respond. So, Lt. Rosenthal closes up and goes back. He will, however, take as report to him to-day. This is the last day most positively.
Lieut. R. has performed his duties well and made them his whole thought since he has been here. He has been prompt in his duty but has endeavored to make the call as easy as he could for the men who are called from business to serve the government.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 23, 1864, p. 2
GRAYS' BATTERY—Those who desire to join the Grays' Battery now on duty in the State service at Elmira, should apply by to-morrow morning to Lieut. Parmalle at the Armory of the 54th Regiment, when transportation will be furnished them and all they require to get into the service.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 27, 1864, p. 3
The Ten Thousand Rebel Prisoners at Elmira
The railings and representations of fanatic letters and the Abolitionist press, whose aim all through this war has been to so engender feelings of hatred and detestation between the masses of the North and South, have impressed many people with the idea that the men who are fighting us are fiends incarnate—defiers of both God and man, rendered callous and almost barbarous by the influences of the peculiar institution of their section. Now there are ten thousand of these men congregated in a prison at Elmira, but a few hours' ride from this city, guarded in part by our own militia. Many of our own citizens have visited the prison camp, and from all we have heard the same story—that the rebel prisoners are not only well behaved but actually give evidence of a standard of morality and religious fervor that is astonishing in view of the character that has been painted of them. We might rehearse numerous statements that have been made to us regarding these prisoners, but prefer to give the following from the special correspondence of a journal which is authority among the most radical—the Evening Post:
Special Correspondence of the New York Evening Post
Elmira, Aug. 17, 1864
I send you some additional facts of interest in relation to the rebel prisoners confined here.
The Rebels Playing Our National Airs
Among the amusements of the rebels is music. They have obtained some drums and fifes, and when drawn up in line for roll call are permitted to use their instruments for their own amusement. It is, perhaps, needless to say that they do not play rebel tunes. There is, it is understood, no order against such a proceeding; but the prisoners know that to make secession music would not be proper; therefore they play negro melodies. These furnish most of the music; but our national airs, almost without exception, are given by the rebel performers.
Preaching to the Rebels
Divine service is held in the rebel camp every Sunday. This is by request of the prisoners; and they choose the clergymen who are to officiate. Though they must confine their choice to loyal men they have not indicated their desire to hear any man of even questionable patriotism. They have heard Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Congregational and Baptist ministers, besides others, and sometimes two clergymen preach on one Sunday. It is a curious fact that the rebels have twice chosen the Rev. Thos. Beecher to address them—a gentleman whose loyalty is as intense as his brother, Henry Ward. Each of the ministers preaching has generally one or two thousand hearers—as many as can, conveniently gather around him and hear his words distinctly—and the rebels listen with the closest attention. It is understood that national subjects are not generally discussed.
The prisoners sing the hymns read by the clergymen during the Sabbath-day services. For instance, a hymn is read and sung to the tune of One Hundred, two lines at a time, the rebels uniting their voices and singing with spirit, and their own officers joining.
The Prisoners Praying
There are prayer-meetings among the rebels every night; often extra meetings are held in the afternoon. These are usually among the Methodist rebels, [whose churches are being abolitionized under orders from the federal War Department and at the expense of the whole people!—Ed. U. & A.] They assemble on the green, kneeling; and as many attend as can hear the words of those who pray. They also tell their experiences; and sometimes the gatherings partake of the nature of class meetings; but they are usually for prayers exclusively. They do not pray for Jeff. Davis.
Many separate circles for prayer are formed at the same time. The persons attending number generally from one hundred to five hundred or a thousand.
The demand of the prisoners for religious and other books is constant. The officers say there are more calls for Bibles and prayer books than for all other kinds of reading together. The devotional spirit of the rebels is supposed to be strengthened by their confinement.
The rebels are now exceedingly quiet and well behaved; and the facts as to the number of men actually required to manage them, would, if published, occasion general surprise. J.M.
These ten thousand rebels, it is fair to assume, are an average specimen of the people whom the represent; and this is the people, six millions in number, whom the abolition philanthropists and hypocritical pietists of the North would fain teach us to hate, to subjugate, to anaihilate, in a mad crusade looking to the "freedom" of three millions of negroes! This is the people—not "boys and old men" as Gen. Seymour represents, but good physical specimens of the race with scarcely with any under twenty or over forty-five, as we are assured by a Republican physician who has spent several days at Elmira—this is the people whom our "rulers" presume to say must not only sue us for peace but before doing so fall on their knees in abject submission to "the abandonment of slavery!" Let those who are infatuated with the notion that this people, our brothers, our peers, will ever submit to such degrading terms—that they will ever, though we were ten times their number, permit any pause that does not embrace a full recognition of equality under the written bond of the constitution, or that is not tempered with a forgiving and fraternal spirit, make a visit to Elmira, and if permission can be obtained mingle with the ten thousand. They will there learn more in one short hour of the living material of the rebellion than they could glean in a life time by reading the Tribunes and listening to the Beechers of the day.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 29, 1864, p. 2
Some of the copperhead women who have joined in the disgusting exhibitions of slobbering sympathy for rebel prisoners on their arrival here, has taken the trouble to write a letter to the Rochester Union slobbering some more about our comments on their conduct.—[Elmira Advertiser]
The lady who wrote the communication referred to by the Advertiser is a resident of this city, and is just what she signs herself, the "wife and mother of a Union soldier." She has a husband and a son in the Federal army. And we have now a proposition to make to the Elmira Advertiser, "or any other man;" and it is this: we will wager $100 against a like sum put up by the Advertiser or its backers, that the lady who wrote the communication is what she claims to be—the $200 to go to her benefit as a needy soldiers wife and mother, and we will furnish proof conclusive or forfeit the $100. And we will wager another hundred that the editor aforesaid dare not tell the lady that she is a copperhead. Either wager may be taken separately. Now let us see what answer the Advertiser will make. If he believed what he said when he wrote the sentence above quoted he will back it up. If he does not he will back down and sneak out.
So the Democrat this morning says:
Hereabouts it is not believed that the letter was written by a woman at all, or that it came from Elmira.
To the Democrat or anybody "hereabout" the above bet is open, and we will produce such proof as will satisfy any fair-minded member of the Lincoln party that we state is true. Now "put up or dry up."
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 29, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AT ELMIRA—The Elmira Gazette alluded to the 54th and Newman's Band as follows:
The Band of the 54th Regiment, N.G.N.Y.S., went out on Wednesday evening and discoursed most pleasant music to out citizens. They called at the residence of Major Diven, after they visited the Brainard House and serenaded Col. Eastman. The particular occasion of the turnout of the Band was the arrival of their Col.—Chas. H. Clark—who has just taken command of his regiment since they arrived here. The 54th is one of the best regiments we have in Elmira, and they are making troops of friends during their stay here. Long may it wave.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 29, 1864, p. 2
PROMOTIONS IN THE 54TH—Vacancies have recently been in part filled in the 54th at Elmira.Elmira
Ald. Warren resigned the first Lieutenancy of the Dragoons and second Lieutenant Rosenthal was promoted to the place. Sergeant J. Van Voorhis was made second lieutenant.
Capt. Sellinger having been made Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant Baetzel was made captain of Co. D., and second Lieutenant M. Sellinger was made first Lieutenant and Thomas Ruff, second do.
Captain Westcott, of Co. F., having been made Major, Lieutenant Sawtelle was made Captain, second Lieutenant Robins was made first Lieutenant, and F. Chaffey, second Lieutenant.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 30, 1864, p. 2
CO. H 54TH REGIMENT—Among the elections which recently took place in the 54th Regiment was one in Co. H. Lieut. Alfred E. Hoyt was elected Captain in place of W. T. Kennedy, resigned. James Hazen was chosen Second Lieutenant to fill a vacancy.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 2, 1864, p. 2
FLAG FOR THE 54TH—Col. Clark received this morning a regimental flag for the 54th from the State Quartermaster's Department. The new uniforms for the regiment have not arrived. Had they been received in time as expected, there would have been an early parade of the regiment on the 4th.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 2, 1864, p. 2
"OLD THIRTEENTH"—There will be a meeting of the members of this Regiment this (Saturday) evening at 7 o'clock precisely, at their drill room, to make arrangements for the body of Col. W. W. Bates, which is expected to arrive at 8 o'clock this evening.
