
Monday, December 10, 2012

Deeds for Property Purchased by Patrick M. Eagan

In the New York Land Records mentioned in a previous post, I have found actual deeds for two pieces of property purchased by my great-grandfather, Patrick M. Eagan, in 1871 and 1872. Both pieces of property were in Rochester's 3rd Ward in the Atkinson Street area.

The first piece of property was purchased in 1871 from the estate of John D. Lyons and the property described as lots 141 and 142 of the Gurber Tract was at the northeast corner of Adams and Prospect Streets.  Note in the deed that Patrick purchased the two lots for $2,700.
Deed for lots purchased in 1871

The other property was purchased in 1872 from Elizabeth Thomas and the property was I believe located at the northeast corner of Atkinson and Prospect Streets. This property was purchased for $4,700.
Deed for lots purchased in 1872
UPDATE: The description for the second piece of property is incorrect. From the deed we see that it is Lots 44 and 45 in the Babbitt Tract. From the Rochester Plat Book we find that these two lots are numbers 108 and 110 Atkinson Street, residences of the Eagans.

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