By order of
C. S. Benjamin, Pres't
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 6, 1864, p. 2
CALL FOR MILITIA—The Federal government having called for 12,000 militia from this State it is supposed that the 54th Reg, of this city will be wanted. There was a report in town that the regiment had been called for.—The report is premature we think, yet it is not unlikely that the regiment may be wanted. Col. Clark left the city last night and we do not hear that anything has been received from him from Albany this morning. No telegraphic orders for the militia have been received.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 7, 1864, p. 2
THE STATE MILITARY—No call has yet been made upon this locality for State troops. Col. Clark of the 54th, has not been called upon by way of inquiry or otherwise. It is not quite clear that the President in his note to the Governor, intended to do more than have the troops in readiness to go if the rebels should make a serious raid into Pennsylvania and Maryland. Five or six hundred men might, no doubt, be sent down in the ranks of the 54th Regiment if their services should be required.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 9, 1864, p. 2
THE VILLAGE MILITIA—Our Metropolitan friends are evidently pretty ignorant of the state of the military organizations of the small "villages" throughout New York. What will the 54th say to the following from the N. Y. Express:
Notwithstanding the new militia law, which was enacted under Governor Morgan, and which provides for the thorough organization of our State Militia forces, we do not believe there are at present more than 25,000 organized militia in the entire State, the greater part of which belongs to New York City and Brooklyn.—The flourishing cities of Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Oswego, Albany, Troy and numerous others have no military organizations which can be relied upon in the present and other emergencies—when the Federal Government desires to employ our militia to expel the Rebels from Maryland and Pennsylvania. These cities have all large populations, so have several western counties of the State, which could easily organize their militia brigades and take some of the burdens now entirely resting on our city militia, on their own shoulders.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 11, 1864, p. 2
THE CALL FOR THE MILITIA—As yet, Col. Clark has no orders to call out the 54th regiment for government service. Reports of orders to Elmira and other places are unfounded, though such may yet be received.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 12, 1864, p. 2
THE GRAY'S BATTERY—The attention of young men who desire to enroll themselves in the State militia, is invited to a notice in our columns from the Rochester Union Grays Light Artillery. There are two batteries in which a few more men will be taken.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 12, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—The companies of the 54th Regiment are recruiting their ranks to the maximum number, one hundred men to each company. The regimental armory is now open all the time, and recruits are coming in quite freely. What service the regiment is to be called to perform is not known.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 13, 1864, p. 2
MILITARY ORDERS—On the third page of this paper will be found general orders No. 14 from the Adjutant General. Pursuant to this Gen. Williams has issued the following order:
ROCHESTER, July 13, 1864
Orders No. 9:
In pursuance of General Orders No. 14 from the Adjutant General's Office, Commandants of Regiments and Batallions [sic] in this Brigade will hold their commands in readiness for immediate service.
By Order of Brig. Gen. John Williams
Geo. Hyland, Jr., Brigade Inspector
General Order No. 14, is given on the third page.
Under the above order the several regiments are to be in readiness to answer any call that may be made for their services. The 54th is fast filling up and can now turn out about six hundred men. The regiment may be ordered into the federal service and day for special duty.—Those who join will probably escape the draft as they will be in the service already.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 13, 1864, p. 3
Proclamation and Order from
Gov. Seymour
ALBANY, July 12th, 1864
On the 8th instant I ordered that the several Military companies be increased to the maximum numbers. I now appeal to the People of New York to carry out this order by joining the National Guard, or by such other measures as will give that organization the numbers required by law. Unless this is done at once I cannot respond to the call now made by the President of the United States.
The National Constitution declares that a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State. If we had heeded this truth we should not have been exposed to invasion, to the disgrace of riots, and the hazards of still greater calamities. The negligence and false economy which led us to disregard this warning have been fearfully punished. The cost of arming and equipping the National Guard would have been trifling compared with the amount which new York must now pay as its quota of the expense of driving back the armies which now threaten the National Capital.
Let us be warned by the errors of the past. I implore all citizens to lay aside passion and prejudice, and to unite in carrying out the law clearly demanded by the honor, the interest, the safety of the State and nation. In many parts of New York this duty has been utterly neglected, and the burthen of answering calls for the militia has been thrown upon a few sections of the State.
In this time of civil war we are perplexed with many questions which are beyond the grasp of any mind. We see them from different standpoints, and reach conflicting conclusions. It is only ignorance and bigotry which will make these differences and views occasions far controversies and reproach. However we may differ upon other points, there should be no conflict of opinion as to the duties we owe to the State and National Governments. These are clearly set forth in the Constitution of our country, in the following terms:
ART. 6. Sub-division 2. This Constitution and the Laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made under the authorities of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the Judges of every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution and laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
ART. 3. Sec. 2. Provides, For the purpose of defining the limits of the authority of the General Government: "The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States and the treaties made under their authority."
ART. 10 of the amendments declares: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Every good citizen will yield an equal respect and obedience to each of these provisions.—When either of them are disregarded our country will be overwhelmed with anarchy and confusion. I exhort all not to allow their passions, their prejudices and suspicions to increase the dangers that overhang us. Let us cordially unite in measures essential to the preservation of the National unity, the power of the State, the peace and good order of Society. Foremost among them is the organization of those liable to duty without respect to creed or political opinions, into local military companies. In order to meet the Constitutional demands of the General Government, to secure the enforcement of the laws of the State, and afford security to the lives and homes of our citizens, this must be done at once.
ALBANY, July 12, 1864
General Orders No. 14
The commandants of all the Regiments of the National Guard of this State, are hereby ordered to hold their commands in readiness for immediate service.
The Major Generals commanding Divisions, and the several Brigadier Generals of the State, will see that this order is at once promulgated throughout their Division and Brigade Districts.
By order of the Commander in Chief.
Isaac Vanderpor
Engineer-in Chief and A. A. A. G.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 15, 1864, p. 2
Call for the 54th Regiment
Col. Clark of the 54th Regiment N. Y. N. G., received a call for his regiment at a late hour last night to go to Elmira and guard the Rebel prisoners held in that place. It is proposed to take four regiments, including the 54th, for this special duty. Asst. Provost Marshal Diven gives his word that the regiments called shall perform this duty and no other. The men are to be sworn into the U. S. service for six months, and will receive the same pay as other soldiers, but no government bounty. They will also be exempt from the draft. Every man who goes out in the 54th will count as half a man on the quota of the district. It is therefore presumed that the county will pay half bounties to those men.
The companies of the 54th will at once fill up and make ready to go to Elmira. Col. Clark called a meeting of the officers for this morning. Brig. Gen. Williams was present and stated to the officers what was expected of them and what they might do in filling up their several companies.
There is no doubt but in a week the regiment will be full and ready to go to Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 16, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—The companies of this regiment are now filling up with the expectation of going into the federal service for six months to guard rebel prisoners at Elmira. Thus far the only assurance the regiment has that it will perform special duty, comes from Assistant Provost Marshal Gen. Diven. The regiment ought to have something direct from the War Department, as the promises of Mr. Diven may be repudiated at headquarters. If it is intended to take the regiment to the field, let that be understood at once and no deception practiced. Mr. Diven can get from the War Department an order as to this regiment as he may desire.
The Supervisors Committee has voted to pay $50 bounty to each man in the 54th. A special meeting of the Board is to be called for Tuesday to consider this and other subjects relating to volunteers for the army.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 18, 1864, p. 2
A DRAFT SOUGHT—A committee of three captains of the 54th Regiment went to Albany last night and it is understood that their mission is to request Governor Seymour to make a draft in Rochester to fill up the 54th Militia. And the Committee are to further to urge the Governor to stipulate that the 54th shall be assigned to special duty at Elmira for six months. It is not likely that their mission will be successful. If the regiment is filled by a draft or otherwise, it will have to be mustered into the Federal service if it performs the duty proposed, and if the men are to get pay from the federal Treasury. In such an event the Governor will have nothing further to do with the regiment.
The pay to the privates will be $16 per month. Are the men willing to leave business for that sum? Would it not be better to wait till there is a call for men before proceeding to urge a draft to fill up the 54th? The pay of the officers may be such as will make them desirous of six months service at Elmira, but that of privates will not be an equivalent for their services.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 20, 1864, p. 2
The 54th Regiment Ordered to Elmira for Special Service
The 54th has at length been ordered to Elmira forthwith, as will be seen by the following order addressed to Col. Clark:
ALBANY, July 19, 1864
Special Orders No. 186.
The 54th Regiment National Guard of the State of New York will proceed immediately to Elmira, N. Y., where the commanding officer will report to Major A. S. Diven, Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General and Superintendent of the Volunteer Recruiting Service, for one hundred days' service.
Requisition for the necessary clothing, &c., will be made on Brigadier General S. V. Talcott, Quartermaster General at No. 51 Walker street, New York City, and for arms and accouterments on Brigadier General James A. Farrell, Commissary General State Arsenal, New York City.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief
John T. Sprague
Adjutant General
The large arrivals of rebel prisoners at Elmira has made this order necessary. The citizens of Elmira have been called out to do guard duty the past week it is said.
Major Lee has an order to muster the men of the 54th into the United States service at once—or as soon as ready.
Col. Clark will be here to-morrow morning. There will be a meeting of the officers of the 54th to-night. It will depend upon circumstances about the speedy filling up of the regiment. There are now about 500 men. It is understood, without any question, that the regiment will be retained for special service and not sent to the front—as some of the hundred day men of the West have been—it will be easy to fill up the ranks.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 21, 1864, p. 2
ARMORY—ROCHESTER LIGHT GUARD—ROCHESTER, July 21, 1864.—Persons wishing to volunteer in the Light Guard for 100 day service in the 54th regiment, may place their names in the hands of any officer or member of the Company, or present themselves at the headquarters of the company this evening.
The regular muster takes place this evening and all persons liable to duty with this Company are requested to be present.
C. J. Fredenburg,
Captain, Commanding Co. C, 54th Reg't.
Jno. E. Flint, Orderly
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 22, 1864, p. 2
MEETING OF SUPERVISORS—The Board of Supervisors of this county met in special session this morning to consider the bounty question. A resolution was offered that it is the sense of the Board that it is expedient to pay bounties for men to fill up the pending call for troops. An amendment was offered that the bounty should be $300. The resolution and amendment were laid on the table and a committee was appointed to recommend to the Board some action in the matter. The Board then took a recess and the committee will probably report this afternoon.
The question of peace is now being agitated, and the Administration has the subject under consideration. Is it wise for the Supervisors to offer bounties that will add largely to the debt of this county while the negotiations are going on? If the movement for peace which has been initiated is made in good faith by both parties, peace will certainly follow. Monroe county can as well afford to wait the result of these negotiations as any other county. Let the Supervisors consider the subject well in this light before taking hasty action. Just now men are very scarce and wages high. By and by there will be less demand and recruits may be obtained at lower rates.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 22, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—It is understood that the uniforms and arms of the 54th Regiment will not arrive here in time to enable the regiment to go to Elmira this week. Some of the companies are making active efforts to fill up and are doing well.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 23, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AND ITS DUTY AT ELMIRA—The Federal government is making Elmira a depot or prison for the safe keeping of rebel captives. To retain them in safe custody a strong guard is required. Not having this at hand the Federal government has asked for State Militia, and Gov. Seymour—always ready to obey such a call no matter how much he may be insulted by the men who make it—has ordered the 54th from this city to go and perform guard duty for one hundred days , or rather he has ordered them into the Federal service for that period, supposing that they are to perform that duty; but they are just as liable to be sent to the front and put into the breaches as any other men who enlist. If this order was to lessen the burden of the draft upon our county, then we should desire to see the loss of the 54th filled. But such is not to be the effect. Fry has announced that the hundred days men will not be exempted from the draft, but if drawn, the hundred days will form a part of their time of service under the call. To offset this slight advantage the man on special service will be so situated that he cannot well procure a substitute or make arrangements for long absence from home. Taking all things into account, the less men taken to Elmira in the 54th the better for this district. Just so much effective labor will be taken from home [ ] number to be supplied on the call will not be reduced in the least. The going out of the 54th to Elmira is a gratuity and nothing else. Have we the men to spare in this way at the time when it seems difficult to fill the quota? The Governor had better call for companies and thus divide the burthen over the State. The truth is, the Governor has been urged to give the order for the 54th under the belief that it was to assist us in filling our quota, or rather that it would lessen the number to be drafted. The mistake is now apparent. Those who desire to strengthen the fighting part of the army will desire to have as few as possible go into the 54th for this duty at Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 23, 1864, p. 2
THE SUPERVISORS AND THE BOUNTY—At the afternoon meeting yesterday the committee made a report advising that $200 bounty be paid to each man who enlists for a year, and that the $300 be paid for three years men as before.
Messrs. McFarlin, Connolly and others urged the payment of $300 to one year men, but their proposition was rejected and the report of the committee adopted.
The military committee was authorized to do as they thought best in respect to recruiting negroes at the South for the quota of this county.
The question being raised as to what the 54th Regiment is to do at Elmira, the Board concluded to make another day and consider the subject this morning.
The offer of $100 additional bounty to a recruit to serve two years at the end of the first for which he will receive $200, is thought to be rather ludicrous. Though if a man expects to be killed or used up for the service the first year he may as well enlist for three years and get the additional bounty. Others may think the war will end in a year and so enlist for three.
The Board met this morning. Col. Bissell was heard on the negro question. He expressed boubts about any considerable number of negro recruits being obtained in the Southwest. A number of persons applied to be appointed agents to go the Mississippi country and enlist negroes.
The matter of supplying the Penitentiary with water from the river was considered but no action taken.
A proposition was made to pay recruiting agents $100 for each one year man procured. This caused discussion, and without final action the Board adjourned at 2 p. m.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 25, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—An order has been received for this Regiment to go to Elmira to-morrow, as troops are much needed there to guard rebel prisoners. The uniforms of the regiment have arrived, and the arms will no doubt be ready in time. Col. Clark is not here, and we have no positive information as to what is to be done with the regiment. It may go to-morrow to Elmira and it may not. Knowing nothing we can say nothing positively.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 26, 1864, p. 2
NEGRO SOLDIERS BETTER THAN WHITE — The Republican press has been sounding the praises of negro soldiers for a long time, and loses no opportunity to make it appear that they are superior to the white soldiers, in courage, in endurance and in military skill. Having established this beyond question as they think, the negro loving editors have now undertaken to show that the negroes are the only reliable soldiers the Federal government has. The white soldiers not only lack in courage, power of enduring fatigue and that intelligence requisite to any emergency in battle, but they are not trustworthy. They cannot be relied upon for guard duty say these editors.
The Rochester Democrat, now controlled by a Massachusetts abolitionist, has properly taken the lead in advertising negro superiority. It announces this morning that the Veteran Reserve Corps in Elmira have been so corrupted that they cannot be trusted as guards. Recruits and substitutes are constantly deserting through their connivance. Negro recruits have been employed in the place of the veterans to guard white men and the Democrat says that they have been found entirely reliable.
This being the state of facts, why do the Federal officials at Elmira accept the services of the 54th regiment composed entirely of white men? Why does not the Democrat advise the government to pick up a few score of negroes in this city and elsewhere to do this guard duty instead of the 54th? If white men "cannot be trusted" and "the black men are entirely reliable," then why employ the first when the last can be had so readily?
What an age is this in which we live! All popular theories and notions are turned topsy turvy in the twinkling of an eye, and men accept a belief the reverse of what they have been taught for a lifetime, and which has been confirmed by the observation of intelligent men for ages. The negro, whether seen by the explorer in the African wilds, or in contact with the whites in enlightened communities, is represented as low in intellect and having a predominance of the animal over the moral faculties. Thieving and lying have been regarded as negro attributes, when speaking of the race as a whole. Lo, behold in 1864 it is publicly proclaimed that white men cannot be trusted and blacks are alone reliable! What next?
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 26, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH REGIMENT—PICKING UP THE MEN WITH A GUARD. — It has been talked to-day that the 54th was to leave for Elmira at once, but how that is we cannot say, not having found anyone in authority. Col. Clark is absent at the east on important private business. When he returns we hope to be able to hear something definite as to what is to be done with the regiment.
We noticed in the streets this morning a patrol guard, going from place to place taking men who belong to the regiment. It is inferred by this action that every member of the regiment will be found, if in the city, and taken to Elmira, peaceably if they can, but forcibly if they must. Major Lee is ready to muster the men into the U. S. service, and they are, we suppose, bound to go in and serve.
This forcible action comes quite unexpected to many. If they do not like it they have only to blame those who sought the order for duty from the Governor. They expected to escape the draft by going to Elmira, and were anxious to be ordered to that place. The order came, and now they find that do not escape the draft, but must go where they are ordered, and take the risk of a draft. There is not much probability that the regiment will go to Elmira to-day.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 27, 1864, p. 2
Departure of the Fifty-fourth Regiment
The Fifty-fourth Regiment, N.Y.N.G., left for Elmira this noon under the order from the Governor to guard the Rebel prisoners at that place. The men were sworn into the Federal service for one hundred days and are as much Federal soldiers as any in the service.
There were eleven companies represented, including the Dragoons, and in all were about four hundred men. There are some two hundred men absent who could not be found. Many were brought in under guard, but others contrived to elude arrest.
The regiment is under command of Captain Sellinger, the senior captain. Col. Clark is absent and the Lieutenant Colonel and Major resigned some time since. Col. Clark will be here in a day or two, and will go to Elmira and assume command of the regiment.
The hour of departure was fixed for ten o'clock, but as is usual in such cases, there was some delay. The regiment turned out with Newman's Band, and marched through some central streets, and then went to the Erie Railway depot, and were there put into a special train of seven cars.
A vast multitude appeared in Exchange street about the Armory, and at the Depot. There was quite as much excitement as attended the departure of a volunteer regiment for the seat of war. And quite as many women and children lamenting in tears in groans the departure of fathers, husbands and brothers. Some of the Spectators were disposed to make light of the tribulation of these people. They may take a different view of the case. There is no certainty that the 54th may not be ordered to the front at any time. At the best it will be absent one hundred days, the men are on a nominal salary, while the families of some will need their support. This excursion of the 54th may yet prove something more than a holiday movement. The soldiers left in good spirits and we hope nothing may occur to make them feel less light hearted than they do to-day.
The regiment will probably reach Elmira this evening and will, it is presumed, be put at once upon guard duty, attending to the three thousand or more filthy rebels confined in Barracks there.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 27, 1864, p. 2
COL. EASTMAN NOT THE DEMOCRAT — Our contemporary says it was Col. Eastman commanded at Elmira who said white men were not to be trusted as guards and that negroes were the most reliable. We know that the Democrat pretends to speak upon the authority of Col. E. but we have seen nothing from that officer avowing any such idea. The Democrat was anxious to put the statement into circulation even upon the authority of Col. Eastman, because it put the negro up and put the white soldiers down. Will our contemporary tell us when and where Col. Eastman made the declaration attributed to him?
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 28, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AT ELMIRA — The 54th Regiment arrived at Elmira at ten last night, without accident. The regiment marched to the barracks assigned to it, and reported to the commandant of the post. The men were to at once enter upon duty as guards to the Rebel prisoners, and ere this they are no doubt walking their paths as sentries. They will find the duty tedious and monotonous in the extreme.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 29, 1864, p. 2
THE ONE HUNDRED DAY MEN EXEMPT — As the thing now stands the men who have enlisted for a hundred days are exempt from the draft. Gov. Seymour sent Gen. Sanford to Washington to demand this as a right, and it now appears that the War Department has granted the request.
The members of the Fifty-fourth who are at Elmira, or who may go there to serve for the hundred days, will be exempt from the draft. Had this been positively announced before the regiment left it would have gone one thousand strong. It was understood that the reverse was the order of the War Department up to yesterday, hence the reluctance of the men of the Fifty-fourth to go to Elmira.
The Democrat is evidently provoked that such a decision should be given. It finds fault with the Department. It will be pleased by and by when it hears that the Fifty-fourth has been ordered to the front to go into battle. The desire for blood-letting in our home regiments will then be gratified.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: July 29, 1864, p. 3
KILLED AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS OF THE RECENT RR. COLLISION IN PENNSYLVANIA— The following is the official report to the War Department of guards and prisoners of war killed and wounded by the collision on the route between New York and Elmira: Fourteen of the guard killed; three wounded—since dead; Sixteen wounded — total, thirty-three killed and wounded. Forty prisoners of war killed; eight wounded—since dead; ninety-three wounded—total, one hundred and forty-one killed and wounded of the prisoners of war. Total, guard and prisoners of war killed and wounded, one hundred and seventy-four.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 1, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH UNDER A NEGRO GUARD— The story was told on Saturday that the 54th regiment from this city at Elmira, was under a negro guard. Those who heard it without an explanation, might infer that there was trouble or insubordination in the ranks. The story, so far as the guard is concerned, is true; but it is easily explained without discredit to the 54th.
When the regiment reached Elmira it was marched in the night to barracks assigned for the time being. Those barracks were then under a negro guard, and remained so while the 54th was there. The men of the regiment were not at once called for guard duty, even for their own barracks. They are now guarding the prisoners.
It was remarked by those who saw the 54th leave Rochester and have seen it in Elmira, that the behavior of the men was highly creditable in all respects. The people of Elmira expressed themselves pleased to see such a body of respectable young men brought to their city to do guard duty for the place. The regiment is composed of respectable men, and we have no fear but it will acquit itself well of the trust confided to it. We have no fear that the military commandant at Elmira will have to substitute negroes for our men because they cannot be trusted.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 2, 1864, p. 2
Court Martial Ordered
There are some two hundred or more members of the 54th Regiment now in the city, it is understood, who have not responded to the order to go to Elmira. They are liable to arrest and trial for delinquency, and it becomes the duty of the Brigade Commander to order for such a court-martial, which he has done in the following order:
Headquarters 25th Brigade
7th Division N.Y.S.N.G.
Rochester, Aug. 1, 1864
Orders No. 12:
A Regimental Court-Martial will convene at the Headquarters of the 54th Regiment N.Y.S.N.G. on the 25th day of August, 1864, at 10 o'clock A.M., for the trial of delinquents, and such other business may come before it. Detail for the Court, Capt. Warner Westcott, 54th Regiment, N.Y.S.N.G.
By order of
Brig. Gen. John Williams
Geo. Hyland, Jr., Brigade Inspector
[This order was subsequently posted in the classified ad section of the Union & Advertiser on Aug. 6, 10, 15, 22 and 25.]
—The question is daily put, "can a member of the 54th, or any other regiment of State militia, be compelled to enter the service of the United States and take the oath administered by the mustering officer?"
From inquiry made we are satisfied that he cannot be compelled to take the oath; but he may be compelled to go to Elmira and serve with his regiment there under the order of the Governor. If he does not swear into the Federal service his name will not go upon the pay rolls and he will get no pay for service.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 2, 1864, p. 2
AFFAIRS AT ELMIRA—Reports are current that there is trouble at Elmira and that the rebel prisoners are uneasy. As near as we can get at the fact from those that were at Elmira yesterday, there is no danger of an outbreak. On Sunday a rebel prisoner went over the line marked out as the bounds of his prison and was shot by a negro guard. The man was not fatally injured. The negro says he challenged the prisoner before he fired. There was not much excitement following this affair; but as a precaution the 54th Reg. was ordered under arms that night.
The guard is small at Elmira in proportion to the number of prisoners there, and the prisoners increase by arrivals faster than the guard.
The 54th Regiment is on duty now. The men lack essential things, we are told, in consequence of having no properly qualified Quartermaster. As it is essential to preserve the health of the men, this matter should not be neglected. The food will be plain, of course, but it should be properly prepared before it is eaten. We are told that some trouble has arisen in the distribution of rations, and the difficulty arose in the Quartermaster's Department. This will all be made right soon. The Regimental Quartermaster is in Rochester, and who acts as his substitute we are not advised.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 2, 1864, p. 2
GRAYS' BATTERY ORDERED TO ELMIRA— Last evening a dispatch came to Gen. Williams from the Assistant Adjutant General at Albany, stating that the Governor directs him to send the Grays' Artillery to Elmira at once. Major Lewis, who commands the artillery, issued an order for Batteries A and B to appear at the Armory at nine o'clock this morning to go to Elmira for special State service. A few of the men appeared this morning and went to Elmira. Others are preparing to leave this evening. Probably sixty or eighty men will be sent down.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 3, 1864, p. 1
Under the "All Sorts of Paragraphs" section
—The Lancaster Evening Express states that "ex-President James Buchanan is a member of a company of one hundred days' men raised in this city, and is now encamped with his comrades at Camp Cadwalader, in Philadelphia." Will not some of the "Sons of Washington" hereabouts who are out of the draft, follow the example of the ex-President and enlist for one hundred days? Let them come forward and fill up the 54th to its maximum number, and follow the "boys" to Elmira. Sixteen dollars a month, clothes, medical attendance and rations! As there will not be much for a fight, the only sacrifice to be made will be a pecuniary one, which of course they are too patriotic to hesitate about. And then perhaps a little plain living would do them some good. "Who's agoin'?"
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 4, 1864, p. 2
THE TROUBLE AT ELMIRA—The Elmira Advertiser of yesterday has the following in reference to the shooting of a rebel prisoner. It will be seen by those who read the Democrat's version of the affair that the reports bear no resemblance. The Elmira paper ought to be best informed. It says:
We are informed that quite a serious disturbance occurred at Barracks No. 3, Sunday night. It is reported that a plot was concocted among some of them to make a raid on the guard-house and capture a lot of shovels and picks, with which they hoped to demolish the fence and set themselves free. The denouement of the plot was arranged to take place at 11 o'clock in the evening, but it was discovered and revealed by the inside patrols.
After proper means had been taken to crush the attempt, several of the rebel prisoners were detected prowling around and one approached a guard in the vicinity of the pond back of the barrack, and on being warned back four times, of which he took no heed, the guard fired upon him, the ball hitting him in the side and passing around the chest, was extracted from the opposite side. The wound was a severs one, but the man will probably recover. He said he was only glad "he was not killed," congratulating himself considerably upon a knowledge of the fact. The "rebs" will not probably find our authorities "napping." If they see fit to try their hands again it may be to their personal sorrow.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 4, 1864, p. 3
Three Regiments of State Militia to be Sent to Elmira
No Truth in Reported Outbreat
NEW YORK, Aug. 2.—Governor Seymour has ordered the 56th, 77th, and 99th Regiments State Militia to report to Gen. Dix, to be sent to Elmira, there being an outbreak among the rebel prisoners at that place. The 77th and 99th were to start to-night.
ELMIRA, Aug. 2.—The report that the rebel prisoners here are in revolt, is unfounded. They were never quieter than at present.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 5, 1864, p. 2
RECRUITING FOR THE 54TH.—Lieut. Rosenthal of the Dragoons has returned from Elmira with orders to recruit for the 54th. The following orders have been issued by Capt. Sellinger, commandant of the Regiment:
N.Y.N.G., ROCHESTER, AUG. 5., 1864
All members of the 54th Regiment are hereby ordered to report to the Regimental Armory.
By order,
Capt. L. Sellinger
Com'dt 54th Regt., N.Y.N.G.
Arnt Rosenthal, Lieut. 54th Regt. N.Y.N.G.
Volunteers and substitutes will be received at the Dragoons quarters, Regimental Armory, by Lieut. Rosenthal.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 5, 1864, p. 2
FROM ELMIRA—All is said to be quiet at Elmira. The Advertiser of yesterday says there are 1,300 effective men to guard the prisoners and more are soon to arrive. Five regiments are expected. The Grays Battery from Rochester, with 66 men and four pieces, arrived on Wednesday.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 6, 1864, p. 2
TO DELINQUENTS OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—The attention of all members of the 54th Regiment who have not responded to the call to go to Elmira is invited to the order of Lt. Rosenthal, who is sent here on special duty to look after them. He invites them to report to him and go to Elmira, or to send substitutes. They can by serving one hundred days at an easy duty avoid the draft, if it takes place within that period; and if it does not take place within that time it will hardly take place at all. Those men who profess so much loyalty ought not to hang back now when there is an easy way to show their patriotism.
Guarding rebels is the most important duty that our soldiers are now called upon to perform. They may as well stand guard over them at Elmira as around Richmond and on the borders of Pennsylvania and Maryland. We mention this to show that the service of the 54th is one not to be despised. Those members who do not come forward will be arrested and examined before a court-martial now ordered, and the penalty there will be more severs than the cost of a substitute.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 6, 1864, p. 2
DEPARTURE OF SUBSTITUTES—The rush to the Provost Marshal's office yesterday resulted in the acceptance of 20 substitutes, who were forthwith sent to Elmira under a strong guard.
Some eight or ten who were offered were rejected. Provost Marshal Hart will not keep substitutes here a great while after they are accepted. If they escape from the service it must be after they are delivered at Elmira.
The rush is not so great to-day. A few are coming in. Already about 130 men have been enlisted to apply on the quota of this county. The work drags slowly. The high prices paid elsewhere makes it difficult to procure men here.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 6, 1864, p. 2
From Camp Chemung
Elmira, Aug. 4, 1864
FRIEND C.: Our Battalion left the "Flour City" and the "loved ones at home" in a rain storm, and arrived here in a rain storm about 4½ o'clock P.M. We took up our line of march for "Barracks No. 1" immediately after reporting to Col. Eastman, the commandant of the post, who by the way, is a perfect gentleman in every particular, and is emphatically the "right man in the right place." I must say, thus far, we have received nothing but kindness from all in or out of command hereabouts. Capt. Lowe, of Gen. Diven's Dept., is a perfect gentleman as is also the Quartermaster and the Chief of the Commissary Dept. The rations are good and wholesome and plenty of it. The men are all well satisfied with what they get.
I visited this P.M. Capt. Chemung, and found our own noble 54th Regt. Out in line for battalion drill, and I tell you the truth when I say it, that I really feel proud to be a citizen of Rochester and represented by such a noble body of men. Those that have staid at home have missed it! The duty is light and it is a good school for the "citizen soldier." Capt. Sellinger, if not a Colonel, ought to be, for he handles his regiment, or the 54th, most splendidly. The wheelings made this afternoon by the companies in column were second to none, and reminds me of the time when Col. Fairchild was the father of the regiment. But more hereafter.
The negro is here in all his glory! Cuffee claims that he is on the upper rail now. He does the guard duty at the "barracks," and also at the camp where the "rebels" are confined, inside the enclosure. The negroes do it well and are just fitted to do that duty—the drudgery of camps. One of our boys was sitting out, looking at the guard when he passed, and espying the plate of his body belt read "U.S.," (us) and looking up at him, says: "Why, how do you do, us?" The darkie, grinning, said, "Why my name are not 'us'." He said: "De Lord, we is on de upper rail dis time."
"Put a negro where you will,
He'll be a negro still,"
is an old and true saying.
To-morrow the battalion is to pitch tents near those of the 54th, on a gentle rising of ground, to be called "Camp Moore," in honor of Ald. D. D. T. Moore of your city. The location of the camp is beautiful, the scenery surrounding it being delightful.
We have since our arrival an accession of three regiments of Militia from New York and Brooklyn—the 99th, 77th and 56th—making an aggregate of between 600 and 700 men, and in no way to be compared with our regiment, and in fact do not reflect much credit on the great cities which furnish all (?) the militia for duty.
We see many familiar faces here from Rochester, which reminds one of home. The headquarters of our military, when down town, is at the "City Hotel," kept by mine host Bush, a man who caters well and largely for the benefit of hosts of visitors and friends who congregate at the "City Hotel." Those who intend visiting this little city and stopping within, will find him always at his post with a genial smile of welcome for the weary traveler.
I understand two "rebs" have died at camp within the last two days. The "reb" who was shot a few days since by the guard is likely to recover from his wound.
A "buss" is run to camp every hour by the "City Hotel;" so our friends by stopping there will have no difficulty in getting conveyance to our headquarters and that of the Regiment.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 8, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AT ELMIRA—We have intelligence from Elmira that everything is quiet there. The 54th Regiment is comfortably quartered there, and the men are in good spirits. Capt. Schoen came home on furlough, to remain a day or two and arrange his business so as to remain with his company. He represents the 54th as well cared for. It is desirable that the ranks of the regiment should be filled up by the absentees and new recruits. Lt. Rosenthal is here actively engaged in the duty assigned him, to receive and forward members of the regiment, and such as desire to become members. His office is in the Arcade, at Armitage's, over the Arcade house, where all are requested to report immediately.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 9, 1864, p. 2
MEMBERS OF THE 54TH ATTEND!—Lieut. Rosenthal, who is here under orders to send forward all members of the 54th to Elmira, is attending to his duties promptly and sends by every train squads of men assigned him. He is active and efficient and intends to faithfully perform the duty assigned him. He is friendly to the members of the 54th, and desires to make the matter as easy as possible for all. He therefore urges those who are delinquent to report to him at once for duty. The court-martial will sit in a few days, when all delinquents will be reported and subjected to a heavy penalty for neglect of duty. Lieut. Rosenthal would prefer that there should be no names to report to that court—that all should respond before its sitting and escape the penalties. The duty at Elmira is pleasant and the men engaged will avoid the draft if it should take place while they are there.
A Sergeant and six men arrived this morning from Elmira with orders to report to Lieut. Rosenthal for duty. They are to assist him in executing the orders with which he had been entrusted. Members of the 54th in Rochester, walk up to the Captain's office at once and report yourselves!
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 11, 1864, p. 2
HO FOR ELMIRA!—Lieut. Rosenthal is sending forward men for the 54th to Elmira by every train. Reports from Elmira represent the soldiers there are very comfortably situated, and many who declined to go at first are now ready to take their places. Those who cannot are sending substitutes. Lieut. Rosenthal calls upon all members of the 54th who are home to report at once and go to their companies or furnish men to go. The ranks of the 54th must be filled up immediately. There is now but a brief period before court-martial will convene, and all delinquents will then be arraigned and may be fined heavily and imprisoned.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 12, 1864, p. 2
MATTERS AT ELMIRA—Lieut. Geo. Fraunberger, of the Grays, has returned from Elmira to remain four days, with orders to pick up stragglers from the Battery and send them forward. Lieut. F. represents all things quiet at Elmira, and the Rochester troops in good quarters and comfortable. The Grays have orders for one hundred days duty in the State service, and there has been no order to muster them into the U.S. service. They want more men to fill up the corps.
The 54th is in excellent condition, and the regiment stands high in the estimation of all at Elmira. The guard duty is admirably performed by this regiment, and all runs smoothly.
There are about eight thousand rebel prisoners now in the yard, and more coming up daily. They are mostly able-bodied men, evidently of good families at the South. They are orderly and respectful in their deportment, but most decided in their adherence to Southern principles. The discipline of the camp is very rigid, and there is no intercourse between the prisoners and the public. Few civilians can even get a peep over the high fence at the mass, much less within speaking distance. An enterprising Yankee who has ground near the camp, is building an observatory from which people can look into the enclosure by paying a fee. He intends to keep in this tower a powerful glass, by the aid of which visitors can see the vermin which are said to be so plenty upon the bodies of the prisoners.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 12, 1864, p. 2
ELECTION IN THE 54TH REGIMENT—Brig. Gen. Williams has been to Elmira and held an election in the 54th Regiment to fill vacancies in the corps of Field Officers. Capt. Sellinger was chosen Lt. Colonel and Capt. Westcott Major. These gentlemen were the senior Captains of the regiment, and entitled to the promotion they have received. Lt. Col. Sellinger has been in command of the regiment since it left the city, and has shown himself fully qualified for the duty.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 16, 1864, p. 2
THE 58TH REGIMENT—Ed. Union and Advertiser: The 58th Regiment National Guards, Col. R. P. Wisner, commanding, from the Second Assembly District of Livingston county, left Mount Morris on Thursday last for duty at Elmira, numbering about 300 men. They received reinforcements en route of companies from Springwater and Dansville at Wayland Station, and companies from Nunda, Portage and Ossian at Corning, which constituted a full regiment.—The alacrity and promptness with which this large number of men responded to the order is a reproof to those base falsehoods and discouraging influences of the Republican press of the county.
So it is everywhere when a Democrat leads and orders to fall into the ranks and forward march, he is willingly obeyed with confidence, leaving Abolitionists to sneer, snarl, scoff, talk, whine, and finally to repent and lament. The ex-Editor of the Livingston Republican, and ex-County Clerk, Gallant Retreater, ex-Editor Rochester Democrat and present Collector of Internal Revenue (salary $10,000 per year), was visiting the old paths and scenes of his early triumphs. He saw the enthusiasm of this regiment with dismay and astonishment. Arriving at Avon he seized an early copy of the Rochester Democrat for consolation; but it afforded no relief. It was cold coffee and a poor breakfast on a sour stomach.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
A MAN IN A BARREL—One of the men of the 54th Regiment failing to obtain leave of absence to come home, took leave without further ceremony and came here. After being absent two or three days, he returned to camp. He was, by an order of the Commandant , subjected to a queer punishment, though one well known to the army. A barrel, with a hole cut through the top, so as to let his head through, was put over his body, and holes were cut in the sides, thro' which his arms might protrude. In this ludicrous situation the soldier was marched for an hour or more, causing considerable merriment to spectators. The punishment is a mild one, touching the pride of the man merely. He does not suffer any physical pain in consequence of carrying this barrel.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
MEMBERS OF THE 54TH REGIMENT—Lieut. Rosenthal has gathered up and sent to Elmira a large number of the members of the 54th who did not go with the Regiment. There are still some who do not appear and give an account of themselves. The time for them to report will soon close and they will be returned to court-martial to be dealt with according to military law. The punishment, if convicted of absence, there will be fine and imprisonment, and it would probably be best for all concerned to report at once. Lieut. Rosenthal has his office in the Arcade over the Arcade House, and will be happy to see all delinquent members of his Regiment there at once.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
From Elmira
Camp Chemung, Elmira, N.Y.
Aug. 15th, 1864
Since my last, we have had quite a large accession of prisoners and also troops for guard duty. The 102nd Regiment N.Y., 58th Mount Morris, Col. Wisner, and Col. Abbott of Erie Co.—numbering in all about 500—rank and file—these regiments are mere skeletons, still they have not forgotten to appoint a full number of field, line and staff officers. We recognize among the officers of the 58th our old friend, Capt. John Vernam, of the Mt. Morris Blues, whom we had the pleasure of meeting in camp years ago,—Col. Abbott's Regiment arrived without arms, and but partially uniformed, so also did the 58th Col. Wisner.
On the 12th, eight hundred and fifty rebels arrived under guard from "Point Lookout." They are large men—much larger and show a better development than our own. We were at the cars on their arrival, and heard the ladies of this city express much sympathy for the ragged and forlorn look of the "rebs," for which the all-loyal (Rep.) press of this city has taken them to task, and used language and expressions toward them (the fair sex) which shows the meanness to which the party press will stoop to accomplish their ends. Shame on them! A man or editor who will prostitute the columns of his paper in this way should be denounced by every lover of the "Constitution and the Union." These ladies who were loud in the expression of sympathy may to-day have near and dear relatives within the confines of a rebel prison, and who undoubtedly are this moment receiving slight tokens from the fair daughters of the once happy "sunny south." Indeed we heard one lady remark that she now had a husband and two brothers in the Federal army, and if taken prisoners, she hoped they would be used, and that sympathy given them that she was now willing to extend to their enemies. But Republican editors and Republican politicians don't see it in that light. Their whole object seems to be a continuance of the present war and flow of blood so long as they can make money out of it—when the time comes that they cannot do this they will be ready to cry ot for peace—no matter how degrading or dishonorable that peace may be to the North.
On the 14th 200 more prisoners arrived—making the total amount now within the enclosure from 8,000 to 9,000. Their first call is for tobacco, and numerous are the devices they invent to communicate with the outside world. No one is admitted within the enclosure, save the guard and the officers on duty, thereat.
Gen'l Williams arrived in camp on the 10th, to preside at the election ordered for field officers of the 54th—occasioned by the resignation of Lt.-Col. Miller and Major Thompson. On his arrival to the camp, the "Grays"—ever ready—fired the salute the rank required, though the General appeared in citizens' dress.
The line officers elected as Lt.-Col., and Major, Senior Captains L. Sellinger, of the "Union Guards" and W. Westcott, of Co. "F." This is a selection "fit to be made," and shows the good sense of the officers in grading up men who have proved themselves meritorious officers of the line, and giving every assurance that they will prove equally efficient in the field. The election has given general satisfaction to the whole Regiment, both rank and file. The Regiment (54th) are, as they have been since their stay here, winning "golden opinions" for themselves, as soldiers and gentlemen,—shirking no duty imposed them by the rigid discipline, and the rules and regulations of the regular army. They are as good and dutiful soldiers, as they are respectable and worthy citizens of the "Flour City;" nothing is lost to the credit of the city by her representative men in the 54th.
The Grays have lost none of that reputation for discipline which was handed down to them by the lamented father of the corps—General Swan. And I can assure you that nothing will be done by the present members which will reflect discredit upon the memory of him whom we loved to honor and respect. Every duty is done cheerfully and without a murmur. The "Veterans" are here represented by their "children" who they need not be ashamed of, who will be glad on any and every occasion to welcome them to their quarters in the tented-field—they will loose none of the former reputation gained by them in years past. "The latch string is out."
The members of the Regiment and Battery are generally in good health, no sickness in camp save that incident to camp life—such as dysentery, &c. Friends at home need not worry—the men will not suffer from neglect while we have such attentive Surgeons with us as Drs. Briggs and Rider—every attention and want of the sick is anticipated by them. Long will their kindness be remembered by all in Camp Chemung.
In the "Veterans" stationed here—the officers and members of the "16th Veteran Reserves"—are doing all in their power to teach us our duty—and the minutiae of camp life is easily learned and maintained. The officers are all gentlemen, from the Colonel commanding down.
Let our friends anticipating a visit hers, bear in mind to stop at the "City Hotel," from which place they will find a "buss" in waiting to convey them to and from the "camp."
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 17, 1864, p. 2
BAND FOR THE FIFTY-FOURTH—Captain Newman's celebrated Cornet Band, attached to the 54th Regiment, will leave to-morrow for Elmira, to remain with the regiment the remainder of its hundred days of service. The members of the band will draw pay and rations like other soldiers. The 54th, with their band, will be the military attraction at Elmira.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 18, 1864, p. 2
THE SYMPATHY QUESTION—The Democrat can't be reconciled to the course of ladies at Elmira who manifested sympathy for rebel prisoners. In its heartless tone toward those who are powerless—the fallen foe—it but displays the spirit that has actuated its party all through the war, and has wrought untold suffering upon many brave Union soldiers who were unfortunately made prisoners by the rebels. Kindness to the prisoners we have will beget the like for ours who are in Southern prisons, and from this a better feeling would result to all concerned. And here is the secret of the whole matter. The Republican press do not desire a return of good feeling lest it reconcile the people of the two sections and induce them to continue under our government. Anything that may tend toward good feeling might lead to an end of the war, and that would not suit the men who are profiting by its continuance. However much it may displease the Democrat and all other crats who are so bitter and bloodthirsty, we shall continue to say and do what we can to lessen the hardships incident to life in our prisons, hoping that such a course will work good to our poor soldiers at the South, as well as promote the object which every true friend of the Union ought to have in view, the restoration of harmony and good feeling between the North and South. That is our platform, and our opponents, whosoever they may be, may make the most of it. We would that one rebel prisoner who goes home to the South—if an exchange is made before the close of the war—might carry with him such remembrances of kindness on the part of our people, as would make him and his friends regard us as brethren rather than enemies. We cannot have a restored Union except by a restoration of good feeling between the people of both sections.
If this application of the doctrine, which is one of the fundamental principles of Christianity, offends any one class more than another, it will probably be the abolitionist clergy, like Dr. Robinson. It will shock the greatly to hear that any body, male or female, has expressed pity for rebel prisoners, or hoped that they would be treated kindly and taught to regard us, if they would, as their friends, rather than their foes. But we cannot help this. We have no expectation of pleasing this class of clergymen while they smell if blood. They cannot be satisfied in their hate without sanguinary effusions.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 19, 1864, p. 2
LEFT FOR ELMIRA—A party of forty or more members of the 54th Reg't, and Grays Battery, left last evening for Elmira by the Erie cars. Newman's Band was with the party, also Lt.-Col. Sellinger, who had been here a few days on leave. There was quite a gathering of friends at the Depot to see the party leave, and there were leave-takings as affectionate and painful as if the soldiers were going directly to the front, to enter the trenches and deal with the foe.
Lt. Rosenthal was at hand with the transportation and other papers, to get these men safely under way to Elmira. He is sending squads along almost daily. There are still one hundred or more of this regiment absent from duty, who have not reported. The Court Martial to set next week will have plenty to do in considering the cases presented.
— Our citizens will miss Capt. Newman's Band this fall. It was out on Wednesday night serenading, and "its last appearance" here for the present, on that occasion. Lt. Rosenthal took the Band to serenade Gen. Williams, Col. Clark, Major Lee, Lt.-Col. Sellinger, and Provost-Marshal Hart. Those gentlemen who were at home, opened their doors and did the hospitable—those who were absent certainly appreciated the compliment.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 22, 1864, p. 1
Prisoners at Elmira
A correspondent of a Brooklyn paper, writing from Elmira, thus speaks of the food supplied to the prisoners of war:
"The prisoners are fed quite as well as our own men. They receive but two meals, but those two are quite equal to our three. This I know, as I have seen it with my own eyes. Nearly all their cooks, bakers, and waiters are of their own number, and the rebel sergeants keep the men to rights. During meals a guard of one man each is stationed at the doors, to keep out "flankers;" that is, the fellows wish to "hook" a ration that does not belong to them. If a rebel sergeant catches one at it, he calls the guard to take the offending rebel to the guard-house. Rebel sergeants call the rolls morning and evening, and the rebel drummers and fifers play the different "calls." Rebels light the lamps around the high fence, and rebels sweep the grass-covered camp ground.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 22, 1864, p. 2
Sympathy for Rebel Prisoners
EDITOR UNION AND ADVERTISER:—I regret exceedingly to see such apathy for rebel prisoners displayed by men who ought to give good example—who ought to advise humanely. Gentlemen, you should do to others as you would that others should do to you. You should love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, pray for them that persecute and calumniate you, saith the Lord. You, gentlemen at Elmira and elsewhere, who are so much annoyed by us poor, tender-hearted women meeting each arrival of rebel prisoners at the cars, beg respectfully to inform you that we fear you not; our tears are our own, and can be shed as spontaneously as we please, or, as you rudely call it, "slobbering." You would control our feelings, or sentiments, yes, our very thoughts, if it were in your power. You wish to be thought patriotic; and what, I ask, have you done to prove that? You wish to abolish slavery and give everybody liberty. S do I. But you do not want to give liberty of speech, liberty of feeling, liberty of shedding tears, when our suffering fellow beings present themselves to view. Shame on those who would talk so! Shame on men who would act so! But all are not men who wear the human form. Gentlemen, have you sons or brothers in the army? Imagine they are in prison down South, and the Southern ladies shed tears of sympathy and condole with them in their miserable situation—speak words of kindness to them, and if possible, alleviate their sufferings? What think you then? Had they not better remain at home than come there "slobbering," as you rudely call it? Blush, gentlemen, if there's a blush in you! "Better remain at home instead of going to each arrival of cars with rebel prisoners to watch us poor women, who have hearts to shed tears, and spontaneously, too." A true, noble-hearted woman, who is capable of feeling for her enemy, is surely capable of feeling for her friend in misery. Gentlemen, you need not trouble yourselves about women feeling this way or that way about rebel prisoners. We claim a right to feel just as we feel, and, gentlemen, you cannot control us in this respect. If I have a chance to treat rebel prisoners kindly, I shall do so without fear or dread, entertaining the buoyant hope that if my husband or sons fall into rebel hands they will be as kindly treated as they were before in Richmond.
August 19, 1864.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 23, 1864, p. 2
FOR ELMIRA—Lieutenant Rosenthal of the 54th, who has been here a few days on detached duty, has orders to close his office and report at Elmira forthwith. He will probably leave to-morrow morning by the early train. Lieutenant R. came home to look up the stragglers of the 54th, and has found and sent forward a great many. The time is at hand for the court martial to sit for the trail of those who keep out of the way. There is no further need of an officer here to invite delinquents to respond. So, Lt. Rosenthal closes up and goes back. He will, however, take as report to him to-day. This is the last day most positively.
Lieut. R. has performed his duties well and made them his whole thought since he has been here. He has been prompt in his duty but has endeavored to make the call as easy as he could for the men who are called from business to serve the government.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 23, 1864, p. 2
GRAYS' BATTERY—Those who desire to join the Grays' Battery now on duty in the State service at Elmira, should apply by to-morrow morning to Lieut. Parmalle at the Armory of the 54th Regiment, when transportation will be furnished them and all they require to get into the service.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 27, 1864, p. 3
The Ten Thousand Rebel Prisoners at Elmira
The railings and representations of fanatic letters and the Abolitionist press, whose aim all through this war has been to so engender feelings of hatred and detestation between the masses of the North and South, have impressed many people with the idea that the men who are fighting us are fiends incarnate—defiers of both God and man, rendered callous and almost barbarous by the influences of the peculiar institution of their section. Now there are ten thousand of these men congregated in a prison at Elmira, but a few hours' ride from this city, guarded in part by our own militia. Many of our own citizens have visited the prison camp, and from all we have heard the same story—that the rebel prisoners are not only well behaved but actually give evidence of a standard of morality and religious fervor that is astonishing in view of the character that has been painted of them. We might rehearse numerous statements that have been made to us regarding these prisoners, but prefer to give the following from the special correspondence of a journal which is authority among the most radical—the Evening Post:
Special Correspondence of the New York Evening Post
Elmira, Aug. 17, 1864
I send you some additional facts of interest in relation to the rebel prisoners confined here.
The Rebels Playing Our National Airs
Among the amusements of the rebels is music. They have obtained some drums and fifes, and when drawn up in line for roll call are permitted to use their instruments for their own amusement. It is, perhaps, needless to say that they do not play rebel tunes. There is, it is understood, no order against such a proceeding; but the prisoners know that to make secession music would not be proper; therefore they play negro melodies. These furnish most of the music; but our national airs, almost without exception, are given by the rebel performers.
Preaching to the Rebels
Divine service is held in the rebel camp every Sunday. This is by request of the prisoners; and they choose the clergymen who are to officiate. Though they must confine their choice to loyal men they have not indicated their desire to hear any man of even questionable patriotism. They have heard Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Congregational and Baptist ministers, besides others, and sometimes two clergymen preach on one Sunday. It is a curious fact that the rebels have twice chosen the Rev. Thos. Beecher to address them—a gentleman whose loyalty is as intense as his brother, Henry Ward. Each of the ministers preaching has generally one or two thousand hearers—as many as can, conveniently gather around him and hear his words distinctly—and the rebels listen with the closest attention. It is understood that national subjects are not generally discussed.
The prisoners sing the hymns read by the clergymen during the Sabbath-day services. For instance, a hymn is read and sung to the tune of One Hundred, two lines at a time, the rebels uniting their voices and singing with spirit, and their own officers joining.
The Prisoners Praying
There are prayer-meetings among the rebels every night; often extra meetings are held in the afternoon. These are usually among the Methodist rebels, [whose churches are being abolitionized under orders from the federal War Department and at the expense of the whole people!—Ed. U. & A.] They assemble on the green, kneeling; and as many attend as can hear the words of those who pray. They also tell their experiences; and sometimes the gatherings partake of the nature of class meetings; but they are usually for prayers exclusively. They do not pray for Jeff. Davis.
Many separate circles for prayer are formed at the same time. The persons attending number generally from one hundred to five hundred or a thousand.
The demand of the prisoners for religious and other books is constant. The officers say there are more calls for Bibles and prayer books than for all other kinds of reading together. The devotional spirit of the rebels is supposed to be strengthened by their confinement.
The rebels are now exceedingly quiet and well behaved; and the facts as to the number of men actually required to manage them, would, if published, occasion general surprise. J.M.
These ten thousand rebels, it is fair to assume, are an average specimen of the people whom the represent; and this is the people, six millions in number, whom the abolition philanthropists and hypocritical pietists of the North would fain teach us to hate, to subjugate, to anaihilate, in a mad crusade looking to the "freedom" of three millions of negroes! This is the people—not "boys and old men" as Gen. Seymour represents, but good physical specimens of the race with scarcely with any under twenty or over forty-five, as we are assured by a Republican physician who has spent several days at Elmira—this is the people whom our "rulers" presume to say must not only sue us for peace but before doing so fall on their knees in abject submission to "the abandonment of slavery!" Let those who are infatuated with the notion that this people, our brothers, our peers, will ever submit to such degrading terms—that they will ever, though we were ten times their number, permit any pause that does not embrace a full recognition of equality under the written bond of the constitution, or that is not tempered with a forgiving and fraternal spirit, make a visit to Elmira, and if permission can be obtained mingle with the ten thousand. They will there learn more in one short hour of the living material of the rebellion than they could glean in a life time by reading the Tribunes and listening to the Beechers of the day.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 29, 1864, p. 2
Some of the copperhead women who have joined in the disgusting exhibitions of slobbering sympathy for rebel prisoners on their arrival here, has taken the trouble to write a letter to the Rochester Union slobbering some more about our comments on their conduct.—[Elmira Advertiser]
The lady who wrote the communication referred to by the Advertiser is a resident of this city, and is just what she signs herself, the "wife and mother of a Union soldier." She has a husband and a son in the Federal army. And we have now a proposition to make to the Elmira Advertiser, "or any other man;" and it is this: we will wager $100 against a like sum put up by the Advertiser or its backers, that the lady who wrote the communication is what she claims to be—the $200 to go to her benefit as a needy soldiers wife and mother, and we will furnish proof conclusive or forfeit the $100. And we will wager another hundred that the editor aforesaid dare not tell the lady that she is a copperhead. Either wager may be taken separately. Now let us see what answer the Advertiser will make. If he believed what he said when he wrote the sentence above quoted he will back it up. If he does not he will back down and sneak out.
So the Democrat this morning says:
Hereabouts it is not believed that the letter was written by a woman at all, or that it came from Elmira.
To the Democrat or anybody "hereabout" the above bet is open, and we will produce such proof as will satisfy any fair-minded member of the Lincoln party that we state is true. Now "put up or dry up."
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 29, 1864, p. 2
THE 54TH AT ELMIRA—The Elmira Gazette alluded to the 54th and Newman's Band as follows:
The Band of the 54th Regiment, N.G.N.Y.S., went out on Wednesday evening and discoursed most pleasant music to out citizens. They called at the residence of Major Diven, after they visited the Brainard House and serenaded Col. Eastman. The particular occasion of the turnout of the Band was the arrival of their Col.—Chas. H. Clark—who has just taken command of his regiment since they arrived here. The 54th is one of the best regiments we have in Elmira, and they are making troops of friends during their stay here. Long may it wave.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 29, 1864, p. 2
PROMOTIONS IN THE 54TH—Vacancies have recently been in part filled in the 54th at Elmira.Elmira
Ald. Warren resigned the first Lieutenancy of the Dragoons and second Lieutenant Rosenthal was promoted to the place. Sergeant J. Van Voorhis was made second lieutenant.
Capt. Sellinger having been made Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant Baetzel was made captain of Co. D., and second Lieutenant M. Sellinger was made first Lieutenant and Thomas Ruff, second do.
Captain Westcott, of Co. F., having been made Major, Lieutenant Sawtelle was made Captain, second Lieutenant Robins was made first Lieutenant, and F. Chaffey, second Lieutenant.
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Rochester, NY Union & Advertiser: August 30, 1864, p. 2
CO. H 54TH REGIMENT—Among the elections which recently took place in the 54th Regiment was one in Co. H. Lieut. Alfred E. Hoyt was elected Captain in place of W. T. Kennedy, resigned. James Hazen was chosen Second Lieutenant to fill a vacancy.
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